Thursday, February 15, 2007


- Just my personal opinion. I don't like how serious Episode 1 is, and I rarely like anything I write that's dramatic. Episode 2 is easily one of my favorites. The beginning of 4 bugs me, like it's too juvenile and lacks smart humor, although I like it when Ess tries to make Alec laugh, and Josh's comment about the cabinet having it coming. I like the piece of dialogue I carry through 5 about the time loop. When I read it, I know it's not all that great, but I had a lot of fun writing this one. Whenever my characters argue about things pertaining to nerdom, I enjoy it. Be wary of a future Master Chief vs. Samus Aran discussion.

- Episode 6 is probably the one I'm most uncertain about. I like particular parts a lot, but the whole "on the field" section didn't flow very well, not did the armory part. It had to be done for the story, but I'd probably redo a good deal of this episode. I like 7 a lot, but I feel guilty resorting to the "poker night" cliche. Still, one of my favorites. I actually tried to use physcial humor in Episode 8 with Luke and the trash basket and stuff. It plays out humorously in my mind, anyway.

- Overall, I don't like the drama or the parts where their job is focused on. I'd rather they made comments about it that left it mysterious, and never fully explained most stuff, since it's not about the job.

Ep 11

Scene 1: Josh’s office. Josh is on phone, Ess comes in.

Ess: Joshua.

Josh: Hey.

Ess: You busy?

Josh: I'm.. on the phone.

Ess: This will only be a minute.

Josh: 'kay.

Ess: I need you to sign off on my transfer to Ringo from the 7th to the 18th.

Josh (beat): What?

Ess: I need you to sign off on my transfer to Ringo for the next week and a half.

Josh: Is this a joke?

Ess: If it was a joke, I'd have said-

Josh: Ess.

Ess: Sorry.

Josh: What's going on?

Ess: Ringo's going to Israel.

Josh: Yeah?

Ess: They're short an officer because Davis is on his honeymoon.

Josh: And Marshe wants you?

Ess: I volunteered.

Josh (annoyed): Did you?

Ess: I did.

Josh: Why?

Ess: I want to go.

Josh: Really.

Ess: Yes.

Josh (shrugs): Sucks to be you.

Ess: Josh!

Josh: You work for Sierra. I'm not going to let Marshe or anyone else play general with my men.

Ess: But I'm okay with it.

Josh: I couldn't care less if you‘re okay with it.

Ess: You're being awfully cold about this.

Josh (sighs): You know this stuff makes me crazy.

Ess (beat/quietly): You have any idea how badly I want to see it? My grandfather can't even get in, and he lived there for forty-seven years. This... this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Please, Josh?

Josh: What did Gerrard say?

Ess: It's your call.

Josh: Is that what you're saying or did he-

Ess: That's what he said.

Josh: I'll need to talk with Marshe.

Ess: Okay.

Josh: I'm not saying anything. I don't like doing this.

Ess: I know. Thank you.

Josh: Yeah.

Ess (beat): You're still on hold?

Josh: I'm starting to wonder.

Ess: Okay. (exits his office/Josh continues to hold)

Shift - ADTEO lobby.

Caelyn: It's a little fast.

Luke: It is?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Luke: I disagree.

Caelyn: You don't think it's a little fast?

Luke: No. No, I don't.

Caelyn: Okay.

Luke: In fact, I think it's slow, if anything.

Caelyn: Really.

Luke: We click.

Caelyn: You click?

Luke: Yes.

Caelyn: Like those veiny-blue aliens on Star Trek?

Luke; What?

Caelyn: It takes more than clicking.

Luke: You don't even have a boyfriend.

Caelyn: I could.

Luke: You don't.

Caelyn: You're meeting her parents already. The next step is to become engaged.

Luke: Yeah, if this was 1937.

Caelyn: Okay.

Luke (beat): Maybe it is too fast.

Caelyn: I think so.

Luke (sighs): What am I doing?

Caelyn: I do not know.

Luke: Caelyn!

Caelyn: What are you mad at me for?

Luke: You could be... I don't know, supportive or something.

Caelyn: I don't want people to associate me with the chaos that is your relationship.

Luke: What?

Caelyn: I'm kidding.

Luke: What do I do?

Caelyn: I don't know.

Luke: Aren't you supposed to be a relationship guru or something?

Caelyn: Not really, no.

Luke: It shows.

They enter elevator. Shift.

Alec: I've found a hobby.

Josh: You did?

Alec: I did.

Josh: You didn't have one before?

Alec: A hobby?

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: No.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: Want to know what it is?

Josh: Not really.

Alec: That's okay.

Josh: 'cause you're going to tell me anyway.

Alec: That's right.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: Sailing.

Josh: Sailing?

Alec: Sailing. The wind on my face, the open water, serenity and freedom.

Josh: You haven't been out yet, have you?

Alec: Not exactly.

Josh: Do me a favor and let me know how that goes, alright?

Alec: Sure. What did Ess want?

Josh: She didn't tell you?

Alec: Tell me what?

Josh: You should probably ask her.

Alec: I'm asking you.

Josh: Yeah, well, stop it.

Alec: Josh.

Josh: What?

Alec: What's going on?

Josh (shrugs): Ask your girlfriend.

Alec (beat): Okay.

Josh: You have an instructor?

Alec: I'm sorry?

Josh: For the sailing.

Alec: Yeah, until I get the hang of it.

Josh: Good, because otherwise you’d mess it up.

Alec: Whatever.

Josh: Bows and ports every which way.

Alec: You know even less than I do.

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: Okay. I'm going to go to my desk.

Josh: Okay.

Shift. Gerrard enters ADTEO.

Janie: Secretary Torrie is in your office.

Gerrard: Really.

Janie: For about thirty-five minutes now.

Gerrard: You should have called me.

Janie: I did.

Gerrard: Yeah, my cell was off.

Janie: Yeah, it was, eve though we‘ve talked about that. You remember talking about that, don’t you, boss?

Gerrard: Leave me alone.

Janie: She’s still in there, by the way.

Gerrard: Okay.

Janie: I offered her something to drink.

Gerrard: Fine.

Janie (beat): Gerrard.

Gerrard: What?

Janie: How you doing?

Gerrard: Yeah. (goes into his office)

Shift to Gerrard's office.

Gerrard: Secretary.

Torrie: Commander.

Gerrard: I apologize for keeping you waiting.

Torrie: Yes.

Gerrard (slight beat): How can I help you?

Torrie: ADF has recently come into possession of information that confirms Nicholas Bonite has commissioned a terror cell within our borders. We have reason to believe that the surrogate leader is one Terry Raglin.

Gerrard: Bonite's nephew.

Torrie: Yes. ADF wants you to take Raglin out.

Gerrard: They want me-?

Torrie: Your team.

Gerrard: Because I'm getting a little old for that kind of thing.

Torrie: This isn't a joke.

Gerrard: I... didn't think it was.

Torrie: We'd like Moritz or Wright. Both, if you can spare it.

Gerrard: Wright doesn't do this anymore.

Torrie: Inter-department-?

Gerrard: Assassinations.

Torrie: Mortiz, then?

Gerrard: It's his call.

Torrie (annoyed): Of course.


Caelyn: Kevin?

Kevin: Just a second. (types something for a beat, then looks up) What can I do for you?

Caelyn: I have to go to Denmark next week.

Kevin: For the, uh-

Caelyn: Wilcomb-

Kevin: Wilcomb Initiative, yeah. Yeah, sorry about that, kiddo.

Caelyn: It’s okay. Part of the job.

Kevin I like your attitude.

Caelyn: Well, you have to be professional about these things.

Kevin: Yeah.

Caelyn: Won’t do to be unprofessional.

Kevin: What is it you need?

Caelyn: There’s just one problem with me going to Denmark.

Kevin: What’s wrong?

Caelyn: I don’t want to go to Denmark.

Kevin: Caelyn.

Caelyn: Don’t make me go.

Kevin: I have absolutely no say in these kinds of things.

Caelyn: You could go for me. Take your wife, make a vacation out of it.

Kevin: Vacation to Denmark?

Caelyn: You could visit a shoe factory.

Kevin: That’s the Netherlands.

Caelyn: What’s in Denmark?

Kevin: The Danish?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Kevin: I’d have a hard time convincing the missus on this one.

Caelyn (whining): Kevin.

Kevin: What happened to professional?

Caelyn (beat): I’m getting shipped to Denmark!

Kevin: Sorry. You drew the short straw on this one.

Caelyn (almost pouting): I don’t want to go to Denmark.

Kevin shrugs. Shift.

Alec: Hey.

Ess: Hey there.

Alec: What's going on?

Ess: I'm going down to Lucky's to get a cappuccino.

Alec: I mean with Josh.

Ess: What?

Alec: You know what I mean.

Ess: I don't.

Alec: I think you do.

Ess: Well… okay, but I don’t.

Alec: Ess.

Ess: What's going on with Josh?

Alec: I asked him what you two were talking about and he wouldn't tell me.

Ess: Ah, that.

Alec: He told me to talk to you.

Ess: Really?

Alec: Yeah.

Ess: He didn't tell you?

Alec: No.

Ess: Well, good for him.

Alec: Ess-

Ess: I asked to transfer over to Ringo for their operation to Israel.

Alec (beat): You're kidding.

Ess: Josh hasn't okayed it yet.

Alec: Why didn't you-

Ess: I wanted to, honey. I really did. I... kept chickening out.

Alec: You were scared?

Ess: Yeah, I figured you'd be against it, and get mad, and then we'd yell at each other.

Alec: That's... bleak.

Ess: Yeah.

Alec: So what, you were going to avoid me until the plane left?

Ess: I admit it was a long-shot.

Alec: Ess!

Ess: Sorry. I'm kidding. I was kidding. Look, I was going to tell you, but then I felt bad I hadn't told you earlier, and then it got later so I became more worried, and the tension kept building until every time saw you I was torn between the pressure to fall at your feet or to flee, and-

Alec: Okay.

Ess: What?

Alec: It's okay.

Ess: It’s okay?

Alec: I'm not mad.

Ess (skeptically): You're not?

Alec: No. I would have preferred that we could have talked about this together, but I understand how important seeing Israel is to you. I'm not going to try and talk you out of it. (beat) Although, you know that I think Marshe is a complete idiot.

Ess (laughs): Yeah.

Alec (smiles slightly): You want me to talk to Josh?

Ess (smiles for a moment, and then hugs him): You're such a good guy, Alec.

Alec (sighs): I know.

Shift - main offices.

Gerrard: Josh. (Josh goes into his office)

Josh: Secretary Torrie was here?

Gerrard: She was.

Josh: How's your blood pressure?

Gerrard: It's fine.

Josh: It's fine?

Gerrard: There aren't any problems with my blood pressure.

Josh: Because sometimes you get upset.

Gerrard: Not this time.

Josh (nods, beat): Been known to throw things.

Gerrard: Josh.

Josh: Sorry.

Gerrard (sighs): She wanted... Josh, there is no pressure on you to do this, from me especially.

Josh: Do what?

Gerrard: She wants you to make a hit.

Josh (beat): Really.

Gerrard: Listen to me, you don't have to do this, okay?

Josh: Who's the mark?

Gerrard: Josh-

Josh: It's okay. Who's the mark?

Gerrard: Bonite's nephew. Uh, Raglin. He's the head of a state-side cell.

Josh: Okay. (beat) Who's the back-up?

Gerrard: After you?

Josh: Yeah.

Gerrard: Lasham.

Josh: Lasham's new.

Gerrard: He'll be alright.

Josh: She asked for me?

Gerrard: And Alec.

Josh: Don't tell-

Gerrard: Yeah.

Josh: Okay. (beat) Tell her to send the specs.

Gerrard: Okay.

Shift - Alec and Caelyn.

Caelyn: Hey, Alec.

Alec: Hey, guess what?

Caelyn: What?

Alec: I’m not taking your place in Denmark!

Caelyn (acting offended): I wasn’t-

Alec: Yes, you were.

Caelyn: Yes, I was, and I think you should hear me out.

Alec: Watch them make shoes?

Caelyn: I get confused.

Alec: Yes.

Caelyn: It’s because I’m unstable.

Alec: Again, I’m not disagreeing.

Caelyn: Too unstable to go to Denmark.

Alec: If only you could do something to prove it, like wear a dress around the camp- no, wait.

Caelyn: That’s funny.

Alec: I’m hilarious.

Caelyn: Alec.

Alec: Sorry, but I can’t help.

Caelyn: Well, then, I guess we’re not as good of friends as I thought.

Alec (sighs, beat, then brightly): Guess not.

Caelyn: Alec!

