Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ep 2

Scene 1: ADTEO - Gerrard’s office. Josh and Gerrard. Gerrard is studying work on his desk. Josh is sitting on the other side, looking bored. This goes on for a few moments.

Josh: Is there-

Gerrard (doesn‘t look up): Just a second.

(Long beat) Josh: I can come back if-

Gerrard: Hold on.

(Long beat) Josh: You sure I shouldn’t be… out there… shooting things?

Gerrard (sighs and closes the folder): I’m supposed to do interviews today.

Josh: Just be confident. Employers tend to like that.

Gerrard: Shut up. (Josh nods) It’s no secret how much I hate this part of my job.

Josh: Well, not since the musical.

Gerrard: Seriously, stop talking.

Josh: Sorry.

Gerrard: However, there is a silver lining, as I was able to convince HQ that I am training you to take over for me when I move on.

Josh: HQ has always been gullible like that.

Gerrard: As such, they have allowed me to allow you to handle whatever areas of my job as I see fit, with my supervision. Since I don’t really expect to give up my position any time soon, that leaves you with parts I don’t like.

(Beat) Josh: Is this punishment for the musical thing?

Gerrard: No.

Josh: Because I think it’s a little excessive.

Gerrard: No, that will come later. This was me feeling vindictive.

Josh: Interviews?

Gerrard: You’ll be good at it.

Josh: I’ll be terrible at it.

Gerrard: Yeah, probably.

(Beat) Josh: Interviews?

Gerrard: It will be fun.

Josh: No, it won’t!

Gerrard: That’s why I’m giving it to you.

Josh: Can I delegate?

Gerrard: No.

Josh: Why not?

Gerrard: Because of that musical thing.

Josh: Gerrard-

Gerrard: Yes?

Josh: Is this for real?

Gerrard: Let go with it, Josh. I have faith in your ability to make the process entertaining.

Josh: What am I, Penn and Teller?

Gerrard (thoughtful): I never liked them much.

(Beat) Josh: Yeah, me neither.

Gerrard: The tall guy was annoying. Which one was he?

Josh: Penn.

Gerrard: Yeah. He annoyed me.

Josh: Who doesn’t?

Gerrard: As of right now? The people I don’t have to interview.

Josh: If we end up with a slew of incompetents, it’s your fault.

Gerrard: I’ll just have to find a subordinate to blame it on.

(Beat) Josh: Okay. (stands)

Gerrard: Josh.

Josh: Yeah?

Gerrard: The Marshal wants to see me, so I’m going to be out the rest of the day. Handle things here.

Josh. Yeah, of course. (Exits the room)

Scene 1 cont. Shift to hallway. Alec and Luke.

Luke: All’s I’m saying is that we have what many would consider very impressive jobs.

Alec: I agree.

Luke: I mean, it’s not like were librarians.

Alec: That’s true; it’s not like that at all.

Luke: And because we have impressive jobs, it doesn’t seem logical that a girl would leave one of us for someone whose job is so completely… not.

Alec: It really doesn’t.

Luke: And yet, that is the world we live in.

Alec: It is.

Luke: A cruel world where logic is spit upon, and librarians end up with the girl.

Alec: These are dark times indeed.

Luke: Are you mocking me?

Alec: Usually.

Luke: He’s a librarian!

Alec: Maybe he has a great personality.

Luke: My dog has a great personality, but he’s still a dog.

Alec (dryly): Because that’s the same thing.

Luke: My point is, when everything is said and done, the man still sorts books for a living.

Alec: Maybe she doesn’t find books as repulsive as you do.

Luke: I go to work armed!

Alec: I’m sure Sarah Connor would be all over you.

Luke: Who?

Alec: The mom from Terminator.

Luke: Funny.

Alec: I thought so.

They enter the main offices. Josh, Ess, and Kevin are there.

Luke: Ess, what’s more impressive: my job or being a librarian?

Ess: Your job.

Luke (to Alec): See?

Alec: I do.

Josh: There’s been a ghoul sighting near the Grand Rapids conclave.

Alec: A stray?

Josh: Looks like it. Anyone feel like flying up there and hunting it down?

Alec: Luke does.

Josh: Luke it is.

Luke (in disbelief): You have to be kidding.

Josh: Alec said you felt like it.

Luke: Alec was lying.

Josh: I don’t think so.

