Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ep 1

Scene 1: ADTEO early morning. Characters appear tired, recently awaken. Joshua, Luke, and Hadassah (“Ess”) are in various positions, waiting.

Luke: What is this about?

Josh (very tired): Don’t know.

Luke: He didn’t say?

Josh (annoyed): I’d know if he had said.

Luke: I only ask because it’s like four in the morning, and if this is another one of his early-breakfast pep rallies-

Ess: ‘Pep rallies?’

(Beat) Luke (uncertainly): That’s a word.

Josh: It’s two words.

Luke (convinced): That’s two words.

Ess (nods): Okay. Pep rallies?

Luke: Josh, tell her it’s legit.

Josh (almost pleading): Please don’t make me do that.

Luke: It’s legit.

Ess: But it would bother you if I disagreed, wouldn’t it?

Luke: Yes, it would. It’s an established saying. Josh and I both have told you-

Josh: No, I haven’t.

Luke: Josh would tell you if he wasn’t still half-asleep.

Josh: No, I wouldn’t.

Ess: Established saying?

Luke (sighs): I’m not arguing it’s canon, just that it’s eligible for use.

Ess: I’m not disputing that.

Luke (taken back): I thought you were.

Ess: I just think it’s a dumb word.

Josh: Two words.

Luke: My point is, it’s too early.

Ess (nods): Yes.

Luke (nods): Yes. Okay.

Alec comes into the room through elevator.

Alec: ‘Morning.

Luke: Good Morning.

Alec: Any coffee?

Ess: Right there.

Alec: Bless you, Hadassah.

Alec goes to pour himself a cup of coffee.

Ess (to Josh): Alec blessed me.

Josh (impassively): Grats.

Ess (confused): What?

Alec: So what’s going on?

Luke: We don’t know.

Alec: Josh doesn’t know?

Josh: I don’t.

Alec: He didn’t tell you?

Josh: I’m pretty certain I’d have remembered.

Alec: Okay. I’m just asking because this had better not be one of his character building exercises.

Luke: That’s what I was saying.

Alec (puzzled): When?

Luke: A minute ago.

Alec: Before I got coffee?

Luke: Yeah.

Alec: Oh. Well, now we’ve both said it.

Josh (wearily): I’m going to jam this pen through my eye.

Ess: You guys are driving Josh to suicide.

Luke: Josh needs to learn how to handle mornings.

Ess: Or, you know, morons.

Gerrard enters from elevator.

Gerrard: Good morning everyone.

Josh: Whatever.

Gerrard: What’s with him?

Ess: He’s not a moron person.

Luke: Morning person.

Ess: Yeah.

Gerrard (ignoring them): Everyone grab a seat.

The four field officers sit at random desk areas.

Gerrard: On the 14th of this month, Echo Team 4 went into Paris on a recon mission to bring back samples of the Nebula Algae. Apparently, HQ is in the process of utilizing it’s growth attributes for some kind of medicinal purposes.

Alec: Please tell me we don’t have to go gather plants.

Gerrard: You don’t have to go gather plants. (Beat) Well, yeah, maybe you do. Echo 4 came under assault and has reported casualties. We lost all contact with them less than an hour ago.

Luke: They are getting taken out?

Gerrard: Echo Team is barely field authorized. Their specialty is techno-research stuff. If danger of any kind had been assessed to reside in that quadrant of Paris, they never would have gone in.

Alec: So what, ghouls?

Gerrard: It appears so.

Josh: How many survivors?

Gerrard: One Mitchell Knowles and one Caelyn Heaton. Knowles was on the com when we lost contact. The com is still open, but we are getting no response. Find out what you can, grab the samples if you’re feeling bold.

Josh: Sir.

Gerrard: Josh?

Josh: Expectations?

(Beat) Gerrard: Simple confirmation.

A moment of silence as they all exchange solemn looks.

Gerrard: Pack up; you leave at 0600.

Ess, Alec, and Luke all exit via elevator.

Josh: Sir.

Gerrard: Yeah?

Josh (quietly): Caelyn Heaton?

Gerrard (sighs and nods sadly): Yeah.

Josh: I’ll bring her back.

Gerrard: Do what you can, Josh, but I don’t want you risking your guys if she-, if they can’t be saved.