Alec: Ess tell you she was going to Israel?

Caelyn: Of course. She tells me everything.

Alec: Really?

Caelyn: No. Yes. Maybe.

Alec: Quite the flake, aren’t you?

Caelyn: I don’t want to go to Denmark.

Alec: And I don’t want Ess to go to Israel. We all have to make sacrifices.

Caelyn: Well, of course you don’t.

Alec: Why do you say that?

Caelyn: You know.

Alec: No, why do you say that?

Caelyn: Because she and Marshe used to have a thing.

Alec (freezes, beat): What?

Caelyn: I’m kidding.

Alec: Caelyn!

Caelyn: Your face went (makes a face). It was funny.

Alec: You’re very cruel.

Caelyn: Denmark makes me so.

Alec: You haven’t even been there yet.

Caelyn: I’m anticipating.

Alec: Yeah.

Shift - Hallway, Ess and Luke.

Luke: Hey, you leaving us?

Ess: I'm trying.

Luke: Israel, huh?

Ess: Yeah.

Luke: My dad got in there once.

He couldn't go anywhere without an armed escort.

Ess: Do you know why Secretary Torrie was here?

Luke: I didn't know she was.

Ess: Yeah.

Luke: Did Gerrard blow a fuse?

Ess: People really still say that?

Luke: I'm bringing it back.

Ess: Does he ever?

Luke: Gerrard?

Ess: Yeah.

Luke: I hear things.

Ess: You hear things?

Luke: The Antares Incident.

Ess (beat): What?

Luke: The Antares Incident. Alec told me.

Ess: Alec made that up.

Luke: I don't think so.

Ess: Antares is a planet on Star Trek.

Luke (beat): Am I this gullible?

Ess: No. Luke: Really?

Ess: Yeah, you are.

Luke (sighs): Thanks.

Ess: Hey, Caelyn tells me that you're meeting Adriana's parents?

Luke: Yeah. (beat) She thinks it's too soon.

Ess: It's not.

Luke: Yeah?

Ess: Not at all.

Luke: Well, thank you, Ess. I appreciate you saying that.

Ess: How much did the ring cost you?

Luke (looks at her blankly): What?

Ess: The ring. You better not have skimped. She's only going to get one of these, you know.

Luke (beat): Is there any chance at all that you two are playing me right now?

Ess: A slight one.

Luke (beat, begins to walk away): 'kay.

Ess: If you guys haven't picked a band yet, I know some people.

Shift - Prep room. Josh is packing, Caelyn is there, sitting on a table.

Caelyn: One good thing- just one.

Josh (beat): It's the setting of Hamlet.

Caelyn: The setting of Hamlet?

Josh: Yeah, with, you know, Rosencrantz and friends. (beat) I think it's kind of cool.

Caelyn: Yeah, but you're a huge nerd.

Josh (agreeably): Yeah.

Caelyn: So where are you going?

Josh: Still can't tell you.

Caelyn: Really?

Josh: Really.

Caelyn: Can't or won't?

Josh: Either.

Caelyn: 'Cause you're a sissy?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: You going to whack someone?

Josh: Could you ask that with any more glee?

Caelyn laughs.

Josh: There any Tylenol in there? My head is killing me.

Caelyn (opens drawer): Most people would have said something other than Rosencrantz.

Josh: Yeah, I'm weird that way.

Caelyn (throws him pills): I was kidding, before.

Josh: Most people would have said something other than Rosencrantz.

Caelyn: I mean about you making a hit. It was a joke.

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: I don't really think you'd do that.

Josh (tiny beat): Yeah.

Caelyn: You okay?

Josh: My head hurts.

Caelyn: It's probably from stress.

Josh: Why would I be under any stress?

Caelyn: Because you won't tell me the secret mission and it's building up inside.

Josh: No.

Caelyn: Could be.

Josh: It's not.

Caelyn: I'm saying it's possible.

Josh: I'm saying you're wrong, and, interestingly enough, giving me a headache.

Caelyn: Okay. (beat) I get anxious.

Josh (beat): About what?

Caelyn (shrugs uncomfortably): My friends. You're going somewhere that you say isn't dangerous, but you have enough firepower to take Maine. Ess is going away without any of us. (beat) Anyway. Sometimes I get anxious.

Josh (beat): You know, I could probably take Maine with a Beretta and my thumbs, so really- (Caelyn breathes a laugh) you know I wouldn't sign off on Ess' leaving if I wasn't absolutely certain-

Caelyn: Yeah, I know. (beat) Sorry; it's left over, I think.

Josh: It's okay.

Caelyn: So... where are you going?

Josh: You really want to know?

Caelyn: Don't taunt me, Josh.

Josh (grins): I'll see you when I get back.

Caelyn: Okay. I'll be here.

Josh: Me too. (exits)

Caelyn: Better be.

Fade out.

Scene 3: Gerrard's office, late. Josh looks in.

Gerrard: Josh. How'd it go?

Josh: Lovely.

Gerrard: Josh?

Josh: He's dead. (beat) It was a good shot.

Gerrard: Yeah?

Josh (distantly): One of a kind.

Gerrard: Well, good job, then. I'll finish things up with the department. You want the, uh, the same account?

Josh (looks confused for a slight beat): Yeah.

Gerrard: You okay?

Josh: My head hurts.

Gerrard: You look pale.

Josh: I'm always pale.

Gerrard: Yeah.

Josh (beat): Caelyn said something-... before I left, Caelyn said something to me. She jokingly asked if I was making a hit, then said she doesn't think of me like that.

Gerrard: That bothered you?

Josh: Well... yeah.

Gerrard: You'd rather she did think of you like that?

Josh: No. Well, I'd rather she... she knew who I was, and was okay with it.

Gerrard: Then tell her.

Josh: And then she isn't okay with it, and things get...

Gerrard: Awkward?

Josh: Yeah.

Gerrard (beat): Can I give you some advice?

Josh: Please.

Gerrard: Take tomorrow off.

Josh: That's your advice?

Gerrard: It's good advice.

Josh: No, it's not.

Gerrard: Okay.

Josh: I can't. I need to talk to Marshe.

Gerrard: I can talk to Marshe.

Josh: Yeah, that'd be fun. I'll see you in the morning.

Gerrard: Okay.

Shift - ADTEO, Gerrard's office, morning. Conference (everyone but Kevin, Janie, and Josh)

Gerrard: Good morning. Over the past month I have been receiving numerous complaints about my agents failing to meet their domestic and academic obligations. I know some of you see these duties as meaningless and I'm here to tell you to knock it off.

Alec: Can I just-

Gerrard: No. From now on, there will be no cancellations, and there will be no rescheduling. If you are assigned a lecture, a class, or a training day, you will attend, and you will represent Sierra well.

Ess raises her hand.

Gerrard: What?

Ess: Josh isn't actually here.

Gerrard (sighs): Yeah, I know.

Ess: I only mention it because-

Gerrard: Yeah.

Ess: -he's not very reliable.

Gerrard: He wasn't feeling well.

Alec: But you went ahead with your little lecture anyway?

Gerrard: Yes, Alec, I did.

Alec: Well, I admire your bravado.

Caelyn: Josh is your favorite, isn't he?

Gerrard: At the moment?

Shift- Main offices. Elevator opens, Josh exits.

Janie: You aren't supposed to come in today!

Josh: Why not?

Janie: You're not feeling well.

Josh: I'm feeling fine.

Janie: Except you're gravely ill.

Josh: Janie-

Janie (follows him into his office): The brink of death.

Josh: Can I help you?

Janie: Gerrard said-

Josh: I'm fine.

Janie: Then why are you late?

Josh: I had to talk to Commander Marshe.

Janie: You sure you didn't collapse in the parking lot?

Josh (beat): Maybe once.

Janie: Okay, you're going home.

Josh: That was a joke.

Gerrard enters from his office.

Gerrard: Go home.

Josh: I'm fine.

Gerrard: You don't look fine.

Josh: It's a... disguise.

Gerrard: You talk to Marshe?

Josh: Yeah.

Gerrard: Then go home.

Josh: Maybe later.

Gerrard (beat, calls into his office): You guys are done.

The others come in.

Ess: Look who shows up now.

Caelyn: How was your trip?

Josh: Quick.

Alec (to Luke): I hear you're getting married.

Luke: I'm not.

Alec: Ever?

Luke: No, I mean-

Alec: Oh, to Adriana.

Luke: That's... not exactly-

Alec: She seemed nice enough to me, but I'm sure you know best.

Luke: I hope you're having fun.

Alec: I am. (to Josh) Come here.

They move to a more private area.

Josh: What's up?

Alec: You should have told me.

Josh: About what?

Alec: I would have come with you.

Josh: I neither wanted nor needed you. (beat) To be there.

Alec: Doesn't matter. You should have told me.

Josh: Yeah, because I need an extra helping of guilt right now. How'd you find out?

Alec: It was in the channels.

Josh: Does Caelyn know?

Alec: I'm sorry?

Josh: Does (rubs his forehead)... does Caelyn know?

Alec (beat): I don't think so.

Josh: Okay. (sighs) You're out. I'd be no friend to pull you back in.

Alec: I thought you were out, too.

Josh (quietly): Yeah.

Alec: You okay?

Josh: Yeah. You know, my head....

Alec: You should go home.

Josh (laughs slightly): Listen, I'm going to sign off on Ess's transfer.

Alec (nods): You talked to Marshe?

Josh: Yeah. It's low-grade, routine for our guys. It'd be solo if it were in the states. (beat) She really wants this.

Alec: You tell her yet?

Josh: No. Can you do it for me?

Alec: Seriously?

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: You know that you're basically giving me a lot of goodwill that she would otherwise show to you?

Josh (laughs): Yeah.

Alec: Okay.

Josh: I have to talk to Caelyn, then I'm going get out of here.

Alec: 'Bout what?

Josh: What?

Alec: What do you have to talk to Caelyn about?

Josh: Nothing. Prior conversation... it got left hanging. Hey, how did sailing work out?

Alec: I’m still… I haven’t…- the boat looks nice.

Josh (beat): I have to talk to Caelyn now.

Alec: You going to tell her you love her?

Josh: Get out.

Alec (laughs): Get some rest, bro. (exits)

Josh: Caelyn!

Caelyn: Hey.

Josh: Hey.

Caelyn (beat): You okay, Josh?

Josh: Yeah. Yeah, sorry. Can we talk in my office?

Caelyn: Are you firing me?

Josh (laughs slightly): No.

Caelyn: Promoting me?

Shift to office as they enter.

Josh: Not exactly.

Caelyn: Do I still have to go to Denmark?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Well... okay. But this is sounding anti-climatic already.

Josh: I'm hoping. (shuts door) (long beat) I was making a hit. That's why the Secretary was here. She wanted me to take out a state-side terrorist, and I did.

Caelyn: Josh-

Josh: I'm that guy. I worked by specialized-contract before Gerrard hired me here. (beat) I am that kind of guy. (beat) I just... I didn't want to lie to you.

Caelyn (quietly/beat): Josh, did you think I'd condemn you for killing a terrorist?

Josh: No. I thought you might find me... repulsive. That's probably not the right word. (sighs) My head hurts.

Caelyn (walks over and gives him a hug): You're a good man.

Josh (sincerely, tiredly): Thank you.

Caelyn (holds on for a moment): You should go home.

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Josh, it's very sweet that you were worried about what I would think.

Josh: I wasn't worried.

Caelyn (opens door): It was sweet.

Josh: Okay, but I wasn't worried.

Caelyn: Just a bit.

Josh (smiles, beat): I'm going home now.

Caelyn: Good.

Josh exits. She sits at her desk, and smiles after a moment. Fade out.

Ep 10

Scene 1: ADTEO - main offices, Josh, Ess.

Josh: Every year, Ess.

Ess: This year is different.

Josh: This year is the same.

Ess: No, it’s different. You want to know why it’s different?

Josh: Do you want to tell me?

Ess: This year I have a costume.

Josh: So you’re ready?

Ess: I’m ready.

Josh: Who?

Ess: What?

Josh: Of whom is the costume? Notice the change from ‘who’ to ‘whom?’

Ess: Guess.

Josh: Okay, I’m guessing you did, but don’t want to say.

Ess: Guess the costume.

Josh: Did you notice the change?

Ess: Yes, Josh, I noticed.

Josh: Not a lot of guys would have made that change.

Ess: I think you’re wrong, and, incidentally, boring.

Josh: Scarlet O’Hara.

Ess: No.

Josh: Buffy Summers.

Ess: No- how would you dress up-

Josh: Blonde wig, a stake.

Ess: A steak?

Josh: A piece of wood, not a barbequed sirloin.

