Scene 1: Josh’s office. Josh is on phone, Ess comes in.
Ess: Joshua.
Josh: Hey.
Ess: You busy?
Josh: I'm.. on the phone.
Ess: This will only be a minute.
Josh: 'kay.
Ess: I need you to sign off on my transfer to Ringo from the 7th to the 18th.
Josh (beat): What?
Ess: I need you to sign off on my transfer to Ringo for the next week and a half.
Josh: Is this a joke?
Ess: If it was a joke, I'd have said-
Josh: Ess.
Ess: Sorry.
Josh: What's going on?
Ess: Ringo's going to Israel.
Josh: Yeah?
Ess: They're short an officer because Davis is on his honeymoon.
Josh: And Marshe wants you?
Ess: I volunteered.
Josh (annoyed): Did you?
Ess: I did.
Josh: Why?
Ess: I want to go.
Josh: Really.
Ess: Yes.
Josh (shrugs): Sucks to be you.
Ess: Josh!
Josh: You work for Sierra. I'm not going to let Marshe or anyone else play general with my men.
Ess: But I'm okay with it.
Josh: I couldn't care less if you‘re okay with it.
Ess: You're being awfully cold about this.
Josh (sighs): You know this stuff makes me crazy.
Ess (beat/quietly): You have any idea how badly I want to see it? My grandfather can't even get in, and he lived there for forty-seven years. This... this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Please, Josh?
Josh: What did Gerrard say?
Ess: It's your call.
Josh: Is that what you're saying or did he-
Ess: That's what he said.
Josh: I'll need to talk with Marshe.
Ess: Okay.
Josh: I'm not saying anything. I don't like doing this.
Ess: I know. Thank you.
Josh: Yeah.
Ess (beat): You're still on hold?
Josh: I'm starting to wonder.
Ess: Okay. (exits his office/Josh continues to hold)
Shift - ADTEO lobby.
Caelyn: It's a little fast.
Luke: It is?
Caelyn: Yeah.
Luke: I disagree.
Caelyn: You don't think it's a little fast?
Luke: No. No, I don't.
Caelyn: Okay.
Luke: In fact, I think it's slow, if anything.
Caelyn: Really.
Luke: We click.
Caelyn: You click?
Luke: Yes.
Caelyn: Like those veiny-blue aliens on Star Trek?
Luke; What?
Caelyn: It takes more than clicking.
Luke: You don't even have a boyfriend.
Caelyn: I could.
Luke: You don't.
Caelyn: You're meeting her parents already. The next step is to become engaged.
Luke: Yeah, if this was 1937.
Caelyn: Okay.
Luke (beat): Maybe it is too fast.
Caelyn: I think so.
Luke (sighs): What am I doing?
Caelyn: I do not know.
Luke: Caelyn!
Caelyn: What are you mad at me for?
Luke: You could be... I don't know, supportive or something.
Caelyn: I don't want people to associate me with the chaos that is your relationship.
Luke: What?
Caelyn: I'm kidding.
Luke: What do I do?
Caelyn: I don't know.
Luke: Aren't you supposed to be a relationship guru or something?
Caelyn: Not really, no.
Luke: It shows.
They enter elevator. Shift.
Alec: I've found a hobby.
Josh: You did?
Alec: I did.
Josh: You didn't have one before?
Alec: A hobby?
Josh: Yeah.
Alec: No.
Josh: Okay.
Alec: Want to know what it is?
Josh: Not really.
Alec: That's okay.
Josh: 'cause you're going to tell me anyway.
Alec: That's right.
Josh: Okay.
Alec: Sailing.
Josh: Sailing?
Alec: Sailing. The wind on my face, the open water, serenity and freedom.
Josh: You haven't been out yet, have you?
Alec: Not exactly.
Josh: Do me a favor and let me know how that goes, alright?
Alec: Sure. What did Ess want?
Josh: She didn't tell you?
Alec: Tell me what?
Josh: You should probably ask her.
Alec: I'm asking you.
Josh: Yeah, well, stop it.