Josh: Risk is their job. (Beat) I don’t like them much anyway.

Gerrard (tiny smile): Get out of here.

Fade Out. End Scene 1.

Scene 2: ADTE cargo plane. Josh, Luke, Ess, and Alec are seated two on each side.

Pilot (over com): ETA 13 minutes.

Josh (to Luke): Let it go, man.

Luke (surprised): What?

Josh: You’ve looked at that picture six times since we’ve been in the plane.

Luke (defensively): Maybe I like to think of my girlfriend before missions.

Josh: She’s not your girlfriend.

Luke: She was.

Josh: But now? Not so much.

Luke: It makes me feel better.

Josh: It makes you feel worse.

Luke (annoyed): How about I get to decide how I feel?

Josh: Okay, but you’re not doing it right.

Luke (more annoyed): I’m doing it fine.

Josh: Yeah, if by fine you mean wrong.

Ess: You’re certainly in a better mood.

Josh (opening his coat to reveal his handguns): I’m armed now.

Ess: Ahh.

Josh: Yes.

Alec: What were the names of the possible survivors?

Ess (reading): Mitchell Knowles and Caelyn Heaton.

Alec: Heaton. Josh?

Josh (nods slightly): Yeah.

Alec: Wow. (Beat) Why didn’t he say anything?

Ess (confused): What? Why didn’t who say anything?

Josh: Caelyn Heaton was Gerrard’s sister’s daughter.

Ess (quietly): Oh, no….

Josh: Yeah.

Ess: That’s terrible. (Beat) We have to find her.

Josh: Yeah.

Ess: Josh, we absolutely have to find her.

Josh (quietly): I know.

(Beat) Ess (sighs): Sorry. That just… makes me feel so bad for him.

Josh: Any of you guys have a problem being sent into a ghoul’s nest to retrieve her body?

Ess: No problem.

Luke: We’ve gone in for less. I’m good with it.

Alec: You know, you don’t have to ask us stuff like that.

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: I’m serious.

Josh: Okay.

Silence for a moment.

Ess: What do you guys think about Connor?

Josh: Connor?

Ess: Yeah.

Josh: Connor who?

Ess: Connor Milling. From Delta.

Josh: Milling?

Alec: I don’t like him.

Ess: Why not?

Alec: Too arrogant.

Ess (accusingly): The three of you are the most arrogant men I’ve ever met!

Josh: Yeah, but we can back it up.

Ess: Oh, and Connor can’t?

Josh: Why do you keep calling him that?

Ess: What?

Josh: That.

Ess: Connor?

Josh: Yeah.

Ess: That’s his name, Josh.

Josh: Still.

Alec: Why, do you like this guy?

Ess: He asked me out.

Josh: Milling asked you out?

Ess: He did.

Luke: Turned him down, didn’t you?

Ess: No, we went out once.

Josh. No, you didn’t.

Ess: I did, and it was fun.

Josh: No, it wasn’t.

Alec: I thought he was kind of a jerk.

Ess: I did too, at first, but he’s actually quite funny.

Josh (to Alec): He’s funny?

Alec (shakes head): I don’t think so.

Ess (dryly): Well, clearly, he doesn’t compare to you guys, but then who does?

Alec: I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be considered funny if he were compared to Paul Ehrlich.

Luke: Who?

Ess: Have you ever talked to him?

Alec: Ehrlich?

Ess: Connor, you idiot.

Alec: Oh. About something other than how much he can dead-lift? No, can’t say that I have. (Beat) Wasn’t a very witty conversation, though.

Ess: So basically, you’re judging him without knowing anything about him?

Josh: That’s what we do, Ess.

Luke: He doesn’t seem too bad to me.

Ess: Thank you, Luke.

Alec (to Luke): Wuss.

Josh: You went out with Milling?

Ess: Why does that bother you so much?

Josh (uncomfortably): He’s… Delta.

Ess (loudly): This is about team rivalry?

Josh: It’s just… you’re so much better than him, Ess.

Alec: Literally.

Ess (disgusted): You men are so pathetic.

Luke: Hey!

Ess: Not you.

Alec (to Josh): It’s true, you know.

Josh: Luke’s not a man?

Alec: No. Well, maybe, but that’s not what I meant. We are kind of pathetic.