Ess: No.

Josh: Cerberus, Guardian of Hades.

Ess: Be serious.

Josh: I shall not.

Ess: Fine, then. You’ll just have to wait until the party, (Josh begins to speak) and shut up.

Josh: John Goodman.

Ess: I’m done talking to you.

Josh: Because you are daunted by my superior grasp of the English language?

Ess: Not talking, and, whatever.

Josh: Alec will talk to-

Alec (off-screen): Josh!

Josh: See?

Alec: You’re not going to believe this.

Josh: Ess wants to have a Halloween party.

Alec: Again?

Ess: We’ve never had one before.

Alec: We have one every year.

Ess: No, we try to have one every year, but it never works.

Alec: ‘Cause you never get a costume.

Ess: I have one this year.

Alec: Psylocke?

Ess: And now I’m not talking to you, either.

Alec (to Josh): Listen, Mac Tanner was on the news last night.

Josh: Mac Tanner is always on the news. He’s like the anchor of CBN.

Alec: He named Gerrard by… name.

Josh (to Ess): Did ya’ hear that?

Ess rolls her eyes.

Alec: How come you’re not upset over this?

Josh: That sentence structure?

Alec: Tanner is on network television, trashing our boss.

Josh: He’s a hack, and everyone knows he’s a hack.

Alec: Well, clearly not everyone, since he keeps getting gigs.

Josh: He names a different officer every week. No one cares.

Alec: ‘I care.’ (to Ess) Luke Skywalker, A New Hope.

Ess: I know you’d expect me to be impressed, but I’m oddly not.

Alec: Well, give it a minute. (beat/ to Josh) You really don’t care?

Josh: I really don’t.

Alec: I would have thought you more loyal.

Josh: Give it a rest.

Alec (to Ess): What about you?

Ess: You’re going to think it’s cool.

Alec: I’m sorry?

Ess: My costume.

Alec (beat): Okay.

Ess: You want to know what it is?

Alec: Sure.

Ess: Guess.

Alec: I really didn’t care that much. (to Josh) I’m going to talk to Gerrard.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: I’m going to tell him that at least one of us has his back.

Caelyn enters.

Josh: He’s not going to care.

Caelyn: Did you get it?

Ess: I did!

Caelyn: Josh, we’re having a Halloween party.

Josh: Are you?

Caelyn: Yes. It will be fun.

Josh: Okay.

Ess: I already have a costume.

Caelyn: She already has a costume.

Josh: I know.

Caelyn: We need party snacks and decorations.

Ess: And everyone needs a costume.

Josh: Please stop.

Caelyn: This is exciting.

Alec: Is that what it is?

Ess: You have to buy a costume?

Alec: You mean I can’t just cut holes in my pillow case?

Ess: We’re thinking of inviting people.

Alec: You don’t know any other people.

Ess: I know people.

Josh: Invite whomever you want. See, there I go again with the ‘whom.’

Ess: I sit here unmoved.

Josh: Only because you’re a cultural wasteland.

Ess: And that makes sense.

Caelyn: What did I miss?

Ess: Josh is in love with his ability to conjugate verbs.

Josh: Do you even know what that means?

Ess: I know I have a costume that will knock your socks off.

Josh: Napoleon Dynamite?

Ess: Referencing obscure fiction went over real well with Amy, did it?

Alec: It’s not obscure.

Josh: Amy liked my quirks.

Ess: Yet still left you at the altar.

Josh: Never said she liked me.

Fade out. End Scene 1.

Scene 2: ADTEO - Alec, Josh, Ess, Caelyn.

Caelyn (suddenly giggles/ everyone looks up at her): Sorry. (beat) I was just picturing Ess as Napoleon Dynamite.

Ess: Well, stop it.

Caelyn: That nice, burgundy suit.

Josh and Alec laugh. Gerrard enters.

Gerrard: What’s the joke?

Alec: Ess is dressing as Napoleon Dynamite for Halloween.

Gerrard (beat): Isn’t that what she is every year?

Ess: I never dress up! This is the first time!

Gerrard: Oh. I’ll be in my office.

Alec: Gerrard.

Gerrard: Yeah?

Josh: Don’t.

Alec: Mac Tanner-

Josh: Dude.

Alec: Mac Tanner was on ABC news last night railing against ADTE policy. He named you.

Gerrard: Okay. (turns toward his office)

Alec: Boss, you want us to-

Gerrard turns and looks at him, waiting patiently and curiously.

Alec (beat): - take him out?

Gerrard: Take him out?

Alec: Or something.

Gerrard (laughs): Stop watching Mac Tanner on TV, Alec. (enters his office)

Josh: It’s almost as if I’m clairvoyant.

Alec: You can’t spell clairvoyant.

Josh: No one can spell clairvoyant.

Caelyn: I’m going out.

Josh: You just got here.

Caelyn: I’m going to buy a pumpkin.

Josh: We actually pay you to work here.

Caelyn: Maybe more than one pumpkin.

Josh: We pay you quite a lot.

Caelyn: My own little insincere pumpkin patch.

Ess: I’ll go with you.

Caelyn: Okay. (they exit)

Josh and Alec exchange a glance.

Alec: Breakfast?

Josh: Sure.

They exit.

Shift- Late night, ADTEO, Main Offices. Josh, Ess, Luke, Janie, Caelyn. They are all busy, talking on the phones and other activities. Frantic atmosphere.

Josh (walks out of his office): Janie!

Janie: I’m right here.

Josh: Get me the chief back. Luke?

Luke (with a phone, on hold): Still nothing.

Josh: Okay.

Janie: Chief Minon, line 3.

Josh goes into his office. Shift inside.

Josh (picks up phone): Chief, this is Moritz again. (pause) I understand, but I honestly don’t care. (pause) Yeah, well, it’s not your call. Put him on the phone. (pause) Because if you don’t, I’ll have your badge within the hour. (pause) Excellent. (hangs up/walks back out to main offices)


Josh: Janie, Alec’s going to be-

Janie’s phone rings.

Janie: Alec? (slight pause) Right here. (hands phone to Josh)

Josh (into phone): You okay? (pause) Well, yeah. Was it clean? (pause)

Luke: Josh! The Director is issuing the order as we speak.

Josh (into phone): Alright, they’re bringing you out. (pause) What’s his name? (pause) Caelyn, find everything you can on Jett Terrance.

Caelyn nods.

Josh (into phone): We’ll talk when you get back. (hangs up)

Luke’s phone rings.

Luke (into phone): Sorrason. (long pause) Thank you. (hangs up) The Director’s office is having the county cops bring Alec to the nearest airport. He should be arriving at ADTE’s airbase by 0400.

Josh: Good. Good work, Luke.

Caelyn: Josh?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Jett Mathias Terrance, son of former senator Lincoln Terrance, graduated from Ohio State last year. He’s been working in anti-cleansing organizations for the last six. Both CIA and ADTE have files on him, and there is unconfirmed suspicion that he helped orchestrate the violent riot at Cleveland.

Josh: ADTE interference?

Caelyn: Multiple, but never severe.

Ess: Did he say it was clean?

Josh: Yeah, it was clean.

Ess: So he’s going to be okay, then, right?

Josh: Yeah. Might get ugly if the senator starts spinning it. Caelyn, find his voting records in regards to-

Caelyn: Already did. Apparently, he and his son don’t see eye-to-eye politically.

Josh: Okay. Well, let’s hope we don’t have to talk about that again.

Kevin comes out of Gerrard’s office.

Kevin: Josh.

Josh (nods): Ess.

Ess looks surprised but follows him into Gerrard’s office.

Shift - Gerrard’s office.

Gerrard: You get him back?

Josh: I’ll pick him up at the airfield in a few hours.

Gerrard: Good. I’ve been speaking with a very angry senator.

Josh: You knew who got hit?

Gerrard: Not until the senator called.

Josh: Alec said it was clean.

Gerrard: I’m sure it was, but we’ll have to verify it.

Josh: Yeah.

Ess (quietly): What happened?

Gerrard: I’m sorry?

Ess: What happened, exactly?

Kevin: Alec was hunting two hostiles on the outskirts of Chicago. Apparently, Mr. Terrance has himself a tracking device, and was waiting for ADTE arrival. The body count is two dead hostiles, and Mr. Terrance remains in critical condition.

Ess: He tried to save the ghouls?

Gerrard: Most likely. It’s what the anti-cleansing crowd does.

Ess: So… why would Alec even be arrested?

Gerrard: He shouldn’t have been, but the boy was smart enough not to cause any more trouble. Legally, we could close down the entire police department for interference, but that would be overkill, I think.

Josh: Just a bit.

Gerrard: You talked to the Chief?

Josh: Yeah.

Gerrard: Talk to him again.

Josh: Put fear in him?

Gerrard (smiles slightly): Just a bit.

Josh nods, and he opens the door for Ess. They exit.

Shift - main offices.

Josh: Janie, get me the chief one more time.

Janie: Okay, but he really doesn’t like you.

Josh: I don’t much like him either.

Janie: Line 2.

Josh: It was three last time.

Janie: Cool.

Josh: Okay.

Fade out. End Scene 2.

Scene 3: Ess and Caelyn’s apartment. Ess opens the door (she is dressed as Aeris). Luke and Adriana are there (Luke is dressed as Antonio Banderas and Adriana is dressed as Selma Hayek from Desperado).

Ess (cheerfully): Come in!

Luke: Ess, this is Adriana.

Adriana (smiling): I think we’ve met before.

Ess: In the lobby a few times. I’m so glad you could make it.

Adriana: I love your costume.

Ess: Thank you!

Adriana: I was going to go with a whole Cinderella thing, but Luke wanted to match.

Ess: You guys look really nice together.

Shift -kitchen: Josh and Caelyn. (Josh is dressed as Alucard from Hellsing, Caelyn as Sarah Connor from Terminator 2)

Caelyn: Who are you supposed to be?

Josh: Alucard.

Caelyn: I don’t know who that is.

Josh: From Hellsing.

Caelyn: Oh, Alucard from Hellsing.

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Who is that?

Josh: Forget it.

Caelyn: ‘Cause he looks awfully European.

Josh: Ouch.

Caelyn: You know who I am?

Josh: You’re Caelyn.

Caelyn: Josh.

Josh: That’s a costume?

Caelyn: You think I just dress like th- of course this is a costume!

Josh: Okay.

Caelyn: Here. (picks up a large model automatic rifle and puts on sunglasses)

Josh (beat): That’s kind of hot.

Caelyn (giggles): I’m Sarah Connor, from Terminator.

Josh: I know.

Caelyn: Who are you, again?

Josh: Alucard.

Caelyn: Is he a bad guy?

Josh: Sort of.

Caelyn: Because he looks ridiculous.

Josh: That’s how awesome he is. He can get away dressing like this.

Caelyn: Sarah Connor could take him.

Josh: She really couldn’t.

Caelyn: You see this gun?

Josh: I’m an immortal vampire.

Caelyn (beat): So, then, a draw?

Josh: You have no chance, Heaton.

Caelyn (laughs/beat): You think I’m hot?

Josh: Usually.

Caelyn: Are you flirting with me, Josh?

Josh (airily): It’s what I do.

Shift - Alec enters apartment. Ess immediately pulls him aside.

Ess: Alec.

Alec: What?

Ess: You can’t do this, Alec.

Alec: Do what?

Ess: Use this as an excuse to be despondent.

Alec: Use what?

Ess: Alec.

Alec: Ess, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Ess: I’m talking about Jett Terrance.

Alec: You think I’m despondent about Terrance?

Ess: Yes.

Alec: I’m not.

Ess: I think you are.

Alec: Okay, but I’m not.

Ess: Then why aren’t you in costume?

Alec: How do you get from-

Ess: If you weren’t depressed, you’d have worn a costume.

Alec: I’m wearing a costume!

Ess: What?

Alec: This is my costume.

Ess: You’re wearing a sweater.

Alec: I’m Bob Saget.

Ess (beat): Who?

Alec (looks at her in disbelief): Josh!

Shift - Gerrard and Melanie (attractive woman in her early forties) are in Gerrard’s office.

Melanie: I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. Agent Wright’s decision saved lives, not only his own.

Gerrard: Verification?

Melanie: Before midnight, I’d expect.

Gerrard (smiles): Excellent. Thank you, Ms. Park.

Melanie: Call me Melanie.

Gerrard (nods): Well, I certainly appreciate your work on this matter.

Melanie (smiles): It’s my job, Commander Sully.

Gerrard: No, you can’t do that.

Melanie (laughs slightly): Gerrard.

Gerrard (beat): Would you like to go get some coffee? Or, you know, pie?

