Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ep 10

Scene 1: ADTEO - main offices, Josh, Ess.

Josh: Every year, Ess.

Ess: This year is different.

Josh: This year is the same.

Ess: No, it’s different. You want to know why it’s different?

Josh: Do you want to tell me?

Ess: This year I have a costume.

Josh: So you’re ready?

Ess: I’m ready.

Josh: Who?

Ess: What?

Josh: Of whom is the costume? Notice the change from ‘who’ to ‘whom?’

Ess: Guess.

Josh: Okay, I’m guessing you did, but don’t want to say.

Ess: Guess the costume.

Josh: Did you notice the change?

Ess: Yes, Josh, I noticed.

Josh: Not a lot of guys would have made that change.

Ess: I think you’re wrong, and, incidentally, boring.

Josh: Scarlet O’Hara.

Ess: No.

Josh: Buffy Summers.

Ess: No- how would you dress up-

Josh: Blonde wig, a stake.

Ess: A steak?

Josh: A piece of wood, not a barbequed sirloin.

Ess: No.

Josh: Cerberus, Guardian of Hades.

Ess: Be serious.

Josh: I shall not.

Ess: Fine, then. You’ll just have to wait until the party, (Josh begins to speak) and shut up.

Josh: John Goodman.

Ess: I’m done talking to you.

Josh: Because you are daunted by my superior grasp of the English language?

Ess: Not talking, and, whatever.

Josh: Alec will talk to-

Alec (off-screen): Josh!

Josh: See?

Alec: You’re not going to believe this.

Josh: Ess wants to have a Halloween party.

Alec: Again?

Ess: We’ve never had one before.

Alec: We have one every year.

Ess: No, we try to have one every year, but it never works.

Alec: ‘Cause you never get a costume.

Ess: I have one this year.

Alec: Psylocke?

Ess: And now I’m not talking to you, either.

Alec (to Josh): Listen, Mac Tanner was on the news last night.

Josh: Mac Tanner is always on the news. He’s like the anchor of CBN.

Alec: He named Gerrard by… name.

Josh (to Ess): Did ya’ hear that?

Ess rolls her eyes.

Alec: How come you’re not upset over this?

Josh: That sentence structure?

Alec: Tanner is on network television, trashing our boss.

Josh: He’s a hack, and everyone knows he’s a hack.

Alec: Well, clearly not everyone, since he keeps getting gigs.

Josh: He names a different officer every week. No one cares.

Alec: ‘I care.’ (to Ess) Luke Skywalker, A New Hope.

Ess: I know you’d expect me to be impressed, but I’m oddly not.

Alec: Well, give it a minute. (beat/ to Josh) You really don’t care?

Josh: I really don’t.

Alec: I would have thought you more loyal.

Josh: Give it a rest.

Alec (to Ess): What about you?

Ess: You’re going to think it’s cool.

Alec: I’m sorry?

Ess: My costume.

Alec (beat): Okay.

Ess: You want to know what it is?

Alec: Sure.

Ess: Guess.

Alec: I really didn’t care that much. (to Josh) I’m going to talk to Gerrard.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: I’m going to tell him that at least one of us has his back.

Caelyn enters.

Josh: He’s not going to care.

Caelyn: Did you get it?

Ess: I did!

Caelyn: Josh, we’re having a Halloween party.

Josh: Are you?

Caelyn: Yes. It will be fun.

Josh: Okay.

Ess: I already have a costume.

Caelyn: She already has a costume.

Josh: I know.

Caelyn: We need party snacks and decorations.

Ess: And everyone needs a costume.

Josh: Please stop.

Caelyn: This is exciting.

Alec: Is that what it is?

Ess: You have to buy a costume?

Alec: You mean I can’t just cut holes in my pillow case?

Ess: We’re thinking of inviting people.

Alec: You don’t know any other people.

Ess: I know people.

Josh: Invite whomever you want. See, there I go again with the ‘whom.’

Ess: I sit here unmoved.

Josh: Only because you’re a cultural wasteland.

Ess: And that makes sense.