Luke: Make Ess do it.

Josh: Ess, you want to do it?

Ess: No.

Josh: Okay.

(Beat) Luke: How long until I lose the “new guy” assignments?

Josh: You should feel honored.

Luke: I should feel honored?

Josh: Yeah.

Luke: You’re sending me to Michigan in the winter to track a lone ghoul.

Alec: Not so much honor as approbation.

Josh (nods): Yeah.

Luke (sighs): I hate you all.

Josh and Alec laugh.

Fade out. End Scene 1.

Scene 2. Interview office. Josh and Candidate #1 (male).

Josh: Hey.

Can. 1: Hello.

Josh: How you doing today?

Can. 1: Good, fine.

Josh: You nervous?

Can. 1: A little bit.

Josh: Okay. (looks over his questionnaire) These questions are pretty lame.

Can.1: That’s no problem.

Josh: No, I mean for me. I’m going to think up some better ones.

Can.1 (uncertainly): Okay.

Josh: Alright. (Thinks for a moment). How many languages do you speak?

Can. 1: Two. English and Spanish.

Josh: Nothing exotic, like Elvish?

Can. 1 (carefully): No.

Josh: Okay. How about Klingon?

Can. 1: Klingon?

Josh: What about it?

Can. 1 (repeating): Do I speak it?

Josh (shrugs): I don’t know.

Shift - same room, candidate #2 (female).

Josh: How do you feel about old dogs and children?

Can. 2: I don’t… understand.

Josh (writing in his folder): Uh huh, and watermelon wine? (Can. 2 just stares silently)

Shift - candidate #3 (male).

Josh: What’s your favorite Mark Hamill movie?

Can. 3 (uncertainly): Star Wars.

Josh (sighing): That’s what everyone says. (Candidate 3 looks disappointed in himself)

Shift - candidate #4 (female).

Josh: You like guns?

Can. 4: Not especially.

Josh: Ever shot anyone?

Can. 4 (a little horrified): No!

Josh: Ever been shot?

Can. 4 (slowly): No.

Josh: Basically you’re making judgments before you know, then, aren’t you?

Beat as they stare at one another; Josh has a disapproving look and shakes his head a little.

Shift - segment of Josh speaking to unseen candidates.

Josh: Give me one good reason I should hire you.


Josh: Did you cry when Old Yeller died?


Josh: Can I borrow a five?


Josh: Only need one.


Josh: What are you - a machine? Everyone cries.


Josh: I said a good reason.


Josh: I get misty just thinking about it.


Josh: Okay, we’ll get back to you.

Can. 1 looks slightly dazed, nods, and exits the room.

Scene 2 cont. Shift to Josh exiting the office into the hall. Ess is there waiting and they walk down the hall.

Ess: You’re evil, you know that?

Josh (innocently): What?

Ess: Yeah, whatever. (shows him a paper) This just came in.

Josh: What it is?

Ess: Ten years ago it would have been a lawsuit for putting those poor people through emotional duress.

Josh: That’s what we call progress.

Ess: Paul Finley wants to know if you’re available on the 6th for lectures. (hands him the paper)

Josh (muttering): I hate Paul Finely.

Ess: You love Paul Finley.

Josh: I can’t do lectures.

Ess: He seems to think you can, and that you will.

Josh: I’m not good with crowds.

Ess: Among other things.

Josh: I get nervous.

Ess: Yes.

Josh: Things happen when I get nervous.

Ess: You mix up your words.

Josh: I mix up my words.

Ess: Yes.

Josh: Sometimes I drop things.

Ess: I’ve seen you do that.

Josh: I can’t do lectures. (Beat) You want to do it?

Ess: No.

Josh: Alec?

Ess: Sure.

Josh: Okay.

Ess: Luke called in from the plane.

Josh: Should I be feeling guilty?

Ess: No.

Josh: Good.

Ess: We all had to do it at some point. It’s his turn.

Josh: Because I wasn’t, and it made me wonder if I was a bad person.

Ess: You are.

Josh: But not for that?

Ess: No.

Josh: Okay.

Ess: Taking the team out tomorrow?

Josh: I can’t. I have plans.

Ess (surprised): Josh! Good for you.

Josh: Not a date.

Ess (coyly): Josh.

Josh: It’s not a date.

Ess: Who are these plans with?