Melanie (surprised): You take all lawyers who come into your office to coffee?

Gerrard: Just the good ones.

Melanie (smiles/nods): Coffee sounds nice.

Shift - Kitchen: Luke, Ess, and Caelyn.

Ess: So?

Luke: So, what?

Caelyn: She seems nice.

Luke: That’s why you asked me to come in here?

Ess: Of course.

Luke: You said you needed help bringing out the food.

Caelyn: And you’re gullible.

Luke (sighs): She is nice.

Alec (comes in and grabs a glass, starts filling it with water): I like her costume.

Ess: You what?

Alec (beat): I don’t like her costume. Ew.

Ess: Shut up.

Alec: I like your costume.

Ess: It’s better than Bill Saget.

Alec: Bob… Bob Saget. (he exits)

Caelyn: What are her hobbies?

Luke: She likes hockey.

Caelyn: Yeah? Hockey is good.

Luke: I’m glad you think so.

Ess: Does she have family?

Luke: I’m not sure leaving her out there with Josh and Alec is such a smart idea.

Ess: Does she have family?

Luke: Yeah, a big one.

Caelyn: Have you met any of them?

Luke: What is this?

Caelyn: We’re showing interest.

Luke: Why?

Caelyn: Because we’re interested.

Shift - Apartment living room. Adriana is showing Josh how to roll his tongue.

Adriana: No, like this.

Josh: This?

Adriana: No. You know, you’re like the only person ever who can’t do it.

Josh: Well, I don’t think that data is very accurate.

Adriana: My three-year old nephew can do it.

Alec: Is that a big deal where you come from?

Adriana: I’m just saying.

Alec: Why isn’t the food ready yet?

Josh: The girls are probably busy playing ‘Truth or Dare.’

Alec: I find myself feeling less and less that you know anything about women.

Adriana: I’ll go check.

Alec: Me too.

Josh: Is this a bonding thing?

Alec: Shut up.

The three of them get up and go into the kitchen.

Alec: We need food.

Caelyn (throws him a bag of chips): Here.

Alec (beat): Cool. (walks out)

Adriana: What’s up?

Luke: They don’t think I’m good enough for you.

Caelyn: He really isn’t.

Adriana (laughs/to Luke): I think you’re alright.

Ess: That won’t last.

Luke: They’re kind of like harpies.

Caelyn: And that’s the extent of his winning charm.

Josh: How’s your boyfriend, Caelyn?

Caelyn: What?

Josh: Ooh, yeah, I keep forgetting. You don’t have one. (Caelyn raises her eyebrows in humored surprise) (to Ess) And aren’t you dating Alec?

Ess: Yeah, okay. I shouldn’t be talking.

Josh: Really shouldn’t.

Caelyn: I could have a boyfriend, if I wanted one.

Josh: Uh huh.

Caelyn: I could.

Adriana: You could.

Josh (to Luke): Women.

Luke: Yeah.

Ess: Hey, Josh.

Josh: No, I will not make out with you.

Ess: Shut up.

Josh: ‘Kay.

Ess: Is Alec okay?

Josh: With the thing?

Ess: Yeah.

Josh: He’s fine.

Ess: You sure.

Josh: Yeah. He’s fine.

Ess: He seems a little distant.

Josh: He’s tired. Don’t worry about it.

Ess: I find myself unable to help it.

Josh: ‘cause you’re in love.

Ess: Seriously, shut up. (to the others) I’m going to go watch movies with my boyfriend. If you’re not out there, you don’t get a say in what we watch.

Josh: If you put in Pride and Prejudice, we’re all going to go home.

Adriana: I love that movie!

Josh: Luke, I hate to say it, but you’re too good for her.

Caelyn hits his shoulder.

Josh: You hit like a girl.

Caelyn: Always funny, Josh.

Josh: I know.

Ess and Adriana and Luke file out.

Josh: How does it feel to be the sixth wheel?

Caelyn: What?

Josh: The sixth wheel. I just wanted to let you know you don’t need to feel uncomfortable.

Caelyn (laughs): Okay. (beat) You really think I can’t get a boyfriend?

Josh: I call ‘em as I see ‘em.

Caelyn: I can get any guy I want.

Josh: Sure.

Caelyn: I like my life right now, is all. I’m happy with my job, and my friends, and I don’t feel I need to change it.

Josh: I know. I feel the same way.

Caelyn: No, it’s different with you. Your fiancée left you, and now you’re gun-shy.

Josh (laughs): Okay.

Caelyn (grins): I’m kidding.

Josh: I know.

Caelyn: I really could have a boyfriend.

Josh: Yeah, whatever.

They exit the kitchen. Shift to living room.

Josh: Alec, come here a minute.

Ess: Josh, we’re gonna watch the movie now.

Josh: Just a minute.

Alec and Josh enter kitchen. Shift to kitchen.

Josh: Hey.

Alec: Hey.

Josh: Ess is worried about you.

Alec: Yeah, she shouldn’t be.

Josh: I told her that.

Alec: Good.

Josh: I told her you were fine, and that she shouldn’t be worried.

Alec (nods): Good.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: That’s it?

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: Okay. (starts to exit)

Josh: Alec.

Alec: Yeah?

Josh: Are you okay?

Alec (smiles slightly): I’m fine, Josh.

Josh (nods): Okay.

They walk back out.

Ess: All set?

Alec: Yeah.

Ess: Is everything okay?

Josh: Stop worrying?

Ess: I’m not worrying.

Josh: You are fretful and anxious.

Ess: That doesn’t make you look smart.

Josh: Yeah, it does.

Alec: Watch the movie.

Josh’s phone rings.

Josh (on cell): Moritz.

Ess: I can worry about my boyfriend.

Alec: Watch the movie.

Adriana: What’s going on?

Luke: Nothing.

Alec: Thank you.

Ess: Alec is hurting inside.

Alec: I am not hurting- would you watch the movie?

Adriana: What happened?

Alec: I shot somebody, and Ess thinks I am suffering under the emotional burden of that act.

Ess: See? It’s a burden.

Josh hangs up.

Caelyn: Who was that?

Josh: No one.

Caelyn: Was it the Scarlet Pimpernel, asking for his clothes back?

Josh: That’s funny.

Caelyn: I’m a funny girl.

Alec: Josh.

Josh: You’re a funny girl, too.

Alec: Josh.

Josh: Watch the movie.

Alec: Josh.

Josh (beat/sighs): Jett Terrance died about an hour ago.

Alec looks at him for a moment, then nods slowly. Everyone is quiet. Fade out. End Scene 3.

Scene 4: ADTEO, Gerrard’s office - Josh, Alec, Luke, Gerrard.

Alec: I’m not saying permanent, I’m just saying-

Gerrard: And I’m saying no.

Josh: You didn’t do anything wrong.

Alec: I know I didn’t.

Josh: Then act like it.

Alec (to Gerrard): For ADTE.

Gerrard: ADTE can do with your martyrdom.

Alec: Only for a few weeks. Something on my record.

Gerrard: We are not going into the business of apologizing for doing what we have to! You understand me?

Alec: For P.R.!

Josh: We’re done here.

Alec: Josh-

Josh: We’re done.

Alec looks at him for a moment, then exits. Luke follows.

Gerrard: Don’t let him get to you.

Josh: He should know better.

Gerrard: It’s different when you’re the guy.

Josh: I sick of these people, Gerrard. I’m sick of them balking every time we make a choice.

Gerrard: People always cry, Josh.

Josh (nods slowly/beat): How are you with the… you know?

Gerrard: Don’t worry about it.

Josh (nods): Okay. I’m going out there, unless you need something.

Gerrard: Yeah, well, I do need to ask you something.

Josh: Sure.

Gerrard: You know Melanie Park?

Josh: From legal?

Gerrard: Yeah.

Josh: We’ve met a few times. She knows what she’s doing.

Gerrard: Yeah.

Josh (beat): Is that what you wanted to ask me?

Gerrard: What? Yeah. Okay; keep Alec’s head in the game, alright? Last thing we need is for him to do something stupid.

Josh: Yeah. Why did you ask me about Ms. Park?

Gerrard: Nothing. We, uh… we had coffee last night. She does seem to know what she’s doing.

Josh (looks at him oddly): Okay.

Gerrard: Let me know what mission you pick up.

Josh: Always. (begins to exit, turns around) No, you’re not.

Gerrard: I’m sorry?

Josh: Too old. You’re not.

Gerrard: Get out.

Josh: You bet. (exits)

Gerrard smiles a little.

Shift - Main offices. Josh enters.

Josh: Anything good, Janie?

Janie: There’s some kind of activity in Brazil that State is starting to lean on us to take care of.

Josh: What kind of activity?

Janie: Unconfirmed, officially, but the locals call it Xolotl.

Josh: Ah, the devil chicken.

Janie: Um, no, it’s the Aztec god of the dead.

Josh: How come no one ever sends us reports of El Pollo Diablo?

Janie: You want me to go on, or are you going to be crazy for a little while?

Caelyn grins.

Josh: Go ahead.

Janie: The Richmond-Davis Sub-Surface Research Facility-

Josh (to Caelyn): That means it’s underwater.

Caelyn gives him a withering look.

Janie: - is infested. Charlie is going to pick it up within the hour, so if you want it, we have to go now.

Josh: Let them have it.

Caelyn: Is that because you’re scared to go underwater?

Josh: Yes.

Caelyn: Is that because you’re still a little boy on the inside?

Josh: Remember that time you shot me?

Caelyn: Fondly.

Josh: Whatever.

Janie: And then we have your average across nests and things. There are two in close proximity along the Alaskan border.

Luke: I don’t want to go to Alaska.

Josh: That leaves Brazil’s devil chicken.

Luke: Sounds good.

Josh: Call Kevin, have him set it up with Foreign Affairs. (Caelyn gets up and exits via hallway)

Janie: Okay. (Josh follows Caelyn)

Shift to hallway- Josh and Caelyn are walking to the print station.

Josh: Caelyn.

Caelyn: Well, hey there, Josh.

Josh: Hey.

Caelyn: Did you know that starfish don’t have brains?

Josh: I did.

Caelyn: Well, clearly there is nothing I can’t teach you then.

Josh: That was your best shot?

Caelyn: Yes, and you ruined it. You leave me with nothing, Josh.

Josh: Okay. Where is Hadassah?

Caelyn: She wasn’t feeling well, so she might not be in for awhile.

Josh: She might not be in?

Caelyn: Yes.

Josh: You just forgot to tell me?

Caelyn: Yes.

Josh: You don’t think that’s something you should tell me right away?

Caelyn: I chose to tell you about the starfish.

Josh: I already knew about the starfish.

Caelyn: Now I know that.

Josh: Is it because she went out and got plastered after we all left?

Caelyn: Who?

Josh: Flannery O’Connor- Ess, who do you think?

Caelyn: No.

Josh: ‘Cause I’ve heard rumors.

Caelyn: You mustn’t believe everything you hear, Josh.

Josh: Call her and find out if she’s coming to Brazil or not.

Caelyn: Okay.

Josh: Thanks.

Caelyn: Josh.

Josh: Yeah?

Caelyn: Did you know that ostriches eat rocks to help them digest their food?

Josh: Yes.

Caelyn: You did not.

Josh: Everyone knows that.

Caelyn: Really?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: So you feel the need to lord your superior grasp of trivia over me?

Josh: I didn’t-

Caelyn: I’m going to make copies of this now, unless you want to mock me some more.

Josh: Well, I do, but I have to go do work.

Caelyn: Yeah, you do that..

Josh: Don’t forget to call Ess.

Caelyn: Remember that time I shot you?

Josh: I’m leaving.

Shift - Main offices.

Luke: And the best part is, I don’t even think about Tanya anymore.

Alec: Yet still talk about her.

Luke: Only to say that I don’t think of her anymore.

Alec: Good.

Janie: Well, I liked her.

Luke: Tanya?

Janie: Adriana.

Alec: For crying out loud, Luke.

Luke: I thought she meant Tanya.

Janie: I’ve never met Tanya.

Luke: I didn’t say you were being logical about it.

Alec: Luke, I swear, if you mess this up because you can’t let go of some girl you dated over a year ago, I will have to… break your face or something.

Luke: Okay.

Alec: Any other reason is fine; just… let the library girl go!

Luke: She’s not a librari-

Alec: I don’t care! Shhhhhhhh.

Luke: Okay.

Alec looks at Janie in frustration and shakes his head. Ess enters via elevator, as Josh enters from hallway.

Alec: Hey, I heard you were sick.

Ess: I didn’t sleep well.

Josh: For future reference, Caelyn’s like a four-year-old, so don’t trust her with relaying messages.