Josh: We make it work, though.

Alec: Yeah, we do!

The two of them bump fists and Ess rolls her eyes.

Fade out. End Scene 2.

Scene 3. Night: Streets of Paris. Josh alone, with two large handguns drawn. He is wearing night-vision goggles. He searches the area, checks his watch, which contains a radar type device. Something responds inside a near-by building, which he enters.

Josh: Anyone here? Lieutenant Heaton?

He walks slowly around the area. A ghoul suddenly leaps at him through the ceiling. He shoots it with both guns and it crumples up and begins to melt.

Josh: Level 1 ghoul eliminated. You guys see anything bigger?

Alec (over com): Killed two little ones; they fried pretty easily.

Josh: Stay awake. I find it hard to believe Echo went down to this.

Luke (over com): Found one Corporal Geop, Brian. Josh, this wasn’t a level 1. He’s pretty mangled.

Josh moves into the next room. There is a side-door shut tight. Josh scans the area, then kicks the door in. At that moment, a bullet is fired from inside and grazes his leg. Josh almost returns fire, but stops as the attacker is revealed to be Caelyn Heaton, who is seated up against the wall. One of her legs is wrapped in a slightly bloodied bandage. When she speaks, it is in a terrified, trembling manner.

Caelyn (gasping in horror): I’m sorry! I thought you were- I’m so sorry!

Josh (looking down at his wound): You shot me in the leg.

Caelyn: I-I thought you were it. (drops her gun and backs away from it)

Josh: I’m not it. I’m here to res- you shot me in the leg!

Caelyn (distraught and near tears): I’m so sorry. I was-

Josh (looks at her, realizes she is near panic, and softens): Hey, it’s okay. It just grazed. I’m fine. (into com) Found one Caelyn Heaton. Beginning extraction.

Caelyn: You’re here to save me?

Josh: Yeah; are you hurt?

Caelyn (unevenly): Just some cuts and bruises.

Josh: You sure? ‘Cause I can carry you, if you want.

(Beat) Caelyn: Is that… a joke?

Josh: No.

Caelyn (confused): I shot you.

Josh (removes his goggles): Yeah, but not very well.

Alec (over com): Josh, Ess and I found the Mother. We could take it out, but there’s a whole nest in here. I recommend getting-

Josh: Yeah, we got what we came for. Pull back to the extraction.

Ess (over com): I found some of the Algae. Knowles had it on him.

Caelyn (quietly): My team… are they all-?

Josh holsters his guns and leans down to pick up Caelyn. He doesn’t answer her question as he carries her from the building.

Josh: By the way, I’m Josh.

Scene 3 cont. Shift to different street. Alec and Ess are walking back to the plane.

Alec: Let’s go.

Ess: What a waste. Look at this stuff. (opens the bag so Alec can see inside) Almost an entire team killed over this.

Alec: Yeah.

Ess: Nebula Algae. Fancy words for a new kind of dirt.

Alec: You’re right.

Ess: That they would send people out without knowing exactly how dangerous the location is, over dirt is just-

Alec: You know I agree with you, right?

Ess: Yeah.

Alec: Okay. It seemed like you were trying to convince me.

Ess: I was expounding on my feelings.

Alec: Okay. We’re clear now.

Ess: Okay.

They arrive at extraction point, where Luke is waiting next to the plane.

Luke: You guys saw the Mother, huh?

Alec: Yeah.

Luke: They should just nuke this place like they did with New York. It’s only going to get worse.

Alec: We’ll see. If they stay inside, might as well let them have it.

Josh appears, carrying Caelyn who is beginning to pass out.

Josh: Get in.

Ess: She going to be okay?

Josh: Losing some blood, but mostly exhaustion from fear. She’ll be fine.

They climb into the cargo plane.

Scene 3 cont. Shift to inside the plane.

Ess: What happened to your leg?

Josh: Little accident. Alec, tell the pilot we’re ready.

Ess: Put her down, and I’ll look at the wound.

Josh: Right. (begins setting her down, but stops)

Ess: Josh.

Josh: She’s holding on pretty tight.

Ess (looking at Caelyn): She’s hardly awake.

Josh: She’s holding on pretty tight.

Ess (softly): She’ll be okay. Hold her hand or something, but I really should look at her leg.