Josh: Some people.

Ess: Any of them female?

Josh: Get away from me.

Ess: Josh, this is a good thing.

Josh: It’s not a date.

Ess: Who’s the girl?

Josh: Ess-

Ess: Just tell me the girl’s name.

Josh: Don’t you have work to do?

Ess: Not really.

Josh: Next time it will be you going to the frozen tundra to hunt ghoul.

Ess: That would make you a bad person.

Josh: I thought I already was.

Ess: That would seal the deal.

Josh: Go do work.

Ess: I’m going.

They enter the main office where Janie and Kevin are.

Fade out. End Scene 2.

Scene 3: HQ offices. Gerrard and Marshal Price.

Price: Good of you to come in, Gerrard.

Gerrard: Of course.

Price: Please sit down.

They both sit.

Price: Before anything else, let me just say how thrilled HQ is with Sierra’s work. You are doing a phenomenal job there.

Gerrard: I have a good team.

Price: Indeed. A class act all around.

Gerrard: Thank you.

Price (nods and then is silent for a beat): Gerrard, a position in the Counsel has opened up. You know Samuel Blaker?

Gerrard: We’ve met briefly.

Price: Due to health problems that have been widely hidden from public view, Blaker will be stepping down from his seat on the Council come November of this year.

Gerrard: Has this been expected?

Price (laughs slightly): From most of us in top-tier. Samuel was probably the last to know.

Gerrard: A bit of a coup, eh?

Price: Well, he was more or less understanding. The truth is, some don’t expect him to live to November.

Gerrard: He’s that bad?

Price (nods): Anyway, that leaves a seat unattended. They have a replacement in mind, but he has some reservations.

Gerrard: I would think a seat on the Council would be enough to quell any reservations.

Price (smiles): I once thought that too.

(Beat) Gerrard: You?

Price (laughs): Don’t act so surprised.

Gerrard: Oh, I’m not; not really. That’s fantastic news, Logan.

Price: As I said, I have my reservations.

Gerrard: Ever since you were made Marshal, you’ve been displeased with aspects of the Council. Now you have a chance to change it for the next Marshal.

Price: That… is the problem. There are very few men I would trust with this job. I know, that’s plain conceit in it’s most basic form, but I can’t bring myself to vacate this post without the knowledge of someone equally competent filling it.

Gerrard: I understand the feeling.

Price: I have one name in mind though, and if he was to accept, I could move on with no regret.

Gerrard: Logan-

Price: Gerrard, you would be perfect for this role. HQ already loves you for your work in ADTE. No one can doubt your management skills, and with me on the council, you’d have a much freer hand than I ever did.

Gerrard: Logan, I’m not-

Price: Qualified? Of course you are. You’ve gone from field officer to Sierra commander, and at each step you excelled among your peers. This is just the next step.

(Beat as Gerrard thinks about this) Gerrard: You’re serious?

Price: I am.

(Beat) Gerrard: What about Sierra?

Price (shrugs): They’d get a replacement. One of ADTE’s best, I’ve been assured.

Gerrard (frowns slightly): But not Moritz.

Price (sighs): Gerrard, don’t get me wrong, Josh is one of the best field commanders ADTE has seen. I would love to be able to draft him into ADF as one of my guys, believe me. But he’s too young to be-

Gerrard: Too young?

Price (patiently): ADTE believes he would serve better where he is, for the time being.

(Beat) Gerrard: What names have been floated for my replacement?

Price: Right now, Heliger is the top candidate.

Gerrard: Heliger?

Price: Of course, you would have ample say in who-

Gerrard: Heliger!?

Price: He’s a good commander, Gerrard.

Gerrard: He’s a drunk who sends his people into-

Price: Gerrard-

Gerrard: -who sends his people into nests on a whim!

Price: Well, then we’ll find someone else.

(Beat) Gerrard: Do that, and then get back to me. (Stands)

Price: Gerrard, (beat) I need you here. We’ll make this work.

Gerrard (nods slowly): Not Heliger.

Price: We’ll find someone else.

Gerrard slowly nods again, and leaves the room. Price leans back in his chair and sighs.

Fade out. End Scene 3.

Scene 4: ADTEO - Alec, Janie. Janie looks bored.

Janie: Is there something you need help with, Alec?

Alec (surprised): What?