Alec: Josh.
Josh: What?
Alec: What's going on?
Josh (shrugs): Ask your girlfriend.
Alec (beat): Okay.
Josh: You have an instructor?
Alec: I'm sorry?
Josh: For the sailing.
Alec: Yeah, until I get the hang of it.
Josh: Good, because otherwise you’d mess it up.
Alec: Whatever.
Josh: Bows and ports every which way.
Alec: You know even less than I do.
Josh: Yeah.
Alec: Okay. I'm going to go to my desk.
Josh: Okay.
Shift. Gerrard enters ADTEO.
Janie: Secretary Torrie is in your office.
Gerrard: Really.
Janie: For about thirty-five minutes now.
Gerrard: You should have called me.
Janie: I did.
Gerrard: Yeah, my cell was off.
Janie: Yeah, it was, eve though we‘ve talked about that. You remember talking about that, don’t you, boss?
Gerrard: Leave me alone.
Janie: She’s still in there, by the way.
Gerrard: Okay.
Janie: I offered her something to drink.
Gerrard: Fine.
Janie (beat): Gerrard.
Gerrard: What?
Janie: How you doing?
Gerrard: Yeah. (goes into his office)
Shift to Gerrard's office.
Gerrard: Secretary.
Torrie: Commander.
Gerrard: I apologize for keeping you waiting.
Torrie: Yes.
Gerrard (slight beat): How can I help you?
Torrie: ADF has recently come into possession of information that confirms Nicholas Bonite has commissioned a terror cell within our borders. We have reason to believe that the surrogate leader is one Terry Raglin.
Gerrard: Bonite's nephew.
Torrie: Yes. ADF wants you to take Raglin out.
Gerrard: They want me-?
Torrie: Your team.
Gerrard: Because I'm getting a little old for that kind of thing.
Torrie: This isn't a joke.
Gerrard: I... didn't think it was.
Torrie: We'd like Moritz or Wright. Both, if you can spare it.
Gerrard: Wright doesn't do this anymore.
Torrie: Inter-department-?
Gerrard: Assassinations.
Torrie: Mortiz, then?
Gerrard: It's his call.
Torrie (annoyed): Of course.
Caelyn: Kevin?
Kevin: Just a second. (types something for a beat, then looks up) What can I do for you?
Caelyn: I have to go to Denmark next week.
Kevin: For the, uh-
Caelyn: Wilcomb-
Kevin: Wilcomb Initiative, yeah. Yeah, sorry about that, kiddo.
Caelyn: It’s okay. Part of the job.
Kevin I like your attitude.
Caelyn: Well, you have to be professional about these things.
Kevin: Yeah.
Caelyn: Won’t do to be unprofessional.
Kevin: What is it you need?
Caelyn: There’s just one problem with me going to Denmark.
Kevin: What’s wrong?
Caelyn: I don’t want to go to Denmark.
Kevin: Caelyn.
Caelyn: Don’t make me go.
Kevin: I have absolutely no say in these kinds of things.
Caelyn: You could go for me. Take your wife, make a vacation out of it.
Kevin: Vacation to Denmark?
Caelyn: You could visit a shoe factory.
Kevin: That’s the Netherlands.
Caelyn: What’s in Denmark?
Kevin: The Danish?
Caelyn: Yeah.
Kevin: I’d have a hard time convincing the missus on this one.
Caelyn (whining): Kevin.
Kevin: What happened to professional?
Caelyn (beat): I’m getting shipped to Denmark!
Kevin: Sorry. You drew the short straw on this one.
Caelyn (almost pouting): I don’t want to go to Denmark.
Kevin shrugs. Shift.
Alec: Hey.
Ess: Hey there.
Alec: What's going on?
Ess: I'm going down to Lucky's to get a cappuccino.
Alec: I mean with Josh.
Ess: What?
Alec: You know what I mean.
Ess: I don't.
Alec: I think you do.
Ess: Well… okay, but I don’t.
Alec: Ess.
Ess: What's going on with Josh?