Caelyn: What did I miss?

Ess: Josh is in love with his ability to conjugate verbs.

Josh: Do you even know what that means?

Ess: I know I have a costume that will knock your socks off.

Josh: Napoleon Dynamite?

Ess: Referencing obscure fiction went over real well with Amy, did it?

Alec: It’s not obscure.

Josh: Amy liked my quirks.

Ess: Yet still left you at the altar.

Josh: Never said she liked me.

Fade out. End Scene 1.

Scene 2: ADTEO - Alec, Josh, Ess, Caelyn.

Caelyn (suddenly giggles/ everyone looks up at her): Sorry. (beat) I was just picturing Ess as Napoleon Dynamite.

Ess: Well, stop it.

Caelyn: That nice, burgundy suit.

Josh and Alec laugh. Gerrard enters.

Gerrard: What’s the joke?

Alec: Ess is dressing as Napoleon Dynamite for Halloween.

Gerrard (beat): Isn’t that what she is every year?

Ess: I never dress up! This is the first time!

Gerrard: Oh. I’ll be in my office.

Alec: Gerrard.

Gerrard: Yeah?

Josh: Don’t.

Alec: Mac Tanner-

Josh: Dude.

Alec: Mac Tanner was on ABC news last night railing against ADTE policy. He named you.

Gerrard: Okay. (turns toward his office)

Alec: Boss, you want us to-

Gerrard turns and looks at him, waiting patiently and curiously.

Alec (beat): - take him out?

Gerrard: Take him out?

Alec: Or something.

Gerrard (laughs): Stop watching Mac Tanner on TV, Alec. (enters his office)

Josh: It’s almost as if I’m clairvoyant.

Alec: You can’t spell clairvoyant.

Josh: No one can spell clairvoyant.

Caelyn: I’m going out.

Josh: You just got here.

Caelyn: I’m going to buy a pumpkin.

Josh: We actually pay you to work here.

Caelyn: Maybe more than one pumpkin.

Josh: We pay you quite a lot.

Caelyn: My own little insincere pumpkin patch.

Ess: I’ll go with you.

Caelyn: Okay. (they exit)

Josh and Alec exchange a glance.

Alec: Breakfast?

Josh: Sure.

They exit.

Shift- Late night, ADTEO, Main Offices. Josh, Ess, Luke, Janie, Caelyn. They are all busy, talking on the phones and other activities. Frantic atmosphere.

Josh (walks out of his office): Janie!

Janie: I’m right here.

Josh: Get me the chief back. Luke?

Luke (with a phone, on hold): Still nothing.

Josh: Okay.

Janie: Chief Minon, line 3.

Josh goes into his office. Shift inside.

Josh (picks up phone): Chief, this is Moritz again. (pause) I understand, but I honestly don’t care. (pause) Yeah, well, it’s not your call. Put him on the phone. (pause) Because if you don’t, I’ll have your badge within the hour. (pause) Excellent. (hangs up/walks back out to main offices)


Josh: Janie, Alec’s going to be-

Janie’s phone rings.

Janie: Alec? (slight pause) Right here. (hands phone to Josh)

Josh (into phone): You okay? (pause) Well, yeah. Was it clean? (pause)

Luke: Josh! The Director is issuing the order as we speak.

Josh (into phone): Alright, they’re bringing you out. (pause) What’s his name? (pause) Caelyn, find everything you can on Jett Terrance.

Caelyn nods.

Josh (into phone): We’ll talk when you get back. (hangs up)

Luke’s phone rings.

Luke (into phone): Sorrason. (long pause) Thank you. (hangs up) The Director’s office is having the county cops bring Alec to the nearest airport. He should be arriving at ADTE’s airbase by 0400.

Josh: Good. Good work, Luke.

Caelyn: Josh?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Jett Mathias Terrance, son of former senator Lincoln Terrance, graduated from Ohio State last year. He’s been working in anti-cleansing organizations for the last six. Both CIA and ADTE have files on him, and there is unconfirmed suspicion that he helped orchestrate the violent riot at Cleveland.