Janie: I said, is there anything I can help you with?

(Beat) Alec: What’s going on?

Janie: What do you mean?

Alec: Are you in trouble with Gerrard?

Janie: What?

Alec: Because if you’re in trouble, leave me out of it.

Janie: I’m not in trouble.

Alec: I’m serious; leave me out of it. I’ve got enough on my plate.

Janie (skeptically): Just what is on your plate, Alec?

(Beat) Alec: I’m saying that every time I get involved in one of your schemes, I end up being sent off to Quebec.

Janie: That wasn’t my fault.

Alec: Oh, I think it was.

Janie: I’m not in trouble.

Alec: I don’t like Quebec.

Janie: I’m not in any trouble with Gerrard!

Alec: It’s like the artic this time of year.

Janie: You know what, forget I asked.

Alec: Oh, as if I could!

Janie (pouts): Alec, I help sometimes.

Alec: Only with nefarious purposes.

Kevin walks in with a stack of files and places them on his desk.

Alec: Kev, what’s up with Janie?

Kevin: She tried to help you too?

Alec: Yeah.

Kevin: Scary, isn’t it?

Janie: I help!

Kevin: Don’t listen to her; she wants your blood.

Alec: Spiked your coffee again?

Kevin: She-devil.

Janie: He owes me an apology.

Kevin: I owe you nothing.

Janie: He knows what awaits him, yet refuses to yield.

Kevin: She’s deluded.

Alec: You two need to get out more.

Janie: Speaking of which, is Josh taking us out tomorrow? Third Friday of the month.

Alec: Yeah, I don’t think so.

Kevin: Why not?

Alec: He has plans.

Janie: Plans?

Alec: Janie-

Janie: A date?

Alec: No.

Janie: Are you lying?

Alec: No.

Janie: Who is she?

Alec: You know, you’re like our very own Madam Defarge.

Janie: Alec, who-

Elevator opens and Josh and Ess walk out. Janie breaks off and addresses Josh.

Janie: Josh, who’s the girl?

Josh: Who’s the girl?

Janie: Yeah. Alec won’t tell.

Josh (gesturing to Ess at his side): This is Ess.

Ess: I am Ess.

Josh: Ask me another one.

Janie (sighs irritably): The girl you are going on a date with.

Josh: I’m not going on a date.

Janie: Alec said you were.

Alec: I did not.

Janie: He said he met her and she’s very nice, but he can’t remember her name.

Alec (to Janie): They have special doctors for people like you.

Ess: He won’t tell me either.

Janie: Alec?

Ess: Josh.

Josh (semi-sternly): All right, enough. I am not going on a date tomorrow. If I were, I would be sure I told both of you who it was; and if, by some twist of fate, you didn’t know her, I would set aside a portion of the day to give you details on her name and personality. However…, I am not, so please… drop it.

(Long beat as Ess and Janie exchange glances) Ess (sympathetically): You know what, Josh, that’s okay. There’s other girls out there.

Janie: You just have to get back on the horse.

(Beat) Josh (disbelief): I’m in a Woody Allen movie.

Ess and Janie giggle.

Ess: When is Gerrard getting back?

Kevin: Late tomorrow.

Ess: Okay. I’m going to head down to Charlie’s and do some tests on the prototype.

Kevin: I’ll go with you.

Ess (grins): Great. Take your car?

Kevin: Sure.

Ess: You are a sweet, old man.

Kevin: That’s what my wife keeps saying. Well, the old part, anyway.

Ess (laughs, then speaks to Josh): Call if you need something.

Josh: Don’t blow anything up.

Ess: I won’t.

Josh: Because that one time, you weren’t even facing the-

Ess: I won’t, okay?

Josh: The target was on a completely different wall.

Ess: It as an accident! You distracted me.

Josh: I still have nightmares from that.

Ess (to Kevin): You ready?

Kevin: Certainly.

Ess: We’re out of here.

Ess and Kevin enter elevator. Ess sticks her tongue out at Josh, who chuckles, as the door closes.

Fade out. End scene 4.

Scene 5: ADTEO, late. Josh is alone working on papers; Alec comes in from hallway.

Alec: What’s going on?

Josh (looks up surprised): I thought you’d left.

Alec: I was down at the range for awhile. Interviews?

Josh: Yeah, I see why Gerrard hates this.

Alec: Anyone look promising?