Josh (nods, again trying to lay Caelyn on a laid-down seat): Pry her fingers out of my arm.

Ess does so, and they succeed in getting her on the seat. Josh goes to sit with Alec and Luke; Ess begins to examine the wound.

Alec: She going to be all right?

Josh: Yeah, I think so.

Alec: You want to call Gerrard and let him know?

Luke (pointing to Josh’s arm): You’re bleeding. Ghoul?

Josh (glancing at his arm): She was holding on pretty tight.

Josh reaches for a phone on the side of the plane’s wall.

Josh (dialing): How many kills?

(Luke holds up 1 finger) Alec: Two for me. Ess didn’t see any, besides the brood.

Josh (into phone): Commander Sully, please. (Beat) Gerrard, it’s Josh. We have good news. (Beat) No, listen, she’s not dead. She was hiding- (Beat) Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure it’s her. She- (Beat) Okay, well, we’ll be back soon. She’s sleeping right now, pretty worn out. (Beat) All right. Yeah. (Josh hangs up). He was… giddy.

The three men look at one another and smile.

Fade out. End Scene 3.

Scene 4: ADTEO afternoon. Kevin and Janie are already in office. Ess, Alec, Luke, and Josh enter via hallway. Josh is moving with a slight limp.

Kevin: Welcome back.

Ess: Thanks.

Janie: Good trip?

Ess: Very.

Josh: Kev, any updates on the Tallahassee sit?

Kevin: Nothing new. Our guys have most of the bases covered, but there's still a strong ghoul presence in the south. We're having a hard time progressing through the swamps.

Alec: Josh, I swear man, if they send us down there-

Josh: I hear you.

Janie: What happened to your leg?

Josh: Had an accident.

Alec: Caelyn shot him.

Janie: Caelyn shot you?

Josh: It was a mistake. She was freaking out, and I didn’t identify myself before kicking in the door.

Alec: A comedy of errors, if you will.

Luke: I won‘t.

Ess: Has Gerrard been in yet?

Janie: He called, said he was spending most of the day with his sister's family. He'll probably stop by after supper sometime.

Josh: Alec, walk with me.

Scene 4 cont. Shift to hallway.

Josh: Okay, you're missing your chance.

Alec: I am?

Josh: Yes.

Alec: Will I get another one?

Josh: Will you get-? No, you won't get another one.

Alec: In that case, I had better buck up.

Josh: That's all I'm saying.

Alec: I better get in the game.

Josh: That's right.

Alec: Good. Thank you for the tip.

Josh: You have no idea what we're talking about do you?

Alec: No, but I was hoping I could fake it.

Josh: Milling, my friend.

Alec: Ah.

Josh: You understand?

Alec: Do I understand what?

Josh: Milling.

Alec: Do I understand Milling?

Josh: Alec, you're missing your chance.

Alec: Okay, now I know where we are. We’re talking about Milling.

Josh: She’s dating Milling, and you're letting your chance slip by.

Alec: The guy is a loser. When they break up, imagine how good I will look in comparison.

Josh: Yes, and that is a valid point. Except that it's not actually valid as much as it’s idiotic.

Alec: You think she is going to be seriously interested in that guy?

Josh: I think she isn't going to be seriously interested in you.

Alec: I see what you did there.

Josh: You're missing your chance.

Alec: It's Milling. From Delta.

Josh: You know what? You're like a real life Mighty Casey.

Alec: What?

Josh: You're so busy waiting for the third pitch that you missed your chance on the out-of-park homer.

(Beat) Alec: I have no clue what you’re referencing. I’m assuming something to do with sports.

Josh (sighs): Learn some culture.

Scene 4 cont. Shift to office. Ess, Luke, Kevin, and Janie.

Janie: So what is she like?

Ess: Who are we talking about?

Janie: Caelyn. Is she nice?

Ess: She was unconscious most of the time.

Janie: Did Josh like her?

Ess: Did Josh what?

Janie: Did he like her?

Ess (stares blankly): How on earth-

Janie: Sometimes you can tell.

(Beat) Ess (shrugging): I suppose it’s possible; she shot him and he didn’t seem to care that much.

Janie: Is she pretty?

Ess: Yeah, I guess so.