Josh: ADTE interference?

Caelyn: Multiple, but never severe.

Ess: Did he say it was clean?

Josh: Yeah, it was clean.

Ess: So he’s going to be okay, then, right?

Josh: Yeah. Might get ugly if the senator starts spinning it. Caelyn, find his voting records in regards to-

Caelyn: Already did. Apparently, he and his son don’t see eye-to-eye politically.

Josh: Okay. Well, let’s hope we don’t have to talk about that again.

Kevin comes out of Gerrard’s office.

Kevin: Josh.

Josh (nods): Ess.

Ess looks surprised but follows him into Gerrard’s office.

Shift - Gerrard’s office.

Gerrard: You get him back?

Josh: I’ll pick him up at the airfield in a few hours.

Gerrard: Good. I’ve been speaking with a very angry senator.

Josh: You knew who got hit?

Gerrard: Not until the senator called.

Josh: Alec said it was clean.

Gerrard: I’m sure it was, but we’ll have to verify it.

Josh: Yeah.

Ess (quietly): What happened?

Gerrard: I’m sorry?

Ess: What happened, exactly?

Kevin: Alec was hunting two hostiles on the outskirts of Chicago. Apparently, Mr. Terrance has himself a tracking device, and was waiting for ADTE arrival. The body count is two dead hostiles, and Mr. Terrance remains in critical condition.

Ess: He tried to save the ghouls?

Gerrard: Most likely. It’s what the anti-cleansing crowd does.

Ess: So… why would Alec even be arrested?

Gerrard: He shouldn’t have been, but the boy was smart enough not to cause any more trouble. Legally, we could close down the entire police department for interference, but that would be overkill, I think.

Josh: Just a bit.

Gerrard: You talked to the Chief?

Josh: Yeah.

Gerrard: Talk to him again.

Josh: Put fear in him?

Gerrard (smiles slightly): Just a bit.

Josh nods, and he opens the door for Ess. They exit.

Shift - main offices.

Josh: Janie, get me the chief one more time.

Janie: Okay, but he really doesn’t like you.

Josh: I don’t much like him either.

Janie: Line 2.

Josh: It was three last time.

Janie: Cool.

Josh: Okay.

Fade out. End Scene 2.

Scene 3: Ess and Caelyn’s apartment. Ess opens the door (she is dressed as Aeris). Luke and Adriana are there (Luke is dressed as Antonio Banderas and Adriana is dressed as Selma Hayek from Desperado).

Ess (cheerfully): Come in!

Luke: Ess, this is Adriana.

Adriana (smiling): I think we’ve met before.

Ess: In the lobby a few times. I’m so glad you could make it.

Adriana: I love your costume.

Ess: Thank you!

Adriana: I was going to go with a whole Cinderella thing, but Luke wanted to match.

Ess: You guys look really nice together.

Shift -kitchen: Josh and Caelyn. (Josh is dressed as Alucard from Hellsing, Caelyn as Sarah Connor from Terminator 2)

Caelyn: Who are you supposed to be?

Josh: Alucard.

Caelyn: I don’t know who that is.

Josh: From Hellsing.

Caelyn: Oh, Alucard from Hellsing.

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Who is that?

Josh: Forget it.

Caelyn: ‘Cause he looks awfully European.

Josh: Ouch.

Caelyn: You know who I am?

Josh: You’re Caelyn.

Caelyn: Josh.

Josh: That’s a costume?

Caelyn: You think I just dress like th- of course this is a costume!

Josh: Okay.

Caelyn: Here. (picks up a large model automatic rifle and puts on sunglasses)

Josh (beat): That’s kind of hot.

Caelyn (giggles): I’m Sarah Connor, from Terminator.

Josh: I know.

Caelyn: Who are you, again?

Josh: Alucard.

Caelyn: Is he a bad guy?

Josh: Sort of.

Caelyn: Because he looks ridiculous.

Josh: That’s how awesome he is. He can get away dressing like this.

Caelyn: Sarah Connor could take him.