Josh (leans back and drops his pen): Hard to say. You know how hard it is to get a job here? I mean, this checklist is insane.

Alec: I wouldn’t stress over it too much. They weed out eighty percent of candidates in boot camp, anyway.

Josh (breathes a laugh): Yeah.

Alec: Seriously, I wouldn’t let it knock you out.

Josh: Yeah.

(Beat) Alec: Did he say what the Marshal wanted?

Josh: Sorry?

Alec: Gerrard. Did he say what the Marshal wanted to see him about?

Josh: No. They’re old friends. Probably just dinner or something.

(Beat) Alec: Josh, he’ll call in.

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: Look, I’ve missed checks before. It happens when you’re out there.

Josh: Yeah, I know.

Alec (sighs): You should go home. Leave your cell on.

Josh: I have to finish this.

(Beat) Alec: You didn’t do anything wrong.

Josh: I know it seems like I’m freaking out or something, but I’m really not. I just… I have to finish this.

Alec: Okay.

Josh: Thanks, though. I mean, you know….

Alec: Yeah, okay. (Beat) Want me to stick around?

Josh (shakes his head slightly): No, that’s okay.

Alec: You sure?

Josh: Yeah. I shouldn’t be much longer.

Alec: And then you’ll go home?

Josh (laughs slightly): Of course.

Alec (looks skeptical, but then nods): Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow. Call me if-

Josh: Yeah.

Alec nods, lingers a moment, then exits via hallway. Josh looks at the paperwork for a moment, then circles a name and closes the folder. Then he sits and stares at his desk.

Scene shift to an hour and some time later. Josh is still in his chair, hands behind his head, still staring off into space. The phone on his desk rings and he looks at it and waits for another ring to pick it up.

Josh: Moritz.

Luke (over phone): Hey, didn’t think anyone would still be there.

Josh (clearly relieved, but not letting it into his voice): Uh, yeah, just finishing up some paperwork. These interviews Gerrard had me doing.

Luke: Sounds like a beast. Listen, sorry I missed the check. It turned out to be more than one ghoul, so it took me longer than I expected. I’ve been keeping com silent for the past six hours.

Josh: Oh, yeah, no problem. It happens sometimes.

Luke: Anyway, everything is taken care of here. You mind if I get a room, fly back tomorrow?

Josh: No, that’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow some time.

Luke: Great, thanks. Hey, Josh?

Josh: Yeah?

Luke: It wasn’t that bad out here. It was kind of nice.

Josh (laughs a little): Okay.

Luke: Yeah. I’ll catch an early flight.

Josh: Well done up there.

Luke: Thanks, boss.

Josh hangs up the phone, stands up and grabs his coat from his chair, and exits via hallway.

Fade out. End Scene 5.

Scene 6: Late afternoon.- Raining, outside apartment building.

Josh pulls up, gets out and runs underneath the entrance awning. After a moment of waiting, Caelyn comes outside.

Josh: Hey, how you feeling?

Caelyn: I’m.. here.

Josh: Make a run for it?

Caelyn (pops her umbrella): You wanna share?

Josh: Nah, it’s not too far.

Caelyn: Okay.

They hurry out to the car. Josh opens her door for her and waits for her to enter, closes it and runs around to his side.

Scene 6 cont. Shift to ADTE Memorial Wall (outside).

A group of about thirty people is standing around. Josh and Caelyn walk in under her umbrella and join the crowd. A man gets up front at a podium which sits under a make-shift awning. His words are drowned out by music. Throughout the scene, Caelyn cries, Josh looks solemn, and the people in the crowd do similar things.

Scene 6 cont. Shift to outside apartment complex, Night, still raining.

Josh parks the car and turns it off. They sit in silence for a few moments.

Josh (softly): It was a good service.

Caelyn: It was.

(Long beat) Josh: Look, you want to go get some coffee or something?

Caelyn (smiles barely): I don’t drink coffee.

Josh: Yeah? Neither do I. How about, I don’t know… pie?

Caelyn: Pie sounds really good.

Josh (a bit surprised, but glad): Yeah? (grins) Okay, I know a place.

Scene 6 cont. Shift to small café/restaurant. Mostly empty accept for Josh and Caelyn in a booth.

Caelyn (Josh is laughing): So he had to be isolated for like a week until the spores all died.