Janie (nodding): Good. Maybe we can fix Josh up with her.

Ess: Josh doesn’t need us to fix him up with anyone.

Janie: Of course he does.

Kevin: Janie can’t sleep at night unless she gets in a good day of meddling.

Janie (to Ess): I put mustard in his coffee this morning.

Ess stares at her in surprise.

Enter Josh and Alec.

Josh: Luke, you know about Mighty Casey, right?

Luke: The gorilla?

(Beat) Josh: Okay, don’t talk to me for the rest of the day.

Ess: I know about Mighty Casey. He played for the New York Yankees baseball team.

Josh (frustrated): Um, no. No, no, no he didn’t. Mighty Casey is fictional. He’s a fictional character in a fictional story that has a moral behind it.

(Beat) Ess: I’m pretty sure that he played for the Yankees.

Josh: He played for Mudville!

Alec: I thought you said he wasn’t real.

Josh: You know, Dante wrote about what awaits people like you.

Alec (teasing): Who?

Josh: Funny. You’re a funny guy.

Luke: Who’s the gorilla, then?

Janie: King Kong?

Ess: Mighty Joe Young.

Luke (snaps his fingers): That’s it.

Janie: King Kong is a gorilla.

Kevin (sardonic): Astute observation.

Janie: How’s your coffee?

Kevin: Josh, can you fire her?

Josh: I can.

Kevin: What do I have to do to convince you to exercise that ability?

Josh (shrugs): I need a new watch.

Kevin: You’ll have it tomorrow.

Josh: Okay.

Janie: Josh won’t fire me. He loves me. I’m like his older sister.

Josh: My ‘very much older’ sister.

Janie (accusingly): Josh.

Josh: What’s up, G-ma?

(Beat) Janie (offended): Well, I guess I won’t fix you up, then.

Josh: I’m kidding, Janie.

Janie: Whatever.

Josh: You’re not old.

Janie: Stop talking to me.

Josh: Want me to fire Kevin?

(Beat as she considers that) Janie: That might help.

Josh: I can’t. Gerrard specifically picked him out.

Kevin: Ha.

Janie (bitterly): And yet you still offered.

Josh: It’s the thought that counts. Who are you fixing me up with?

Janie: No one.

Josh: Who were you going to fix me up with?

Janie: It’s kind of moot now, isn’t it?

Josh: It was your frumpy cousin, wasn’t it? The one with the goggle-glasses.

Janie: No, it wasn’t, and Melinda is perfectly nice.

Ess: Caelyn Heaton.

Josh: What about her?

Ess: That’s who she wants to fix you up with.

Josh: She wants to fix me up with Caelyn Heaton?

Alec: She’s never even met the girl.

Janie: Hardly a handicap.

Josh: You can’t fix me up with someone I know better than you do.

Janie: Like I said, it’s moot; and yes I could.

Luke: So… we going to do any work today?

Josh: We actually don’t have anything on the docket. Fill your reports, and then take the day. I’ll stick around in case Gerrard has something.

Fade out. End Scene 4.

Scene 5. Alec and Ess walking down a hallway.

Alec: Been a long time since we had a nothing day.

Ess: This works out well. Connor was asking me about-

Alec (speaking over her): Ess.

Ess: -going to a dinner-theatre-

Alec: Ess, you really like this guy, or are you just trying to drive us crazy?

Ess: Why does it drive you crazy? You know nothing about Connor.

Alec (haltingly): I know his name.

Ess: I mean, if he were someone who beat you up in fourth grade or something, but you don’t know anything-

Alec: So you really like him, then?

Ess (stares at him for a moment): Are you asking as a friend or as the arrogant guy who wants to rag on my choices?

Alec: I thought that’s what friends do.

Ess shakes her head and walks away. After a moment Alec follows.

Alec: Ess, I was just kidding. Come on.

Ess (sarcastic): What a surprise.

Alec: Ess-

Ess: You know, you guys are like my family here. You and Josh are practically my brothers, and I understand you wanting to give me a hard time, but once in awhile-! (breaks off with an angry sigh) Just forget it.

Alec (stunned): Ess, we didn’t mean anything by it.

Ess (disappointed): I know, Alec. But there are times that I want you to mean something.

Alec: Sometimes I do.

Ess (looks at him questioningly): What do you really think of Connor?