Alec: I asked him what you two were talking about and he wouldn't tell me.
Ess: Ah, that.
Alec: He told me to talk to you.
Ess: Really?
Alec: Yeah.
Ess: He didn't tell you?
Alec: No.
Ess: Well, good for him.
Alec: Ess-
Ess: I asked to transfer over to Ringo for their operation to Israel.
Alec (beat): You're kidding.
Ess: Josh hasn't okayed it yet.
Alec: Why didn't you-
Ess: I wanted to, honey. I really did. I... kept chickening out.
Alec: You were scared?
Ess: Yeah, I figured you'd be against it, and get mad, and then we'd yell at each other.
Alec: That's... bleak.
Ess: Yeah.
Alec: So what, you were going to avoid me until the plane left?
Ess: I admit it was a long-shot.
Alec: Ess!
Ess: Sorry. I'm kidding. I was kidding. Look, I was going to tell you, but then I felt bad I hadn't told you earlier, and then it got later so I became more worried, and the tension kept building until every time saw you I was torn between the pressure to fall at your feet or to flee, and-
Alec: Okay.
Ess: What?
Alec: It's okay.
Ess: It’s okay?
Alec: I'm not mad.
Ess (skeptically): You're not?
Alec: No. I would have preferred that we could have talked about this together, but I understand how important seeing Israel is to you. I'm not going to try and talk you out of it. (beat) Although, you know that I think Marshe is a complete idiot.
Ess (laughs): Yeah.
Alec (smiles slightly): You want me to talk to Josh?
Ess (smiles for a moment, and then hugs him): You're such a good guy, Alec.
Alec (sighs): I know.
Shift - main offices.
Gerrard: Josh. (Josh goes into his office)
Josh: Secretary Torrie was here?
Gerrard: She was.
Josh: How's your blood pressure?
Gerrard: It's fine.
Josh: It's fine?
Gerrard: There aren't any problems with my blood pressure.
Josh: Because sometimes you get upset.
Gerrard: Not this time.
Josh (nods, beat): Been known to throw things.
Gerrard: Josh.
Josh: Sorry.
Gerrard (sighs): She wanted... Josh, there is no pressure on you to do this, from me especially.
Josh: Do what?
Gerrard: She wants you to make a hit.
Josh (beat): Really.
Gerrard: Listen to me, you don't have to do this, okay?
Josh: Who's the mark?
Gerrard: Josh-
Josh: It's okay. Who's the mark?
Gerrard: Bonite's nephew. Uh, Raglin. He's the head of a state-side cell.
Josh: Okay. (beat) Who's the back-up?
Gerrard: After you?
Josh: Yeah.
Gerrard: Lasham.
Josh: Lasham's new.
Gerrard: He'll be alright.
Josh: She asked for me?
Gerrard: And Alec.
Josh: Don't tell-
Gerrard: Yeah.
Josh: Okay. (beat) Tell her to send the specs.
Gerrard: Okay.
Shift - Alec and Caelyn.
Caelyn: Hey, Alec.
Alec: Hey, guess what?
Caelyn: What?
Alec: I’m not taking your place in Denmark!
Caelyn (acting offended): I wasn’t-
Alec: Yes, you were.
Caelyn: Yes, I was, and I think you should hear me out.
Alec: Watch them make shoes?
Caelyn: I get confused.
Alec: Yes.
Caelyn: It’s because I’m unstable.
Alec: Again, I’m not disagreeing.
Caelyn: Too unstable to go to Denmark.
Alec: If only you could do something to prove it, like wear a dress around the camp- no, wait.
Caelyn: That’s funny.
Alec: I’m hilarious.
Caelyn: Alec.
Alec: Sorry, but I can’t help.
Caelyn: Well, then, I guess we’re not as good of friends as I thought.
Alec (sighs, beat, then brightly): Guess not.
Caelyn: Alec!
Alec: Ess tell you she was going to Israel?
Caelyn: Of course. She tells me everything.
Alec: Really?