Josh: She really couldn’t.

Caelyn: You see this gun?

Josh: I’m an immortal vampire.

Caelyn (beat): So, then, a draw?

Josh: You have no chance, Heaton.

Caelyn (laughs/beat): You think I’m hot?

Josh: Usually.

Caelyn: Are you flirting with me, Josh?

Josh (airily): It’s what I do.

Shift - Alec enters apartment. Ess immediately pulls him aside.

Ess: Alec.

Alec: What?

Ess: You can’t do this, Alec.

Alec: Do what?

Ess: Use this as an excuse to be despondent.

Alec: Use what?

Ess: Alec.

Alec: Ess, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Ess: I’m talking about Jett Terrance.

Alec: You think I’m despondent about Terrance?

Ess: Yes.

Alec: I’m not.

Ess: I think you are.

Alec: Okay, but I’m not.

Ess: Then why aren’t you in costume?

Alec: How do you get from-

Ess: If you weren’t depressed, you’d have worn a costume.

Alec: I’m wearing a costume!

Ess: What?

Alec: This is my costume.

Ess: You’re wearing a sweater.

Alec: I’m Bob Saget.

Ess (beat): Who?

Alec (looks at her in disbelief): Josh!

Shift - Gerrard and Melanie (attractive woman in her early forties) are in Gerrard’s office.

Melanie: I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. Agent Wright’s decision saved lives, not only his own.

Gerrard: Verification?

Melanie: Before midnight, I’d expect.

Gerrard (smiles): Excellent. Thank you, Ms. Park.

Melanie: Call me Melanie.

Gerrard (nods): Well, I certainly appreciate your work on this matter.

Melanie (smiles): It’s my job, Commander Sully.

Gerrard: No, you can’t do that.

Melanie (laughs slightly): Gerrard.

Gerrard (beat): Would you like to go get some coffee? Or, you know, pie?

Melanie (surprised): You take all lawyers who come into your office to coffee?

Gerrard: Just the good ones.

Melanie (smiles/nods): Coffee sounds nice.

Shift - Kitchen: Luke, Ess, and Caelyn.

Ess: So?

Luke: So, what?

Caelyn: She seems nice.

Luke: That’s why you asked me to come in here?

Ess: Of course.

Luke: You said you needed help bringing out the food.

Caelyn: And you’re gullible.

Luke (sighs): She is nice.

Alec (comes in and grabs a glass, starts filling it with water): I like her costume.

Ess: You what?

Alec (beat): I don’t like her costume. Ew.

Ess: Shut up.

Alec: I like your costume.

Ess: It’s better than Bill Saget.

Alec: Bob… Bob Saget. (he exits)

Caelyn: What are her hobbies?

Luke: She likes hockey.

Caelyn: Yeah? Hockey is good.

Luke: I’m glad you think so.

Ess: Does she have family?

Luke: I’m not sure leaving her out there with Josh and Alec is such a smart idea.

Ess: Does she have family?

Luke: Yeah, a big one.

Caelyn: Have you met any of them?

Luke: What is this?

Caelyn: We’re showing interest.

Luke: Why?

Caelyn: Because we’re interested.

Shift - Apartment living room. Adriana is showing Josh how to roll his tongue.

Adriana: No, like this.

Josh: This?

Adriana: No. You know, you’re like the only person ever who can’t do it.

Josh: Well, I don’t think that data is very accurate.

Adriana: My three-year old nephew can do it.

Alec: Is that a big deal where you come from?

Adriana: I’m just saying.

Alec: Why isn’t the food ready yet?

Josh: The girls are probably busy playing ‘Truth or Dare.’

Alec: I find myself feeling less and less that you know anything about women.

Adriana: I’ll go check.

Alec: Me too.

Josh: Is this a bonding thing?

Alec: Shut up.

The three of them get up and go into the kitchen.

Alec: We need food.

Caelyn (throws him a bag of chips): Here.

Alec (beat): Cool. (walks out)

Adriana: What’s up?

Luke: They don’t think I’m good enough for you.