Josh (laughing): Sounds horrible.

Caelyn: We never let him hear the end of it.

Josh: Yeah, something like that has got to be good for a long time.

Caelyn: Ah, but he was a good sport about it. He would laugh with the rest of us, you know?

Josh: That’s good.

Caelyn (smiles, embarrassed): I’m boring you.

Josh: You’re not.

Caelyn: I really am.

Josh: You’re not.

Caelyn (shakes her head and grins): Tell me about your team.

Josh: Drunks and felons.

Caelyn (giggles): Seriously.

Josh: They’re good people.

Caelyn: Yeah?

Josh: Yeah, they’d like you.

Caelyn: They’d like me?

Josh: They would.

Caelyn (teasing): Are you… offering me a job?

Josh: I think my boss already did.

Caelyn: Yeah, but that’s a family thing. I can’t take him seriously.

Josh: You can’t take him seriously?

Caelyn: Wouldn’t be right.

Josh: Wouldn’t be right to take your uncle seriously?

Caelyn: Regarding a job offer.

Josh: What makes you think you can take me seriously?

Caelyn: What makes you think I am?

Josh: So if I were to offer you a job-

Caelyn: Why would you do that?

Josh: We need a field tech.

Caelyn: Josh, in the short time we’ve spent together, when have I given you any indication I would make a good field tech?

Josh: You haven’t.

Caelyn (slightly taken back): Then why-

Josh: I trust your uncle.

Caelyn: You trust my uncle?

Josh: Whether or not you believe it’s just a family thing, Gerrard Sully would never do anything but what’s best for Sierra. If he suggests hiring you, it’s because he believes you’re the best.

(Beat) Caelyn: Wow.

Josh: What?

Caelyn: That was… that was nice to hear.

Josh: So if I were to offer you a job…?

Caelyn: I’d have to consider it.

Josh: What would be the drawback?

Caelyn (slowly): Well, probably that I just saw my entire team get eaten.

Josh (stunned): I can’t believe I said that. I am… so sorry.

Caelyn (embarrassed): No, stop. That was uncalled for. You’ve been so kind to me, and to do that to you was cheap.

(Beat) Josh: You didn’t-

Caelyn: You’ve helped me so much. I really… (voice breaking) I really wasn’t ready to go home tonight. I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry for making you feel like that. (fighting back tears)

Josh (nods slowly): Don’t worry about it. You’re entitled to say whatever you want for another week, at least.

Caelyn (laughs slightly, and wipes her eyes): Thanks. (Beat) You’ve been very sweet. I don’t want you to think I don’t appreciate everything.

Josh: Listen, I normally take my team out for a night off on the third Friday of the month, for a number of reasons, and-

Caelyn: That’s tonight.

Josh: Yeah, but it‘s okay.

Caelyn: You shouldn’t have broke that off for me.

Josh: No, it’s nothing big; just dinner or something. Anyway, we’re doing it tomorrow instead. I think you should come.

Caelyn: I’m not on your team, Josh.

Josh: I know, but maybe it will help you decide if you still want to be a part of this.

(Beat) Caelyn: You sure they would be okay with it?

Josh: Yes, I am.

Caelyn: Dinner?

Josh: Maybe some karaoke.

Caelyn (giggles): Karaoke, huh?

Josh: I sing a mean Don McLean.

Caelyn: Really?

Josh: Oh yeah.

Caelyn: Who is that?

Josh: Don McLean?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Josh: You don’t know who Don McLean is?

Caelyn: I don’t.

Josh: The Don McLean?

Caelyn: Oh, the Don McLean?

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Who is that?

Josh: I can’t believe you don’t know who he is.

Caelyn: I’m starting to disbelieve it myself.

Josh: Okay, you definitely have to come tomorrow.

Caelyn: If only to find out who Don Clean is.

Josh: McLean.

Caelyn: Yes.

Josh: You understand we aren’t talking about Mr. Clean?

Caelyn (laughs): I understand.

Begin fade out.

Josh: You say that, but in your head you’re picturing a bald guy with an earring.

Caelyn (accusingly): Well, now I am.

Josh: Oh, like it’s my fault.

Caelyn: It’s your fault, Josh.

Josh: Nothing’s my fault. You’ll learn that eventually.

Fade out on Caelyn laughing. End Scene 6.

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