Caelyn: No. Yes. Maybe.
Alec: Quite the flake, aren’t you?
Caelyn: I don’t want to go to Denmark.
Alec: And I don’t want Ess to go to Israel. We all have to make sacrifices.
Caelyn: Well, of course you don’t.
Alec: Why do you say that?
Caelyn: You know.
Alec: No, why do you say that?
Caelyn: Because she and Marshe used to have a thing.
Alec (freezes, beat): What?
Caelyn: I’m kidding.
Alec: Caelyn!
Caelyn: Your face went (makes a face). It was funny.
Alec: You’re very cruel.
Caelyn: Denmark makes me so.
Alec: You haven’t even been there yet.
Caelyn: I’m anticipating.
Alec: Yeah.
Shift - Hallway, Ess and Luke.
Luke: Hey, you leaving us?
Ess: I'm trying.
Luke: Israel, huh?
Ess: Yeah.
Luke: My dad got in there once.
He couldn't go anywhere without an armed escort.
Ess: Do you know why Secretary Torrie was here?
Luke: I didn't know she was.
Ess: Yeah.
Luke: Did Gerrard blow a fuse?
Ess: People really still say that?
Luke: I'm bringing it back.
Ess: Does he ever?
Luke: Gerrard?
Ess: Yeah.
Luke: I hear things.
Ess: You hear things?
Luke: The Antares Incident.
Ess (beat): What?
Luke: The Antares Incident. Alec told me.
Ess: Alec made that up.
Luke: I don't think so.
Ess: Antares is a planet on Star Trek.
Luke (beat): Am I this gullible?
Ess: No. Luke: Really?
Ess: Yeah, you are.
Luke (sighs): Thanks.
Ess: Hey, Caelyn tells me that you're meeting Adriana's parents?
Luke: Yeah. (beat) She thinks it's too soon.
Ess: It's not.
Luke: Yeah?
Ess: Not at all.
Luke: Well, thank you, Ess. I appreciate you saying that.
Ess: How much did the ring cost you?
Luke (looks at her blankly): What?
Ess: The ring. You better not have skimped. She's only going to get one of these, you know.
Luke (beat): Is there any chance at all that you two are playing me right now?
Ess: A slight one.
Luke (beat, begins to walk away): 'kay.
Ess: If you guys haven't picked a band yet, I know some people.
Shift - Prep room. Josh is packing, Caelyn is there, sitting on a table.
Caelyn: One good thing- just one.
Josh (beat): It's the setting of Hamlet.
Caelyn: The setting of Hamlet?
Josh: Yeah, with, you know, Rosencrantz and friends. (beat) I think it's kind of cool.
Caelyn: Yeah, but you're a huge nerd.
Josh (agreeably): Yeah.
Caelyn: So where are you going?
Josh: Still can't tell you.
Caelyn: Really?
Josh: Really.
Caelyn: Can't or won't?
Josh: Either.
Caelyn: 'Cause you're a sissy?
Josh: Yeah.
Caelyn: You going to whack someone?
Josh: Could you ask that with any more glee?
Caelyn laughs.
Josh: There any Tylenol in there? My head is killing me.
Caelyn (opens drawer): Most people would have said something other than Rosencrantz.
Josh: Yeah, I'm weird that way.
Caelyn (throws him pills): I was kidding, before.
Josh: Most people would have said something other than Rosencrantz.
Caelyn: I mean about you making a hit. It was a joke.
Josh: Yeah.
Caelyn: I don't really think you'd do that.
Josh (tiny beat): Yeah.
Caelyn: You okay?
Josh: My head hurts.
Caelyn: It's probably from stress.
Josh: Why would I be under any stress?
Caelyn: Because you won't tell me the secret mission and it's building up inside.
Josh: No.
Caelyn: Could be.
Josh: It's not.
Caelyn: I'm saying it's possible.
Josh: I'm saying you're wrong, and, interestingly enough, giving me a headache.
Caelyn: Okay. (beat) I get anxious.
Josh (beat): About what?