Caelyn: He really isn’t.

Adriana (laughs/to Luke): I think you’re alright.

Ess: That won’t last.

Luke: They’re kind of like harpies.

Caelyn: And that’s the extent of his winning charm.

Josh: How’s your boyfriend, Caelyn?

Caelyn: What?

Josh: Ooh, yeah, I keep forgetting. You don’t have one. (Caelyn raises her eyebrows in humored surprise) (to Ess) And aren’t you dating Alec?

Ess: Yeah, okay. I shouldn’t be talking.

Josh: Really shouldn’t.

Caelyn: I could have a boyfriend, if I wanted one.

Josh: Uh huh.

Caelyn: I could.

Adriana: You could.

Josh (to Luke): Women.

Luke: Yeah.

Ess: Hey, Josh.

Josh: No, I will not make out with you.

Ess: Shut up.

Josh: ‘Kay.

Ess: Is Alec okay?

Josh: With the thing?

Ess: Yeah.

Josh: He’s fine.

Ess: You sure.

Josh: Yeah. He’s fine.

Ess: He seems a little distant.

Josh: He’s tired. Don’t worry about it.

Ess: I find myself unable to help it.

Josh: ‘cause you’re in love.

Ess: Seriously, shut up. (to the others) I’m going to go watch movies with my boyfriend. If you’re not out there, you don’t get a say in what we watch.

Josh: If you put in Pride and Prejudice, we’re all going to go home.

Adriana: I love that movie!

Josh: Luke, I hate to say it, but you’re too good for her.

Caelyn hits his shoulder.

Josh: You hit like a girl.

Caelyn: Always funny, Josh.

Josh: I know.

Ess and Adriana and Luke file out.

Josh: How does it feel to be the sixth wheel?

Caelyn: What?

Josh: The sixth wheel. I just wanted to let you know you don’t need to feel uncomfortable.

Caelyn (laughs): Okay. (beat) You really think I can’t get a boyfriend?

Josh: I call ‘em as I see ‘em.

Caelyn: I can get any guy I want.

Josh: Sure.

Caelyn: I like my life right now, is all. I’m happy with my job, and my friends, and I don’t feel I need to change it.

Josh: I know. I feel the same way.

Caelyn: No, it’s different with you. Your fiancée left you, and now you’re gun-shy.

Josh (laughs): Okay.

Caelyn (grins): I’m kidding.

Josh: I know.

Caelyn: I really could have a boyfriend.

Josh: Yeah, whatever.

They exit the kitchen. Shift to living room.

Josh: Alec, come here a minute.

Ess: Josh, we’re gonna watch the movie now.

Josh: Just a minute.

Alec and Josh enter kitchen. Shift to kitchen.

Josh: Hey.

Alec: Hey.

Josh: Ess is worried about you.

Alec: Yeah, she shouldn’t be.

Josh: I told her that.

Alec: Good.

Josh: I told her you were fine, and that she shouldn’t be worried.

Alec (nods): Good.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: That’s it?

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: Okay. (starts to exit)

Josh: Alec.

Alec: Yeah?

Josh: Are you okay?

Alec (smiles slightly): I’m fine, Josh.

Josh (nods): Okay.

They walk back out.

Ess: All set?

Alec: Yeah.

Ess: Is everything okay?

Josh: Stop worrying?

Ess: I’m not worrying.

Josh: You are fretful and anxious.

Ess: That doesn’t make you look smart.

Josh: Yeah, it does.

Alec: Watch the movie.

Josh’s phone rings.

Josh (on cell): Moritz.

Ess: I can worry about my boyfriend.

Alec: Watch the movie.

Adriana: What’s going on?

Luke: Nothing.

Alec: Thank you.

Ess: Alec is hurting inside.

Alec: I am not hurting- would you watch the movie?

Adriana: What happened?

Alec: I shot somebody, and Ess thinks I am suffering under the emotional burden of that act.

Ess: See? It’s a burden.

Josh hangs up.

Caelyn: Who was that?

Josh: No one.