(Beat) Alec: I don’t know enough to say - (Ess rolls her eyes and begins to turn away) but - (Ess turns back) I know Morgan runs a tight crew over there at Delta, and anyone working for him won’t be anything less than honorable.

Ess (smiles slightly): Was that so hard?

Alec: Why don’t you have him come up sometime we‘re playing poker? We can get to know him that way, and then -

Ess: I don’t think I’ll be seeing him again. He’s kind of immature for me.

(Beat) Alec: Okay, what?

Ess: Thanks for being honest. I’ll see you tomorrow, Alec.

Ess lingers a moment, and then walks away. Alec watches her go, and then exits opposite direction.

Scene 5 cont. Main office, Josh is alone, seated at his desk, reading some files. Alec enters from hallway and stands against a desk.

Alec: Josh.

Josh (looks up and nods): What’s up?

Alec: I’m in trouble.

Josh: Man, I told you not to invest in anything having to do with seafood. Didn’t I tell you that?

Alec: Yes, you did, and I should have listened, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

Josh: Oh.

Alec: It’s about Ess.

Josh: I told you about that too.

Alec: Yes, yes you did.

Josh: It’s like I’m Obi-wan, telling you not to run off to fight Vader in Empire Strikes Back, but you just ignore me.

Alec: I thought that was Yoda.

Josh: It was both of them.

Alec: At the same time?

Josh: Yeah.

(Beat) Alec: I don’t remember that.

Josh: You’re my errant student whom I am trying to protect, but instead you go rushing off-

Alec: But you told me to go to Ess.

Josh: Well, now you’re just taking the metaphor too far.

Alec: She broke up with Milling.

(Beat) Josh: Really?

Alec: Yeah.

Josh: Is it considered breaking up after only one date?

Alec: What?

Josh: It’s not like they were a couple or anything. If you were having a party, you wouldn’t have said, ‘Let’s invite Ess and Milling.’ You would have invited Ess and not even considered the guy.

Brief pause as they both ponder that.

Alec: Anyway, that’s the good news. The bad news is, she sees me as a brother.

Josh: How does she see me?

Alec: What does that have to do with anything?

Josh: If she sees you like a brother, but me as just a friend, then I’m doing something wrong.

Alec: Not everything is about you, Josh.

Josh: Alec-

Alec: She sees you as a brother, too.

Josh (grins): Cool.

Alec: Can we focus for a minute?

Josh: Right. Yeah, you’re wrecked.

Alec: What, there’s no chance now?

Josh: Not unless something drastic happens.

Alec: Like what?

(Beat) Josh: You realize I have no expertise on this whatsoever, and everything I say regarding your situation is thought up on the fly?

Alec (nods): Yeah.

Josh: Okay. You probably have to save her life.

Alec: Save her life?

Josh: Maybe buy her a dog.

Alec (snaps fingers): I could do that.

Josh: Does she like dogs?

Alec: Yeah.

Josh: See how that works out.

Alec (nods slowly for a moment, then pauses): I’m wrecked, aren’t I?

Josh: Yeah.

Alec (sighs): You think of her as a sister?

Josh (nods somberly): Yeah, I do.

(Beat) Alec (small smile): I guess that’s not too horrible a relationship to have.

Josh (sincerely): It’s really not.

Alec (checks his watch and takes a deep breath): How much longer you here?

Josh: Probably an hour or two, unless Gerrard shows up.

Alec: Okay. (he stands up) I’ll see you tomorrow.

Josh: Goodnight, Alec.

Gerrard enters from hallway.

Gerrard: Going home, Alec?

Alec: Yes sir, unless you need me for something.

Gerrard: No, take the rest of the day. I figured I should at least make an appearance, but I won’t be around long.

Alec: How is your niece doing?

Gerrard: Excellent. She‘s doing very well. Thank you, both of you. I mean that.

Josh: Our pleasure, sir.

Alec (nods): Goodnight, Gerrard. Josh.

Gerrard: Goodnight, son.

Alec exits via hallway.

Josh: Anything that I should know about… anything, or can I go home too?

Gerrard (smiles and sits behind a nearby desk): Caelyn doesn’t remember very much of last night.

Josh: She was pretty scared.