Ess: Josh, did you get the message?

Josh: Well, yeah, but not until like four minutes ago.

Ess: You’ll live.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: Mac Tanner is calling for my head on CBN.

Josh: He wants to put your head on CBN?

Alec: No, Josh, he’s on CBN, calling-, shut up.

Ess: You got Gerrard’s name out of the news, at least.

Alec (snorts amusedly): Yeah.

Caelyn walks in.

Caelyn: Ess, are you coming to Brazil with us?

Ess: We’re going to Brazil?

Josh: To hunt the devil chicken.

Luke: El Pollo Diablo.

Ess: Are you kidding me?

Janie: They’re calling it Xolotl. We think it’s a behemoth.

Josh: Or a big chicken.

Ess (to Caelyn): One of those days?

Caelyn: Yeah. Hey, did you know that starfish don’t have brains?

Luke: What?

Ess: Everyone knows that.

Luke: Starfish don’t have brains?

Caelyn: Ha.

Alec: I’m feeling confused.

Josh: Women are weird.

Janie: I knew about starfish.

Luke: How do they live, then?

Caelyn: What?

Luke: If they don’t have brains, how do they live?

Caelyn (beat): You feel better about yourself now?

Josh laughs; Luke looks bewildered. Fade out. End Scene 4.

Ep 9

ADTEO: Josh’s office. Josh, Alec enters.

Alec: We need to talk.

Josh: Okay, yes, it was me, but I had a good reason.

Alec: What are you talking about?

Josh (beat): Nothing. (beat) What’s your thing?

Alec (gives him a look): Ess is going on a ski trip with her sister and the sister’s fiancé.

Josh (beat): That’s what we need to talk about?

Alec: It’s a big deal.

Josh: It’s a small deal. It’s actually no deal at all.

Alec: It’s a big deal to me.

Josh: Yeah, but you’re high-strung.

Alec: She didn’t invite me.

Josh: Maybe she didn’t want you to come with them.

Alec: Well, clearly. Clearly, she didn’t want me to come with them. The way I know she didn’t want me to come with them is that she didn’t ask me to come with them.

Josh: I think that’s a safe assumption.

Alec: The question is ‘why.’

Josh: Really?

Alec: Is it something I did?

Josh: I don’t know. What did you do?

Alec: I didn’t do anything.

Josh: Then it probably wasn’t that.

Alec: Then what?

Josh: Maybe she has a secret boyfriend who is going to be there.

Alec: You think this is a time for your funny jokes?

Josh: No.

Alec: No.

Josh: Maybe?

Alec: No.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: Should I ask her?

Josh: If you can go?

Alec: What?

Josh (beat): What are we talking about again?

Alec: Should I ask her why she didn’t ask me, or will that seem too needy?

Josh: It will seem needy.

Alec: Yeah?

Josh: And you know what else? It will seem like you don’t trust her.

Alec: I trust her.

Josh: Good.

Alec: I just like to ski, is all.

Josh: Have you ever skied?

Alec: I’ve seen people ski.

Josh: You should try it sometime; it’s a blast.

Alec: That’s what I’m saying.

Josh: Maybe she knows you can’t ski, and doesn’t want you to embarrass her.

Alec: You think that could be it?

Josh: Sure.

Alec: She’s afraid I’ll embarrass her?

Josh: I’d go with it.

Alec: Well, now I have to talk to her.

Josh: Because of my advice.

Alec: That was good advice.

Josh: No, it was bad advice. The way you can tell it was bad advice is because I’m the one who gave it.

Alec: You give good advice.

Josh: I do. I do give good advice, but this time I was giving bad advice.

Alec: Why?

Josh: Because you’re feeble at the moment, and I enjoy messing with your mind.

Alec: I’m not feeble.

Josh: You’re paltry and languid.

Alec: I’m not.

Josh: You are.

Alec: You’re saying that I shouldn’t talk to her?

Josh: I did say that, yes.

Alec: Was that the good or bad advice?

Josh (beat): I don’t remember.

Alec: I think I’m going to talk to her.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: I’m not feeble.

Josh: Like a newborn chick.

Alec: You think Ess is making me weak?

Josh: No, I think your paranoid, and it’s making you feeble.

Alec: Well… it’s not. I mean, I’m not. Paranoid. Or feeble.

Josh: Well-argued.

Alec: Shut up.

Caelyn knocks and comes in.

Caelyn: What are you guys doing?

Alec: Why didn’t Ess ask me to go skiing with her?

Caelyn: I didn’t know you skied.

Alec: I don’t sk- that’s not the point.

Josh: I ski.

Caelyn: I’ve skied a few times. I’m not very good at it.

Alec: The point is, she’s going there with people, and not one of those people are me.

Caelyn: That’s the point?

Alec: That’s my point.

Caelyn: Okay. (to Josh) I usually stay on the Bunny Hill.

Josh: Most people don’t say things like that with so much pride.

Alec: Maybe she thinks we’re moving too fast.

Caelyn: That’s why I stay on the Bunny Hill.

Alec: What?

Caelyn: You know. Moving too fast.

Alec: Ess and I!

Caelyn: You’ve been out twice.

Josh: Maybe she’s worried her sister might be attracted to you.

Alec: There’s a thought.

Caelyn: Yeah, I don’t think that’s it.

Alec: What, then?

Caelyn: You can’t ski!

Alec (snorts dismissively): That means nothing.

Josh: I’d talk to her if I were you.

Alec: Yeah, I think I have to.

Josh: No, see, that was the bad advice again.

Alec: Stop doing that.

Josh: I can’t help it; you’re just so feeble.

Alec: I’m not-

Josh: You really are.

Alec: I’m not feeble!

Caelyn: I think I could make you cry right now.

Alec (looks at her blankly, then turns to Josh): So the sister-thing?

Josh: Yeah, I’m going with the sister-thing.

Caelyn: You guys are idiots.

Josh: Maybe she’s afraid to commit.

Alec: The sister?

Josh: Ess.

Alec (beat) That makes more sense.

Caelyn: This is incredible.

Ess storms in.

Ess: You can’t ski!

Alec (beat/ turns to Josh who is looking at him questioningly): I left her a message last night.

Josh: Did you?

Alec: Yes. (to Ess) Let me-

Ess: You are so paranoid that you think that not asking you to go on a outing with my sister means I’m dumping you!?

Alec (beat): Ess-

Ess: What?

Alec: You should know that I’m quite feeble right now.

Josh: Like a puppy, almost.

Alec: Yes.

Ess: You’re feeble? What-… what does that even mean?

Josh: He sometimes forgets to ask to be let out when he has to-

Alec: It means that I really like you, and that I’m scared that I might do something, anything, to wreck it.

Caelyn: Like leave an irate message on her machine at 2am?

Alec: Why did you come in here, again?

Caelyn: I heard there might be a show.

Alec (to Ess): You tell her everything?

Ess (to Josh): Can’t you help him?

Josh: Help him what?

Ess: I don’t know. You were engaged once. Somehow, you managed to make it that far.

Josh: Luck.

Alec: Listen-

Ess: You think I wasn’t?

Alec: I think it’s possible you weren’t.

Ess: I was.

Alec: Okay. (beat) I’m sorry?

Ess rolls her eyes and walks out.

Caelyn (beat): You two are such a cute couple.

Alec looks at her blankly, and she smiles and exits.

End Scene 1.

Scene 2 - ADTEO: Kevin, Janie, Luke. Elevator opens. Timothy Reynolds and two men in suits (his body-guards) step out.

Janie: Mr. Chairman! (the three of them stand up)

Reynolds: Is Commander Sully in?

Janie: Yes, sir.

Reynolds: Does he have a moment?

Janie: Of course, sir. (picks up phone) Gerrard, the Chairman is here to see you. (pause) Chairman Reynolds. (hangs up)

Gerrard exits his office.

Gerrard: Mr. Chairman! To what do we owe the honor?

Reynolds: I have a few issues I’d like to go over with you, if you have the time.

Gerrard: Of course. (beat) Would you care to step into my office?

Reynolds: Thank you.

Gerrard: Can we get you anything?

Reynolds: I just came from breakfast. But thank you.

The four men enter Gerrard’s office and shut the door. Luke, Janie, and Kevin stare at the door.

Luke (beat): One of you going to call Josh?

Janie: Oh! Yeah, I’m on it.

Luke (to Kevin): You know anything?

Kevin: I know many things.

Luke: About why he’s here?

Kevin: I know very few things about that.

Luke: Maybe Josh knows.

Janie (on phone, to Luke): Josh doesn’t know.

Luke: Okay.

Kevin (beat): How’s your girlfriend?

Luke (beat): I think I picked the wrong one.

Kevin: Ouch.

Luke: Yeah.

Kevin: Well, if it’s not meant to be, it’s not meant to be.

Luke (beat): Thanks, I feel better now.

Kevin: You could always get back together with Tammie.

Luke: Tanya.

Kevin: That’s the one.

Luke: I could, you know, get back together with her, but I don’t think it would work out, as she doesn’t want to see me ever again.

Kevin: I don’t know. Makes it challenging.

Luke: Because dating’s not hard enough without an extra challenge.

Kevin: I’ve been married for thirty-eight years.

Luke: You and your wife… was there ever a time when you broke up, before you got married?

Kevin: Nope.

Luke: Not even a little?

Kevin: What’s ‘a little?’

Luke: She started dating a librarian, maybe?

Kevin (laughs): Be thankful for what you got.

Luke: Yeah, I know.

Scene shift - Gerrard’s office.

Reynolds: You understand that I know very little of what is going on that isn’t covered in the ‘general’ section of this topic?

Gerrard: I understand.

Reynolds: For all I know you have good reason for this… campaign, if you will. You know the Council trusts you.

Gerrard: But I over-stepped the bounds?

Reynolds: Well, hopefully not yet. But the other Commanders are getting anxious, and there’s a feeling out there that they’d all be more comfortable with you out.

Gerrard: Would you?

Reynolds: I’m sorry?

Gerrard: Would you be more comfortable, sir?

Reynolds: Like I said, not yet.

Gerrard (beat): Sir, you know I have enormous respect for you, personally and professionally.

Reynolds: I appreciate that, Commander.

Gerrard: You have men working for you that are getting our people killed.

Reynolds: I have a lot of people working for me that are getting our people killed. It comes with the territory.

Gerrard: Not like this.

Reynolds: You think I need to be made aware?

Gerrard (beat): There are men in this very building who should have been shown the street corner a long time ago.

Reynolds: I let the Director take care of it.

Gerrard: The Director doesn’t have the authority nor the courage to go after these men.

Reynolds: So you take shots from the back, hoping someone notices?

Gerrard: Someone did.

Reynolds looks at him contemplatively.

Scene shift: Offices.

Luke: Why would the Chairman be here? (beat) Anybody? Nothing, huh? Maybe they want to give Gerrard an award.

Janie: An award?

Kevin: What kind of award?

Luke: I don’t know what kind of award. They have awards, and sometimes they give them to people.

Kevin: I don’t think so.

Luke: You don’t think they have them, or you don’t think they give them to people?

Kevin: I don’t think Gerrard’s getting an award.

Luke: Why not?

Josh and Alec enter.

Kevin: Because they usually tell people they’ve won over the phone.

Josh: What’s going on?

Luke: Chairman Reynolds is here.

Josh: Yeah, I know. What’s he doing here?

Luke: Talking to Gerrard.

Josh: Do you know anything that Janie didn’t tell me over the phone?

Luke: No.

Josh: But you wanted to talk anyway.

Luke: Yes.

Josh: How many guys came with him?

Janie: Two.

Josh: There’s a whole squad in the lobby.

Luke: There’s only a few up here.

Josh: Kevin?

Kevin: Yes?

Josh: What’s going on?

Kevin: I wouldn’t worry about it.

Josh: Really?

Kevin: Yeah.

Josh: Okay.

Luke (beat): I’m confused.

Alec: Perpetually?

Luke: Kevin says ‘don’t worry’ and Josh says ‘okay?’

Josh: Actually, sounds like you’re right on top of it.

Luke: What’s going on?

Josh: Kevin has a feel for these things.

Luke (to Kevin): You told me-

Kevin: Yes.

Luke: Why didn’t you-

Kevin: I don’t know.

Luke: You don’t know?

Kevin shrugs. Gerrard’s office door opens and the four men walk out. Everyone stands up.

Reynolds: Moritz.

Josh (they shake hands): Mr. Chairman.

Reynolds: I hear only good things, son.

Josh: My team is impeccable, sir.

Reynolds: So it seems. Keep up the good work, everyone. You’re making us proud.

Josh: Thank you, sir.