Caelyn: Was it the Scarlet Pimpernel, asking for his clothes back?

Josh: That’s funny.

Caelyn: I’m a funny girl.

Alec: Josh.

Josh: You’re a funny girl, too.

Alec: Josh.

Josh: Watch the movie.

Alec: Josh.

Josh (beat/sighs): Jett Terrance died about an hour ago.

Alec looks at him for a moment, then nods slowly. Everyone is quiet. Fade out. End Scene 3.

Scene 4: ADTEO, Gerrard’s office - Josh, Alec, Luke, Gerrard.

Alec: I’m not saying permanent, I’m just saying-

Gerrard: And I’m saying no.

Josh: You didn’t do anything wrong.

Alec: I know I didn’t.

Josh: Then act like it.

Alec (to Gerrard): For ADTE.

Gerrard: ADTE can do with your martyrdom.

Alec: Only for a few weeks. Something on my record.

Gerrard: We are not going into the business of apologizing for doing what we have to! You understand me?

Alec: For P.R.!

Josh: We’re done here.

Alec: Josh-

Josh: We’re done.

Alec looks at him for a moment, then exits. Luke follows.

Gerrard: Don’t let him get to you.

Josh: He should know better.

Gerrard: It’s different when you’re the guy.

Josh: I sick of these people, Gerrard. I’m sick of them balking every time we make a choice.

Gerrard: People always cry, Josh.

Josh (nods slowly/beat): How are you with the… you know?

Gerrard: Don’t worry about it.

Josh (nods): Okay. I’m going out there, unless you need something.

Gerrard: Yeah, well, I do need to ask you something.

Josh: Sure.

Gerrard: You know Melanie Park?

Josh: From legal?

Gerrard: Yeah.

Josh: We’ve met a few times. She knows what she’s doing.

Gerrard: Yeah.

Josh (beat): Is that what you wanted to ask me?

Gerrard: What? Yeah. Okay; keep Alec’s head in the game, alright? Last thing we need is for him to do something stupid.

Josh: Yeah. Why did you ask me about Ms. Park?

Gerrard: Nothing. We, uh… we had coffee last night. She does seem to know what she’s doing.

Josh (looks at him oddly): Okay.

Gerrard: Let me know what mission you pick up.

Josh: Always. (begins to exit, turns around) No, you’re not.

Gerrard: I’m sorry?

Josh: Too old. You’re not.

Gerrard: Get out.

Josh: You bet. (exits)

Gerrard smiles a little.

Shift - Main offices. Josh enters.

Josh: Anything good, Janie?

Janie: There’s some kind of activity in Brazil that State is starting to lean on us to take care of.

Josh: What kind of activity?

Janie: Unconfirmed, officially, but the locals call it Xolotl.

Josh: Ah, the devil chicken.

Janie: Um, no, it’s the Aztec god of the dead.

Josh: How come no one ever sends us reports of El Pollo Diablo?

Janie: You want me to go on, or are you going to be crazy for a little while?

Caelyn grins.

Josh: Go ahead.

Janie: The Richmond-Davis Sub-Surface Research Facility-

Josh (to Caelyn): That means it’s underwater.

Caelyn gives him a withering look.

Janie: - is infested. Charlie is going to pick it up within the hour, so if you want it, we have to go now.

Josh: Let them have it.

Caelyn: Is that because you’re scared to go underwater?

Josh: Yes.

Caelyn: Is that because you’re still a little boy on the inside?

Josh: Remember that time you shot me?

Caelyn: Fondly.

Josh: Whatever.

Janie: And then we have your average across nests and things. There are two in close proximity along the Alaskan border.

Luke: I don’t want to go to Alaska.

Josh: That leaves Brazil’s devil chicken.

Luke: Sounds good.

Josh: Call Kevin, have him set it up with Foreign Affairs. (Caelyn gets up and exits via hallway)

Janie: Okay. (Josh follows Caelyn)

Shift to hallway- Josh and Caelyn are walking to the print station.

Josh: Caelyn.

Caelyn: Well, hey there, Josh.