Caelyn (shrugs uncomfortably): My friends. You're going somewhere that you say isn't dangerous, but you have enough firepower to take Maine. Ess is going away without any of us. (beat) Anyway. Sometimes I get anxious.
Josh (beat): You know, I could probably take Maine with a Beretta and my thumbs, so really- (Caelyn breathes a laugh) you know I wouldn't sign off on Ess' leaving if I wasn't absolutely certain-
Caelyn: Yeah, I know. (beat) Sorry; it's left over, I think.
Josh: It's okay.
Caelyn: So... where are you going?
Josh: You really want to know?
Caelyn: Don't taunt me, Josh.
Josh (grins): I'll see you when I get back.
Caelyn: Okay. I'll be here.
Josh: Me too. (exits)
Caelyn: Better be.
Fade out.
Scene 3: Gerrard's office, late. Josh looks in.
Gerrard: Josh. How'd it go?
Josh: Lovely.
Gerrard: Josh?
Josh: He's dead. (beat) It was a good shot.
Gerrard: Yeah?
Josh (distantly): One of a kind.
Gerrard: Well, good job, then. I'll finish things up with the department. You want the, uh, the same account?
Josh (looks confused for a slight beat): Yeah.
Gerrard: You okay?
Josh: My head hurts.
Gerrard: You look pale.
Josh: I'm always pale.
Gerrard: Yeah.
Josh (beat): Caelyn said something-... before I left, Caelyn said something to me. She jokingly asked if I was making a hit, then said she doesn't think of me like that.
Gerrard: That bothered you?
Josh: Well... yeah.
Gerrard: You'd rather she did think of you like that?
Josh: No. Well, I'd rather she... she knew who I was, and was okay with it.
Gerrard: Then tell her.
Josh: And then she isn't okay with it, and things get...
Gerrard: Awkward?
Josh: Yeah.
Gerrard (beat): Can I give you some advice?
Josh: Please.
Gerrard: Take tomorrow off.
Josh: That's your advice?
Gerrard: It's good advice.
Josh: No, it's not.
Gerrard: Okay.
Josh: I can't. I need to talk to Marshe.
Gerrard: I can talk to Marshe.
Josh: Yeah, that'd be fun. I'll see you in the morning.
Gerrard: Okay.
Shift - ADTEO, Gerrard's office, morning. Conference (everyone but Kevin, Janie, and Josh)
Gerrard: Good morning. Over the past month I have been receiving numerous complaints about my agents failing to meet their domestic and academic obligations. I know some of you see these duties as meaningless and I'm here to tell you to knock it off.
Alec: Can I just-
Gerrard: No. From now on, there will be no cancellations, and there will be no rescheduling. If you are assigned a lecture, a class, or a training day, you will attend, and you will represent Sierra well.
Ess raises her hand.
Gerrard: What?
Ess: Josh isn't actually here.
Gerrard (sighs): Yeah, I know.
Ess: I only mention it because-
Gerrard: Yeah.
Ess: -he's not very reliable.
Gerrard: He wasn't feeling well.
Alec: But you went ahead with your little lecture anyway?
Gerrard: Yes, Alec, I did.
Alec: Well, I admire your bravado.
Caelyn: Josh is your favorite, isn't he?
Gerrard: At the moment?
Shift- Main offices. Elevator opens, Josh exits.
Janie: You aren't supposed to come in today!
Josh: Why not?
Janie: You're not feeling well.
Josh: I'm feeling fine.
Janie: Except you're gravely ill.
Josh: Janie-
Janie (follows him into his office): The brink of death.
Josh: Can I help you?
Janie: Gerrard said-
Josh: I'm fine.
Janie: Then why are you late?
Josh: I had to talk to Commander Marshe.
Janie: You sure you didn't collapse in the parking lot?
Josh (beat): Maybe once.
Janie: Okay, you're going home.
Josh: That was a joke.
Gerrard enters from his office.
Gerrard: Go home.
Josh: I'm fine.
Gerrard: You don't look fine.