Reynolds nods, and the three of them enter the elevator and exit.

Josh (to Gerrard): What was that about?

Gerrard: Nothing. (beat) Get back to work. (he goes back into his office and shuts the door)

Josh (beat): Kevin, is it possible you’re a hack?

Kevin: It’s nothing to worry about.

Josh: I think it is possible. I think it’s possible that you’re a hack, and that I am unwise to put faith in your opinions.

Kevin: Be that as it may, I’m telling you it’s nothing to worry about.

Janie: Take it from me, the man is a hack.

Josh: Janie says you’re a professional hack, and have deep roots in hackism.

Kevin: That’s not a word.

Josh: Hack…izzle.

Kevin: I’m going to do what he said and get to work.

Janie: You would.

Luke: Maybe Gerrard’s getting fired.

Alec: Maybe you’re getting fired.

Luke: Either that or he’s getting an award.

Josh: An award?

Kevin: We already talked about this.

Josh: We did?

Janie: Before you got here.

Josh: So ‘we’ is not including myself?

Janie: Or Alec.

Josh: Okay.

Luke: We can go over it again.

Josh: Please, stop talking.

Luke: Sure.

Josh (beat): Alec, you want to go talk to Gerrard?

Kevin: Why don’t you let it go?

Josh: Because I’m not like that.

Alec: Sure. It’s not like I have work to do.

Josh: It’s not.

Alec: I know.

Josh: You don’t have any work to do.

Alec: That’s what I’m saying.

Josh: I thought you were being facetious.

Alec: I wasn’t.

Josh: Okay. (beat) Why don’t you have work to do?

Alec: I do not know.

Josh: We should look into that some time.

Alec: Later.

Josh: Yes. Let’s go see Gerrard.

Kevin: Idiots.

Josh: Did he just-

Alec: Yeah.

Josh and Alec go to Gerrard’s office and knock.

Shift to Gerrard’s office.

Gerrard: What?

Josh (opens door): I need to talk with you.

Gerrard: About what?

Josh: Can I come in?

Gerrard: Fine.

Josh and Alec come in.

Gerrard: Alec?

Alec: Boss.

Josh: So…, how about them… (to Alec) I’m drawing a blank.

Gerrard: What do you want?

Josh: Are you getting fired?

Gerrard: Excuse me?

Josh: Fired.

Alec: Axed.

Josh: Shown the door.

Alec: Given the pink slip.

Josh: Terminated.

Alec: Let go.

Josh: Canned.

Alec: Sacked.

Gerrard: That’s enough! (glares, and then breaks into a conceding smile; they grin back) You’re stuck with me awhile longer.

Josh: What did he want?

Gerrard: He wanted what you want.

Josh: To be added in your will?

Gerrard: It’s really none of your business, though, so let’s leave it at that.

Josh: It’s just I keep hearing how you’re loaded.

Gerrard: Josh.

Josh: Okay. (beat) Everything’s okay?

Gerrard: I’m fine.

Josh: Okay. Good. (to Alec) Deputy Fife.

Alec: For what it’s worth, if they ever did fire you, we’d make sure we were next.

Gerrard: Alec, that doesn’t make me feel better. It doesn’t make me appreciate your stupidity. I don’t want to take anyone down with me, I don’t want you to try to be noble. You understand?

Alec: Yeah. But it’s what we’d do.

Gerrard (sighs): You boys make life harder than it should be.

Alec smiles and nods. He and Josh exit.

Shift - main offices. Ess and Caelyn are there now.

Ess: Right here?

Luke: Yes.

Ess: In the building?

Luke: In this office.

Ess (to Josh and Alec): The Chairman was here?

Josh: He was.

Ess: I missed him?

Alec: He looks a lot like he does on TV.

Ess: Did you talk to him?

Alec: Josh did.

Ess: What did you say?

Josh: I told him his fly was undone.

Ess (beat): You’re so immature.

Josh: I know.

Caelyn: What did he want?

Alec: No one’s saying.

Kevin: Told you.

Alec (to Ess): Can I talk to you for a minute?

Ess: Okay.

They exit to the hallway.

Shift to hallway.

Alec: I’m sorry about overreacting.

Ess: It’s okay.

Alec: I don’t want to mess this up.

Ess: I know.

Alec: Okay. (beat) That’s all I wanted to say.

Ess: You should learn how to ski.

Alec: I should.

Ess: It’s fun.

Alec: I believe you.

Ess: Going ‘swish-swish’ down the slopes.

Alec: I’m saying I believe you.

Ess: Feeling the air on your face as you ‘swish-swish’ down the slopes.

Alec: Are you taunting me?

Ess: Maybe. You’re kind of frail.

Alec: Feeble.

Ess: Feeble?

Alec: The word is ‘feeble.’ I’m ‘feeble.’

Ess: ‘Frail’ is better.

Alec: It’s better to be frail?

Ess: ‘Frail’ is a better word.

Alec: Than ‘feeble?’

Ess: Yes.

Alec: Why?

Ess: Doesn’t matter.

Alec: Okay.

Ess: Are you going to learn how to ski?

Alec: Yes.

Ess: Good.

Alec: You could teach me.

Ess (smiles): That’s a nice idea.

Alec: I thought so.

They head back to the offices. Fade out. End Scene 2.

Scene 3 - ADTEO lobby. Ess and Caelyn.

Caelyn: Please?

Ess: No.

Caelyn: Please?

Ess: Caelyn, I don’t enjoy disappointing you. I really don’t, but I’m not going to change my mind on this.

Caelyn: Okay.

Ess: Okay?

Caelyn: Fine.

Ess: Thank you.

Caelyn: I’ll train him to go in a box.

Ess: That’s… gross!

Caelyn: I’ll make sure he doesn’t jump on the furniture, and you won’t have to feed him or bathe him or anything.

Ess: No.

Caelyn: Come on, he’s so cute.

Ess: Of course he’s cute, now. In a few months he’ll be big, and smell bad, and tear apart my sofa.

Caelyn: He will not, and I’ll ask you to not talk disparagingly about Jeffy.

Ess: Jeffy?

Caelyn: I named him after the Family Circus kid.

Ess: Tell me you haven’t bought him yet.

Caelyn: I haven’t bought him yet.

Ess: Caelyn.

Caelyn: I haven’t bought him yet.

Ess: I’m serious about this. I can’t have a dog in there.

Caelyn: I’ll bathe him every day.

Ess: No, you won’t.

Caelyn: I’ll bathe him every week.

Ess: Caelyn, you’re gone all day. Having a dog cooped up in an apartment is just cruel.

Caelyn (beat/pleading): But he’s so cute.

Ess: And you’re adorable, but no.

Caelyn (pouting): Fine.

Ess: Sorry.

Caelyn: Yeah.

They enter the elevator.

Shift to offices. They exit the elevator.

Janie: Hey there.

Caelyn: Hey, Janie. Guess what.

Janie: I’m getting a raise?

Caelyn: Um, I don’t know.

Janie: ‘Cause I deserve one.

Caelyn: I’m getting a puppy!

Ess: Caelyn!

Caelyn: I mean, I would be if I didn’t share an apartment with the Gestapo.

Ess: Hey!

Caelyn: I’m kidding. (beat) Thank you for letting me stay with you, Hadassah.

Ess: Yeah.

Caelyn: Really, I appreciate it.

Ess: There better not be a dog there when I get home.

Caelyn: There won’t be. (beat) I really do appreciate it.

Ess (smiles): I know.

Gerrard enters via elevator.

Gerrard: What a beautiful day!

Ess: It’s raining.

Gerrard: Rain is beautiful, my dear.

Ess: Okay.

Gerrard: You ever have one of those mornings where you just… feel alive?

Caelyn: Are you okay?

Gerrard: Caelyn, I am better than okay. I’m alive!

Caelyn: You’re scaring me.

Gerrard (laughs): This… is a good day.

They watch him as enters his office whistling.

Ess: What was that?

Caelyn: I don’t know.

Ess: He’s your uncle.

Caelyn: I really don’t think so.

Ess: Doppelganger?

Caelyn: How do you kill those?

Ess: You know, I’m not sure.

Josh enters.

Josh: Hey, Ess, you know what I was thinking you need?

Ess: I need something?

Josh: You need a dog.

Ess: I really don’t.

Josh: Are you sure?

Ess: Quite sure.

Josh: ‘Cause the word on the street is that you could use a nice dog.

Ess (to Caelyn): You called him before you even asked me?

Caelyn: I had a feeling.

Josh: Was that good enough?

Caelyn: Yeah, it’s not going to go. Thanks, though.

Josh: Anytime.

Ess: Hey, go look in Gerrard’s office.

Josh: Why?

Ess: Just do it.

Josh: Okay.

Josh knocks on Gerrard’s door.

Gerrard (off-screen): Come in, and know me better, man!

Josh (looks at the girls with a look of pure astonishment): Just seeing if you were in, boss.

Gerrard (off-screen): I’m in like Flynn!

Josh (to Ess): Is he drunk?

Ess: I have no idea.

Josh (to Caelyn): What’s going on?

Caelyn: We think he’s a doppelganger.

Josh: Yeah.

Janie: Maybe he liked what he heard from the Chairman.

Ess: I guess that’s possible.

Caelyn: Oh, and doppelgangers aren’t? (beat) Okay.

Josh: Huh. (beat) Anyway. Alec and Luke called from Mexico. They’ll be back tonight.

Ess: Thanks.

Josh: Yeah.

Janie: Josh?

Josh: Yeah?

Janie: Mark said he’s okay with us hosting the next dinner.

Josh: Oh yeah? Great, tell him we appreciate it.

Janie: He doesn’t want you guys to eat all his steak.

Josh (beat): Okay.

Janie: He said that that the steak is his only true escape.

Josh: I don’t need to know these things.

Janie: He wanted me to tell you about not eating all the steak.

Josh: Tell him to not cook it, then.

Janie: He thinks you might ask him to cook it, and wanted to set up before hand that he wouldn’t be.

Josh: Janie, we don’t have to come over. There are plenty of nice restaurants in the area.

Janie: We want you to.

Josh: Uh huh.

Janie: Really.

Josh: Okay. (beat) Should we bring our own food?

Janie: Don’t be like that.

Josh: Like what?

Janie: I’ll smack you in the face.

Josh: Excuse me?

Janie: You heard me. Don’t be like that.

Josh: I’m serious.

Janie: I’m serious about smacking you in the face.

Josh (beat): I’m going into my office now.

Janie: You’ll stay there if you know what’s good for you.

Josh (looks at Ess, who shrugs): Okay.

Josh goes into his office.

Caelyn: So I’ve been thinking about getting a puppy.

Ess: Caelyn.

Caelyn: Oh yeah.

Ess: It’s not that I have something against dogs. I don’t. I like dogs. I think they’re nice, loyal animals and that they make good pets. I don’t want them in my apartment all day when we‘re not around.

Caelyn: Okay.

Ess: Now stop. You’re making me feel bad.

Caelyn: I’ll stop.

Ess: You’re going to show me a picture, aren’t you?

Caelyn (shows her a picture): Look at that face.

Ess: Caelyn!

Caelyn: I’ll bring him to work with me.

Ess (beat): You’ll bring him to work?

Caelyn: Or, you know, you can, if you want.

Ess (beat): Okay it with Josh.

Caelyn (grins): Okay.

Caelyn goes and knocks on Josh’s door.

Shift - Caelyn enters Josh’s office.

Josh: Gerrard’s weird, Janie’s weird, please tell me you’re not weird.

Caelyn: I’m not weird.

Josh: Thank you for that.

Caelyn: I need your permission to bring my new puppy to work.

Josh (beat): Get out.

Caelyn: Josh!

Josh: Out.

Caelyn: I’ll owe you!

Josh: You’ll owe me?

Caelyn: I’ll owe you more… than I already do.

Josh: You owe me a lot.

Caelyn: Look at the picture.

Josh (looks): He’s cute.

Caelyn: He really is.

Josh: He can’t come in here.

Caelyn: Please?

Josh: No.

Caelyn: I’ll be your best friend.

Josh (laughs): Nice.

Caelyn: So ‘no,’ huh?

Josh: Sorry, Cae. (beat) He really is cute.

Caelyn: Yeah. (beat) I didn’t think so, but I figured I should try.

Josh: I don’t blame you.

Caelyn: Okay. (beat) I know that I owe you.

Josh: What?

Caelyn: Just… I know.

Josh: I didn’t mean-

Caelyn: Oh, no, no. I know you didn’t. I just wanted to tell you, that I know how much you’ve done for me.

Josh (smiles slightly): You have no idea how glad I am that you’re here.