Josh: Hey.

Caelyn: Did you know that starfish don’t have brains?

Josh: I did.

Caelyn: Well, clearly there is nothing I can’t teach you then.

Josh: That was your best shot?

Caelyn: Yes, and you ruined it. You leave me with nothing, Josh.

Josh: Okay. Where is Hadassah?

Caelyn: She wasn’t feeling well, so she might not be in for awhile.

Josh: She might not be in?

Caelyn: Yes.

Josh: You just forgot to tell me?

Caelyn: Yes.

Josh: You don’t think that’s something you should tell me right away?

Caelyn: I chose to tell you about the starfish.

Josh: I already knew about the starfish.

Caelyn: Now I know that.

Josh: Is it because she went out and got plastered after we all left?

Caelyn: Who?

Josh: Flannery O’Connor- Ess, who do you think?

Caelyn: No.

Josh: ‘Cause I’ve heard rumors.

Caelyn: You mustn’t believe everything you hear, Josh.

Josh: Call her and find out if she’s coming to Brazil or not.

Caelyn: Okay.

Josh: Thanks.

Caelyn: Josh.

Josh: Yeah?

Caelyn: Did you know that ostriches eat rocks to help them digest their food?

Josh: Yes.

Caelyn: You did not.

Josh: Everyone knows that.

Caelyn: Really?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: So you feel the need to lord your superior grasp of trivia over me?

Josh: I didn’t-

Caelyn: I’m going to make copies of this now, unless you want to mock me some more.

Josh: Well, I do, but I have to go do work.

Caelyn: Yeah, you do that..

Josh: Don’t forget to call Ess.

Caelyn: Remember that time I shot you?

Josh: I’m leaving.

Shift - Main offices.

Luke: And the best part is, I don’t even think about Tanya anymore.

Alec: Yet still talk about her.

Luke: Only to say that I don’t think of her anymore.

Alec: Good.

Janie: Well, I liked her.

Luke: Tanya?

Janie: Adriana.

Alec: For crying out loud, Luke.

Luke: I thought she meant Tanya.

Janie: I’ve never met Tanya.

Luke: I didn’t say you were being logical about it.

Alec: Luke, I swear, if you mess this up because you can’t let go of some girl you dated over a year ago, I will have to… break your face or something.

Luke: Okay.

Alec: Any other reason is fine; just… let the library girl go!

Luke: She’s not a librari-

Alec: I don’t care! Shhhhhhhh.

Luke: Okay.

Alec looks at Janie in frustration and shakes his head. Ess enters via elevator, as Josh enters from hallway.

Alec: Hey, I heard you were sick.

Ess: I didn’t sleep well.

Josh: For future reference, Caelyn’s like a four-year-old, so don’t trust her with relaying messages.

Ess: Josh, did you get the message?

Josh: Well, yeah, but not until like four minutes ago.

Ess: You’ll live.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: Mac Tanner is calling for my head on CBN.

Josh: He wants to put your head on CBN?

Alec: No, Josh, he’s on CBN, calling-, shut up.

Ess: You got Gerrard’s name out of the news, at least.

Alec (snorts amusedly): Yeah.

Caelyn walks in.

Caelyn: Ess, are you coming to Brazil with us?

Ess: We’re going to Brazil?

Josh: To hunt the devil chicken.

Luke: El Pollo Diablo.

Ess: Are you kidding me?

Janie: They’re calling it Xolotl. We think it’s a behemoth.

Josh: Or a big chicken.

Ess (to Caelyn): One of those days?

Caelyn: Yeah. Hey, did you know that starfish don’t have brains?

Luke: What?

Ess: Everyone knows that.

Luke: Starfish don’t have brains?

Caelyn: Ha.

Alec: I’m feeling confused.

Josh: Women are weird.

Janie: I knew about starfish.

Luke: How do they live, then?

Caelyn: What?

Luke: If they don’t have brains, how do they live?

Caelyn (beat): You feel better about yourself now?

Josh laughs; Luke looks bewildered. Fade out. End Scene 4.

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