Josh: It's a... disguise.
Gerrard: You talk to Marshe?
Josh: Yeah.
Gerrard: Then go home.
Josh: Maybe later.
Gerrard (beat, calls into his office): You guys are done.
The others come in.
Ess: Look who shows up now.
Caelyn: How was your trip?
Josh: Quick.
Alec (to Luke): I hear you're getting married.
Luke: I'm not.
Alec: Ever?
Luke: No, I mean-
Alec: Oh, to Adriana.
Luke: That's... not exactly-
Alec: She seemed nice enough to me, but I'm sure you know best.
Luke: I hope you're having fun.
Alec: I am. (to Josh) Come here.
They move to a more private area.
Josh: What's up?
Alec: You should have told me.
Josh: About what?
Alec: I would have come with you.
Josh: I neither wanted nor needed you. (beat) To be there.
Alec: Doesn't matter. You should have told me.
Josh: Yeah, because I need an extra helping of guilt right now. How'd you find out?
Alec: It was in the channels.
Josh: Does Caelyn know?
Alec: I'm sorry?
Josh: Does (rubs his forehead)... does Caelyn know?
Alec (beat): I don't think so.
Josh: Okay. (sighs) You're out. I'd be no friend to pull you back in.
Alec: I thought you were out, too.
Josh (quietly): Yeah.
Alec: You okay?
Josh: Yeah. You know, my head....
Alec: You should go home.
Josh (laughs slightly): Listen, I'm going to sign off on Ess's transfer.
Alec (nods): You talked to Marshe?
Josh: Yeah. It's low-grade, routine for our guys. It'd be solo if it were in the states. (beat) She really wants this.
Alec: You tell her yet?
Josh: No. Can you do it for me?
Alec: Seriously?
Josh: Yeah.
Alec: You know that you're basically giving me a lot of goodwill that she would otherwise show to you?
Josh (laughs): Yeah.
Alec: Okay.
Josh: I have to talk to Caelyn, then I'm going get out of here.
Alec: 'Bout what?
Josh: What?
Alec: What do you have to talk to Caelyn about?
Josh: Nothing. Prior conversation... it got left hanging. Hey, how did sailing work out?
Alec: I’m still… I haven’t…- the boat looks nice.
Josh (beat): I have to talk to Caelyn now.
Alec: You going to tell her you love her?
Josh: Get out.
Alec (laughs): Get some rest, bro. (exits)
Josh: Caelyn!
Caelyn: Hey.
Josh: Hey.
Caelyn (beat): You okay, Josh?
Josh: Yeah. Yeah, sorry. Can we talk in my office?
Caelyn: Are you firing me?
Josh (laughs slightly): No.
Caelyn: Promoting me?
Shift to office as they enter.
Josh: Not exactly.
Caelyn: Do I still have to go to Denmark?
Josh: Yeah.
Caelyn: Well... okay. But this is sounding anti-climatic already.
Josh: I'm hoping. (shuts door) (long beat) I was making a hit. That's why the Secretary was here. She wanted me to take out a state-side terrorist, and I did.
Caelyn: Josh-
Josh: I'm that guy. I worked by specialized-contract before Gerrard hired me here. (beat) I am that kind of guy. (beat) I just... I didn't want to lie to you.
Caelyn (quietly/beat): Josh, did you think I'd condemn you for killing a terrorist?
Josh: No. I thought you might find me... repulsive. That's probably not the right word. (sighs) My head hurts.
Caelyn (walks over and gives him a hug): You're a good man.
Josh (sincerely, tiredly): Thank you.
Caelyn (holds on for a moment): You should go home.
Josh: Yeah.
Caelyn: Josh, it's very sweet that you were worried about what I would think.
Josh: I wasn't worried.
Caelyn (opens door): It was sweet.
Josh: Okay, but I wasn't worried.
Caelyn: Just a bit.
Josh (smiles, beat): I'm going home now.
Caelyn: Good.
Josh exits. She sits at her desk, and smiles after a moment. Fade out.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
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