Caelyn: Thank you. (blushes, laughs slightly) Okay, I’m going to go back out there.

Josh: Okay. You know…

Caelyn: What?

Josh: You’re already one of my best friends.

Caelyn (smiles): You are too.

Josh grins and Caelyn exits. Fade out. End Scene 3.

Ep 8

Scene 1: ADTEO - Josh, Luke, Caelyn.

Luke: Josh.

Josh: Yeah?

Luke: My dad is in town this week.

Josh: Oh yeah? Need some time off?

Luke: No, that’s cool. I was just wondering if it’d be all right if he came for a brief tour or something.

Josh: That’s no problem.

Luke: Thanks. I really want him to see me working at a respectable place.

Josh: Then why are you bringing him here?

Luke (snickers): Right. I’m pretty sure this would count in his book.

Caelyn: You know, your dad will love you no matter where you work.

Luke: I’m sorry?

Caelyn: You don’t need to impress him, is all I’m saying.

Luke: He bet me fifty dollars. When I was still working in service, he bet me fifty dollars that I would never get a respectable job.

Caelyn: Your dad told you that you would never make it anywhere in life?

Luke (nods): Bet me fifty dollars.

Caelyn (beat): Okay.

Josh snickers.

Luke: What? Your dad was Mr. Cunningham?

Caelyn: What?

Luke: The dad from Happy Days. Howard Cunningham?

Caelyn: What’s ‘happy days?’

Luke: You hearing this, Josh?

Josh: Yeah.

Luke: She doesn’t know who Mr. Cunningham is.

Josh: I’m surprised you do.

Luke: I know culture.

Josh: You really don’t.

Luke: Well, I know of it.

Josh: Fair enough.

Caelyn: My dad died when I was four.

Luke (beat): I’m sorry. I didn’t-

Josh (to Luke): Maybe tomorrow you can push her down and then kick her. (Luke glares at him, and Josh shrugs)

Luke: I’m really sorry.

Caelyn: He didn’t really. He lives somewhere in Wyoming.

Luke: That’s not funny.

Caelyn: Wyoming is funny.

Luke: I mean saying your dad is dead and making me feel bad.

Caelyn: I thought it was funny.

Luke: It wasn’t.

Caelyn: Your face went (makes a face).

Luke: That face means it wasn’t funny.

Caelyn: Josh laughed.

Luke: No, he didn’t.

Caelyn: He would have if he had seen it.

Luke: Seen what?

Caelyn: Your face.

Luke: My face was funny?

Caelyn: Among other things.

Luke: Okay. Whatever.

The elevator opens, and Alec and Ess walk out.

Caelyn: Good morning.

Ess: Morning.

Alec: Hey.

Luke: So?

Alec: What?

Luke: How’d it go?

Alec: I am sure I do not know what you are talking about.

Josh: You are sure you do not know, are you, Hal?

Alec: Mock me if you must.

Josh: I must.

Alec: I figured.

Luke: The date. How was the date?

Alec: Great.

Ess: Very nice.

Alec: We had a good time.

Ess: Yeah.

Alec (beat): Yeah.

Luke: You see a movie?

Ess: Yes, we did.

Alec: Did indeed.

Ess: It was nice.

Alec: Yes, it was.

Luke (beat): So are you going to be weird all the time now, or is this a passing thing?

Ess: We’re not being weird.

Josh: Yeah, ya’ are.

Ess: We are not.

Caelyn: Kind of weird.

Ess: Hey!

Caelyn: Sorry.

Ess: Better be.

End Scene 1.

Scene 2: ADTEO - Janie, Alec, Caelyn, Ess, and Luke. Caelyn picks up her phone and calls someone. Ess’ phone rings.

Ess (into phone): ADTE, Agent Aben speaking.

Caelyn (phone): So what happened?

Ess: Caelyn?

Caelyn: Shh. I’m undercover.

Ess: Well, you know, I’d tell you, but it might be too weird.

Caelyn: Don’t be penitent.

Ess: Penitent?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Ess: Petulant?

Caelyn: Penitent doesn’t mean ‘petty?’

Ess: No, it means ‘contrite.’

Caelyn: I thought it meant petty.

Ess: That’s petulant.

Caelyn: Are you sure?

Ess: I have a thesaurus right here.

Caelyn: Well, you’re being cranky, too.

Ess: Not helping.

Caelyn: So what happened?

Ess: Whose side are you on, now?

Caelyn: Yours!

Ess: Earlier, it didn’t seem-

Caelyn: I was undercover.

Ess: Then or now?

Caelyn: Then.

Ess: Why are we talking on the phone, again?

Caelyn (beat): I’m still undercover.

Ess: I don’t know. I’m not certain you’re trustworthy.

Caelyn: Definitions aside, I think you’re being penitent.

Ess: And it’s not like I don’t expect it from Josh, but you-

Caelyn: Look, I know you want to tell me.

Ess: I also want to punish you.

Caelyn: It’s been forty-five minutes already. That’s akin to a flogging.

Ess (giggles): Okay, fine. Meet me in the hall.

Caelyn: You go first.

Ess: Why?

Caelyn: So they don’t suspect anything.

Ess: I’m pretty sure they already do.

Caelyn: Well, that’s not my fault.

Ess hangs up and walks out. After a moment, Caelyn follows.

Janie: Okay, Alec.

Alec: What?

Janie: Spill the details.

Alec: No.

Janie: I thought we were friends, Alec.

Alec: Oops.

Janie: Alec!

Alec: What?

Janie: Ess is telling Caelyn everything. Would you rather we heard it from her?

Alec: Ess or Caelyn?

Janie: Either.

Alec: I really don’t care.

Luke: Come on, you wuss.

Alec: Hey Luke, how are your girlfriends? I say “friends” because I understand it’s still plural.

Luke: Leave me alone.

Alec: Does your dad know about that, I wonder?

Luke: Janie, leave the man alone.

Josh exits his office.

Josh: Hey, guys, we have - where are the girls?

Janie: Ess kissed and is now telling.

Alec: We didn’t kiss.

Janie: Well, better luck next time, Al.

Alec: Don’t call me that.

Janie: What movie did you see?

Alec (sighs): The one with the underdog sports team that shows a lot of heart.

Janie: Seriously.

Alec: Go busybody elsewhere.

Janie: Josh, make him tell me things.

Josh: I get the feeling that often times you mistake the bounds of my authority.

Shift to hall - Ess and Caelyn.

Ess: And then we went and saw that new Marty Simmons movie, where he wakes up from the coma.

Caelyn: Ooh, I want to see that. He’s so cute.

Ess: I know! It’s a great movie, too. So romantic, and I cried at the end.

Caelyn: Happy or sad?

Ess: I’m not going to spoil it for you.

Scene shift - main offices.

Janie: And are you going out again?

Alec: I think so. It went well, you know? I made her laugh, and I wasn’t stupid, so…

Josh looks at him blankly a moment then gives him an exaggerated ‘two-thumbs up’ gesture. Alec scowls.

Josh: Yeah, okay, so we have to go to the Office Protocol meeting today, after lunch.

Luke: Come on!

Josh: Dude, you’re so loud.

Luke: Josh, don’t make us do this.

Josh: Not my call.

Alec: You know what? I’m not going to let this get me down.

Josh: Good.

Alec: I’m having a good day, and I am going to continue to do so.

Josh: I like your pluck.

Alec: I’m sorry?

Josh: Somebody let the girls know when they get back.

Luke: I hate these ‘classes.’

Alec: Blocking out the negativity.

Janie: I, for one, am happy with the news. (grins) I get to go home after lunch.

Alec: And I am happy for you, Janie.

Janie: Thank you, Alec.

Luke: Give me a break.

Alec: Luke, you know what you need?

Luke: If you say ‘a hug’ then I am going to smack you down.

Alec: No, man. A song. The skies are gonna’ clear up! Put on a happy-

Luke throws a book at him. Janie snickers.

Scene shift - hall.

Ess: The best part was how he was just so sweet, the whole time. I mean he was…

Caelyn: Charming?

Ess: Well… sweet.

Caelyn: See, I almost thought you were going to say something else that time.

Ess: It’s a big deal! I mean, funny is good, charming is good, but sometimes a girl wants their guy to be sweet.

Caelyn: Which I hear Alec was.

Ess: He really was!

Caelyn (grins and hugs Ess): I’m glad for you. (beat) We better get back before they realize we’re in cahoots.

Ess: Yeah. Or before I start talking like you.

Scene shift - main offices. Gerrard enters.

Janie: Hey, boss.

Gerrard just grunts.

Alec: You okay there, big guy?

Gerrard: Don’t call me that.

Alec: Okay.

Gerrard: I was up all night listening to the neighbors three dogs.

Luke: You should have called them.

Gerrard (turns and glares at Luke): Why are you talking? Did you feel an important voice was being omitted from this conversation?

Janie: Wow, you’re pretty nasty if you don’t get sleep.

Gerrard: Yeah, it’s a condition I have called ‘humanity!’

Alec: Good one, big guy.

Gerrard looks at him angrily.

Alec: Oops.

Gerrard (glares for a moment, then stalks into his office): Josh!

Josh steps out of his office.

Josh: He okay?

Alec: Seemed fine. Cheerful.

Josh: Cheerful?

Alec: Hey, don’t ask me.

Josh looks confused then goes into Gerrard’s office.

Janie: So… Luke.

Luke: Leave me alone, thou strange woman.

Janie: Any of your girlfriends seem like serious prospects?

Luke (beat): I miss Tanya.

Alec: The librarian?

Luke: She’s not a librarian.

Alec: I thought she was.

Luke: She’s dating a librarian!

Alec: Oh yeah. Heh.

Luke: Shut up.

Janie: That’s a little obsessive.

Luke: I know.

Alec: What’s it like being dumped for a librarian?

Luke: You know what? Take your pluck and-

Ess and Caelyn enter.

Caelyn: Yes, they do.

Ess: Not real ones, no.

Caelyn: I’ve heard people. Real people!

Ess: They really don’t. Alec, do people use the word ‘cahoots?’

Caelyn: Hey, you can’t ask him.

Ess: Why not?

Caelyn just looks at her.

Luke: Ooh, I know! ‘Cause you’re in love with him.

Ess: What!?

Luke: Alec told us.

Ess: Excuse me?

Alec: Don’t listen to him. He’s waging war on my pluck.

Caelyn (beat as Ess and Caelyn look at him): Okay, ask someone else.

Ess: Where’s Josh?

Alec: Talking to Gerrard.

Janie: Probably getting dressed down like a new recruit on a field day.

Caelyn: What does that mean?

Ess (shrugs, to Caelyn about Janie): Sometimes she just says words.

Josh walks out of the office, giving Alec a look. Alec just smiles.

Josh: Okay, listen up. We have the ‘office protocols’ class today after lunch.

Josh heads to his office.

Ess: Josh!

Josh comes back out.

Josh: What?

Caelyn: Is ‘cahoots’ a word?

Ess: Today!?

Josh (to Caelyn): Yes, but it’s not one people say. (to Ess) Don’t complain.

Ess: Why not?

Josh: Be more like Alec. He’s plucky.

Alec: Yeah, I’m not liking that distinction so much anymore.

Ess: Fine. I can do that.

Josh: Be plucky?

Ess: Not complain.

Josh: It’s a noble endeavor.

Ess: I can.

Josh: Sure.

Ess: Josh!

Josh: You’re our resident George Costanza.

Ess: That’s mean. (To Caelyn) Tell him he’s being mean.

Caelyn (looking at Alec): He is rather plucky, today.

Ess (muttering): ‘Cahoots’ is not a word people say.

Caelyn: Oh, but they say ‘plucky?’

Ess (beat): Fine, we’ll ask Gerrard.

Luke: Good idea.

Caelyn: What’s this class supposed to be about?

Alec: How to behave in the office.

Caelyn: I actually knew that much.

Josh: You know, rules, guidelines. Not shooting me again. Basic stuff.

Caelyn: Oh, I see. Just in time, too.

Josh gives her an amused look, and she just smiles.

Janie: I don’t have to go.

Caelyn: Why not?

Janie: Loop-holes. (she grins)

Alec: Who’s giving the class?

Josh: Paul Finely.

Ess: Hey, you love Paul Finely.

Josh: I hate Paul Finely.

Ess: Oh, yeah.

Luke: Then why are you making us go?

Josh: Because I secretly hate you too.

Luke: Josh.

Josh: Okay, maybe not so secretly.

Luke: Seriously.

Josh: It’s mandatory, Luke. I don’t decide this one. (beat) That’s why I’m always there, too.

Ess: At least your best friend Paul Finely is the one-

Josh: Ess.