Gerrard (nods): She did, however, remember shooting you. (Josh laughs slightly and Gerrard grins). She feels quite horrible about it.

Josh: She shouldn’t. The bullet barely grazed-

Gerrard: They’re keeping her there overnight for observation. (he paused) I’m thinking about hiring her on as a field-tech.

Josh: Field-tech.

Gerrard: Think that’s a bad idea?

Josh (shrugs): Does she want to keep working for ADTE?

Gerrard: She doesn’t know. She does know she’s done with Echo’s wing, though.

Josh: Yeah, can’t fault her there.

(Beat) Gerrard: She feels really bad about shooting you, Josh.

Gerrard stands and exits via hallway.

Fade out. End Scene 5.

Scene 6: Hospital hallway. Josh with a small bouquet, 2 nurses are talking at the counter. He is reading the door numbers and stops at 312 and knocks. Caelyn is inside lying on a hospital bed. She is tired but not sleeping.

Josh: Hey.

Caelyn (surprised): Hey. Come on in.

Josh (entering slowly): I don’t have to stay-

Caelyn. No, no, I’m glad you’re here. This was really sweet of you.

(Small pause as Josh smiles slightly) Josh: Um, here. (he hands her the flowers, which she takes and smiles)

Caelyn: Thank you. You didn’t have to. (Lifts the flowers to smell them, then gently sets them on the nearby table) Want to sit down?

Josh (nods): Yeah, thanks. (sits down) How are you feeling?

Caelyn: I’m doing well. I’m… (she pauses and frowns)… I miss my friends. (she looks down and tries not to cry)

A few moments pass with Josh looking sorry and Caelyn regaining her composure.

Caelyn (still fighting tears): I’m sorry. I’m so rude to do that to someone I just met.

Josh (softly): Hey, no. Don’t be sorry. I’ve lost friends before on missions, and it… it tears you apart. I can’t imagine losing them all at once. (Beat) I can go if you want to be alone.

Caelyn (pitifully): Please don’t.

Josh (softly): Okay.

More time passes as they sit in silence; Caelyn‘s head is down, and Josh looks uncomfortable, but he doesn‘t move to leave. For the rest of this scene, the lines are delivered softly, with Caelyn still near the verge of tears.

Caelyn: I’m sorry I shot you.

Josh (smiles a little): Don’t worry about it. I’m not even limping anymore.

Caelyn: Most people wouldn’t come to the hospital to visit the person who shot them. (Josh’s smile grows as she looks up at him) This really was very sweet.

Josh: Yeah? You think my mother would be proud?

Caelyn (laughs a little): I do. She did a very good job.

Josh: I also know which side of the plate the knife goes on.

Caelyn (laughs again): I… I never thanked you for, you know, saving my life.

Josh: You don’t have to.

Caelyn: I have a mother, too. (Josh laughs) Really, though, what you did… thank you, Josh.

Josh (nods): You’re welcome, Caelyn.

Caelyn: Um… I-I’m going to ask you something, and please don’t feel obligated to say yes, as you’ve already-

Josh: Hey, anything you need.

Caelyn: The… the, uh… memorial for my (chokes up a little)… my team is in a few days, on Friday. They only let ADTE officers go to those things, and… I don’t want to go alone, and-

Josh (sincerely): Yeah, of course I’ll go.

Caelyn (voice-breaking): Yeah?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn (breathing out in relief): I was so scared of having to do that alone. Uncle Gerrard is going to be away. (Beat) Thank you so much.

Josh: It’s really no problem.

(Beat) Caelyn: Uncle Gerrard says Sierra needs a field-tech.

Josh: Yeah, we’ve been without one for a few months now.

Caelyn: He thinks I could do it.

Josh: I think you could too.

Caelyn (wryly): Was it the shooting my rescuer or the waves of tears that convinced you?

Josh (laughs): You’d get training.

Caelyn: Yeah. I think I need some of that.

Josh: Sierra is a good group of people.

Caelyn: I believe it. (she smiles a little and Josh returns it) You know, I don’t know your last name.

Begin Fade out.

Josh: Moritz.

Caelyn: Joshua Moritz?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Two first names, huh?

Josh: Moritz isn’t a first name.

Caelyn: I’m pretty sure it is.

Fade out. End Scene 6.

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