Ess: Oh, yeah.

Fade out. End Scene 2.

Scene 3: ADTEO, early morning. Josh is working alone, walks out of his office and sees Caelyn at her desk.

Josh: Hey, you’re here early.

Caelyn: Hey. (beat) Yeah, I couldn’t sleep.

Josh: You look terrible.

Caelyn: Thanks, that helps.

Josh: I mean, you don’t need to be here if you don’t feel like it.

Caelyn: Really? ‘Cause it sounded like you think my face scares small children.

Josh: I didn’t-

Caelyn: Then why did you say it?

Josh (beat): I was lying.

Caelyn: Now I’m going to site here and try not cry.

Josh: Did you sleep at all last night?

Caelyn: No.

Josh: What’s wrong?

Caelyn: I couldn’t sleep.

Josh: Why?

Caelyn: Insomnia.

Josh: Caelyn.

Caelyn: You should be impressed my mind is currently functioning this well.

Josh: You should go home.

Caelyn: And not sleep some more?

Josh: Is it because you were feeling guilty about that time you shot me?

Caelyn: No, I’m cool with that.

Josh: Personal problems?

Caelyn: No.

Josh: You sick?

Caelyn: I don’t think so.

Josh: Because Paul Finely often makes me sick.

Caelyn: My head hurts.

Josh: Seriously, go home.

Caelyn: My head will hurt there, too.

Josh: Then go to the doctor.

Caelyn: Doctors are useless.

Josh: Did someone drop a cinderblock on you? Is that what happened?

Caelyn: I’m fine.

Josh: No, you’re not.

Caelyn: Yes, I am.

Josh: Your head hurts, and you haven’t slept.

Caelyn: Sounds like the perfect time for paperwork.

Josh: Caelyn.

Caelyn: Really, I’m fine.

Josh: Why don’t you want to go home?

Caelyn (beat): It’s lonely there.

Josh: It’s lonely?

Caelyn: I like it here.

Josh (beat): My office has a sofa you can use. I’ll work at your desk.

Caelyn: What?

Josh: Go get some sleep.

Caelyn: You sure?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Only for a few hours.

Josh: Okay.

Caelyn: Thanks.

Josh: You should probably look into why you aren’t sleeping.

Caelyn: Because my head hurts and I have chills.

Josh: You have chills?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Josh: You have the flu!

Caelyn: No, I don’t.

Josh: And it’s apparently making you delirious.

Caelyn: I don’t have the flu.

Josh: Go to sleep, and then I’m taking you to the doctor after work.

Caelyn: I don’t need-

Josh: Stop. Go to sleep.

Caelyn: Okay.

Scene shift - (later) main office, Josh is working at Caelyn‘s desk, Luke enters.

Luke: Josh?

Josh: What’s up?

Luke: Why is your office closed?

Josh: Caelyn’s sleeping on the sofa.

Luke: Why?

Josh: Because she has the flu, and was up all night, and now she’s delirious.

Luke: If only there were doctors in this part of the world.

Josh: I’m taking her after work.

Alec enters via elevator.

Alec: Good morning, fellow workmen! I feel like a new person.

Luke: Shut up.

Alec: I feel like an illuminated being, filled with joy of knowledge.

Luke: He’s a walking self-help brochure.

Alec: I have been touched by science, and the mists of ignorance have been dispelled.

Josh: Bro, it wasn’t a cult meeting.

Luke: Still, if you say ‘touched’ by science again, I may have to make some phone calls.

Alec: I could be mistaken, but I don’t think either one of you is fostering a healthy work environment.

Luke (snorts): Neither is Caelyn.

Josh: You’re dad coming today?

Luke: Yeah.

Josh: Anything you want me to tell him?

Luke: About what?

Josh: I don’t know. Anything that would impress him.

Luke: You’d do that?

Josh: Of course.

Luke (beat): I find myself not trusting you.

Alec: I, for one, will act like an officer of the ADTE both while I am on the clock and off, for I know I am representing a public entity.

Luke (to Josh): He’d probably like to see me shoot somebody.

Josh: Alec’s available.

Luke: Excellent.

Alec: Why aren’t you in your office?

Josh: Caelyn’s sleeping in there.

Alec (to Luke): Then again, if you shoot your boss, you get to take naps in his office.

Ess enters via elevator.

Ess: It’s cold out there!

Alec: Is it?

Ess: What?

Alec: Is it?

Ess: Is it what?

Alec: Cold.

Ess: I just said-

Alec: I know. I was… showing interest.

Ess: Oh.

Josh: Another Hallmark Special Moment.

Ess: That reminds me; I gave Paul your cell number.

Josh: Why?

Ess: Because of the Hallmark Moment thing.

Josh: But I just said that.

Ess: I had a feeling.

Josh: Uncanny.

Ess: I think so.

Caelyn walks out.

Caelyn: I’m sick.

Josh: Really?

Ess: Oh, honey, you look awful.

Caelyn (pitifully): I know.

Josh: Why aren’t you sleeping?

Caelyn: I threw up in your waste-basket.

Josh (to Luke): Seriously, anyone in the room is fair game.

Ess: Come on, I’m taking you to the doctor.

Caelyn: Okay.

Josh: Wait, how come when she says that, you’re all agreeable?

Ess: Josh! Leave her alone.

Josh: Sorry. (beat) You puked in my waste-basket?

Ess: Josh!

Josh: Sorry. (to Luke) It’s your lucky day!

Luke: No.

Josh: Sorry, man.

Luke: No! Wait for Janie.

Josh: I can’t. It might have permeated by then.

Caelyn (very sick): I’m sorry.

Josh: Don’t worry about it. Luke will take care of it.

Luke sighs and goes into the office. The elevator opens and Janie and Mr. Sorrason walk out.

Janie: Hey, guys, this is- Caelyn, you look sick!

Ess: I’m taking her to the doctor.

Janie: Josh!

Josh: What?

Janie: You shouldn’t have made her come in today! She looks awful.

Josh looks at her blankly.

Janie: By the way, this is Mr. Artie Sorrason.

Josh stands up to shake his hand as Luke comes out with the waste-basket at arms length.

Luke: How long before I get taken off vomit duty- (sees his father) Hey, dad.

Artie: Vomit duty?

Alec: Could not have planned this better.

Scene shift- sometime later after Luke disposed of the vomit.

Artie: Pay up.

Luke: Dad, I kill monsters on a weekly basis.

Artie: I don’t see monsters. I did see the vomit.

Josh: He was doing me a favor.

Artie: You’re the one who’s his boss?

Josh: I like to think of myself as an elevated colleague.

Artie: I see.

Josh: We’re very fortunate to have Luke working here with us at Sierra.

Alec (off-screen): Luke! Somebody messed up the bathroom real bad!

Josh (to Artie): He’s kidding.

Luke: Yeah, I’m not coming back from the vomit.

Artie (laughs): Here. (hands Luke a fifty dollar bill) You won the moment I walked into the lobby.

Luke (grins): Thanks.

Artie: Can you show me where you keep all the guns?

Luke: Ah, I can’t. The armory is off limits. I can take you to the shooting range, and the training area. We can shoot some stuff.

Artie: Sounds good.

Luke: How long before you need me back?

Josh: Tomorrow at 4am.

Luke: Yeah? Thanks, man.

Artie: You have a mission tomorrow?

Luke: Yeah, heading back to New York.

Artie: Is it dangerous?

Luke (beat): Not especially so.

Artie: Mr. Mortiz?

Josh: Call me Josh.

Artie: Okay. Josh, is it dangerous?

Josh: All our missions have elements of danger. That’s why we’re trained so well.

Artie: I see.

Luke: Come on, let’s go.

Artie: Okay.

Luke: Thanks, Josh.

Luke and Artie exit. Alec enters and they pass.

Alec: Nice guy.

Josh: Yeah.

Alec (beat): You miss your dad?

Josh: Every day.

Alec: Me too.

Josh: If Caelyn’s out tomorrow, you’re on perimeter.

Alec: That’s fine.

Josh: She didn’t think she was sick.

Alec: Women are psycho.

Josh: They really are.

Fade out. End Scene 3.

Scene 4: Ess’ car - Ess and Caelyn. (Caelyn is drugged up and sleepy)

Ess: You okay over there?

Caelyn: I’m cold.

Ess (turns heat on): Here.

Caelyn: Thanks.

Ess: You shouldn’t have come in today.

Caelyn: I know.

Ess: Why did you?

Caelyn: I don’t like my apartment.

Ess (laughs): Really?

Caelyn: I like you guys.

Ess (grins): Yeah. We like you too.

Caelyn: Thanks for taking care of me.

Ess: I was thinking.

Caelyn: About Alec?

Ess: No, not about Alec. Are you thinking about Alec?

Caelyn: Now I am.

Ess: I was thinking I could use a roommate.

Caelyn: Use them for what?

Ess: Rent.

Caelyn: You’re going to sell you’re roommate?

Ess: Caelyn, what exactly did they give you in there?

Caelyn: Lots of… stuff, I think.

Ess: I was saying that I’ve been considering getting a roommate again. My apartment is way too big for just me, but my last two roommates were complete disasters, and I haven‘t been looking for a replacement.

Caelyn: Oh.

Ess: Caelyn?

Caelyn: What?

Ess: Do you want to be my roommate?

Caelyn: Me?

Ess: Yeah.

Caelyn: Yes.

Ess: Are you going to remember this conversation?

Caelyn: I don’t think so.

Ess: I’ll ask you again tomorrow.

Caelyn: Okay.

Ess: Try not to go to sleep. We’re almost home.

Caelyn: Okay.

Long moment of silence.

Ess: Cae.

Caelyn: What?

Ess: You’re almost sleeping.

Caelyn: Sorry.

Ess: Just a little ways.

Scene shift - ADTEO.

Gerrard: Luke, is this your father?

Luke: Yes, sir.

Gerrard (extends hand): Gerrard Sully. (they shake)

Artie: Artie Sorrason.

Gerrard: Luke give you the tour?

Artie: Yes, he did.

Gerrard: Ah, it’s a pity they won’t let you into the trainnig area. You would have enjoyed that.

Luke (beat): He’s kidding, dad. I’m not in trouble.

Artie: Oh. Good.

Gerrard: We’re very proud of Luke here. He’s done a remarkable job.

Artie: Wasn’t he almost fired a few months ago?

Gerrard (beat): Well, that happens to the best of us.

Artie: I see.

Gerrard: What is it you do, Mr. Sorrason?

Artie: I recently retired from Geneosis Labs. (beat) Early retirement.

Gerrard: I’m sure you earned it. Geneosis does good work.

Artie: That they do.

Gerrard: Well, you two enjoy your day. I’m going out for lunch. (nods and exits)

Artie: I really should be going.

Luke: Yeah.

Artie: I’m proud of you, son.

Luke: Thanks.

Artie: It looks like you have something good here. Don’t mess it up, okay?

Luke: I won’t.

Artie: Good boy. (shakes his hand) Take care of yourself.

Luke: You too.

Artie pauses, smiles, and exits.

Alec: You know, you’re lucky.

Luke: Yeah.

Alec: Good.

Luke: Thanks for not mentioning the girlfriend situation.

Alec (laughs): Yeah, I’m really not out to get you, man.

Luke: I know.

Alec: I’m going to take off in a few hours, try and get some sleep before tomorrow. You should get out of here while you have the chance.

Luke: Yeah, you’re probably right. (beat) I don’t mean to pry, so tell me to back off if I am. (Alec looks up at him questioningly) What happened to you parents?

Alec: After the cataclysm occurred, they were never found.

Luke (nods): I’m sorry.

Alec: Thank you. (he shrugs) Same thing with Josh’s entire family. Ess lost a brother.

Luke: I am lucky.

Alec (smiles): Yeah.

Luke: I’ll see you later, Alec.

Alec: Take it easy.

Luke exits. After a moment, Josh exits his office.

Josh: It smells in there.

Alec: Gross.

Josh: It’s like dead fish.

Alec: Or, you know, vomit.

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: Do we need to be here?

Josh: I really don’t think we do.

Alec: I mean, no one else is here.

Josh: No one but us.

Alec: That’s what I’m saying.

Josh: Well… that’s just not right.

Alec: If they can leave before lunch, why not us?

Josh: Yes.

Alec: Good.

Josh: Want to throw rocks at cars?

Alec: Strangely, yeah, but I’m trying to be mature now.

Josh: Okay. I’ll not to enable you, then.

Alec: Appreciate it.

Josh: We could go take some loser’s money at the casino.

Alec: I like it.

Josh: Let me grab my coat.

The two of them gather their things and exit. Fade out. End Scene 4.