Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ep 5

Scene 1: ADTEO - Josh and Alec are walking from the conference room to the main office area.

Josh: So you guys are dating then?

Alec: Yeah, man.

Josh: Does she know that?

Alec: I don’t think so.

Josh: You planning on telling her?

Alec: What she doesn’t know can’t hurt her.

Josh: But it went well?

Alec: She loved it. I almost committed suicide by means of a ball point pen, but she loved it.

Josh: Maybe you two could make it a thing.

Alec: Why-why would you say that? Everything was going well, I’m telling you that things are good, and there you go with the evil thoughts.

Josh: Don’t you want to make her happy?

Alec (suddenly very emotional): Dude, it was horrible! It went on and on, forever. It was like that Star Trek where time loops around itself, and each time you are sure that this time it has to be the end… and then they sing some more, and you die all over again!

Josh: There was an X-Files like that. Only with a bank.

Alec: A bank?

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: What do you mean?

Josh: A place where you put money. They get robbed. A bank?

Alec: Ah, I was confused.

Josh: Yes.

Alec: Well, I’m pretty certain it’s been ripped off more than a few times.

Josh: I miss the X-Files.

Alec (beat): Yes, I want to make her happy, but another one of those epic miniseries would absolutely kill me, and there’s a chance that my death might make her sad.

Josh: That’s more than likely a push.

Alec: Next time, I’m taking her to a sports event, and I’ll buy her some nachos.

Josh: And they say chivalry is dead.

Alec: Go ahead and make your funny jokes, but this is going to work out.

Josh: Stargate.

Alec: What?

Josh: Stargate. With the McGyver guy. They did a loop thing too.

Alec: You say “the McGyver guy” like that means something.

Josh: Take a History class, would you?

Alec: Do you stay up until 3am to catch these antiquated re-runs, or are you just blessed with an instant recall of inane sci-fi?

Josh: I resent that. Well, not really, but you didn’t know that.

Alec: I didn’t even have to buy her a dog.

Josh: You’re telling me that Tristan und Isolde was better than the dog idea?

Alec (beat): Fair enough. But it worked, and that’s what we are focusing on now.

Josh: I’m focused on that time-loop, but whatever.

Alec: As long as you’re in my corner.

Josh: Always. (beat) Unless that would perpetuate the time-loop, in which case I might have to leave your corner so we can all further our existence.

Alec: Okay, but barring that?

Josh (snaps his fingers): Groundhog Day.

Alec: Groundhog Day.

Josh: Of course.

Alec: The original.

Josh: The others were but cheap knock-offs.

Alec: Yeah.

Josh: I feel bad it took me that long.

Alec: We all have off days.

Josh: I completely forgot about it.

Alec: But you pulled it out in the clutch.

Josh: This could be a sign of bad things.

Alec: It could be.

They enter the main office area. Kevin is there.

Josh: Kevin, do you have a feeling this has happened before?

Kevin: What has happened before?

Josh: This conversation.

Kevin: Do I have a feeling we’ve previously had a conversation about having this conversation?

Josh: Yeah.

Kevin (beat): I didn’t have breakfast this morning, so maybe I’m missing something.

Josh: Well, if this happens again, try to remember to eat a bagel or something. You could be throwing the universe for a spin.

Alec: Josh is fixed on the notion of a time-loop.

Josh: Which we could possibly break, if Alec would hunker down a little bit.

Kevin: Like Groundhog Day?

Josh: You really don’t have to rub it in.

Kevin: Were you up late watching old movies or something?

Josh: I get the feeling you’ve asked me that before.

Alec: How are you my boss?

Josh: I have a pretty face.

Gerrard steps out of his office.

Gerrard: Josh, could I see you a moment?

Josh: Okay, but that’s what we try every time.

Gerrard looks puzzled and goes back inside. Josh follows.

Scene shift to inside Gerrard’s office. Gerrard sits behind his desk, and Josh sits in front of it. Gerrard hands him a paper.

Gerrard: Take a look at these scores of a new recruit in the sharpshooter training.

Josh (looks over the paper and whistles): Wow. That’s almost incredible.

Gerrard nods and hands him a second paper. Josh looks at, then looks up at Gerrard in silence disbelief. Gerrard nods again.

Josh: I want this guy. Can we get this guy on my team? He’s like… Quigley.

Gerrard: Quigley?

Josh: I knew I’d stump you sooner or later.

Gerrard: In all honesty, I never know what you’re talking about.

Josh: Quigley. Tom Selleck, cowboy sniper.

Gerrard: There may be a day, perhaps in the near future, when you may have to grow up.

Josh: Not if I move to Neverland.

Gerrard (sighs and chooses to ignore him): As for if we can get her on Sierra, I’m quite certain we can.

Josh: A chick is pulling these numbers?

Gerrard (withering look): And why is that surprising?

Josh: I thought chicks only knew how to wash dishes, (Gerrard opens his mouth to speak) and I’m totally kidding.

Gerrard: Don’t say things like that around the women, please? Or, me, for that matter. I’m trying to run a cohesive force here.

Josh: So, who is she?

Gerrard raises his eyebrows and smiles.

Scene shift to training grounds, focus in on clear target. A bullet hole punctures near the center, and the sound of a rifle follows. Shift to high-powered sniper rifle barrel, pan up to Caelyn aiming threw the scope and firing again.

Fade out. End Scene 1.

Scene 2: Research Station - Josh, Alec, Ess, and Luke are standing in a small room, looking down through a large glass window pane at the testing of a prototype (not shown).

Ess: This is exciting. Aren’t you excited? I’m excited.

Josh: Are you?

Ess: You don’t seem excited.

Josh: I probably was, the first dozen times around.

Ess: We could be using the AP-12 on the field within four months.

Alec: Well, I’m holding my breath.

Luke: Why does it take four guys to move the thing?

Ess: It’s a prototype. They have to be careful.

Luke: Why, is it extremely fragile?

Ess: No.

Luke: Because taking fragile things out into the field is like the Wile E. Coyote approach to our work.

Ess: You guys don’t seem very excited.

Luke: I’m excited about the possibility of it blowing up.

Ess: It’s not going to blow up.

Alec: Then wake me when we’re done.

Ess: You guys! This is big.

Alec: I know. I’m pumped!

Ess: Really?

Alec: No.

Josh (to Luke): Are you thinking it might blow up because in the back of your mind you get the feeling this chronology of events has priory taken place?

Luke: I was just bored.

Josh: Okay. That’s okay. (beat) We’re on different planes, you and I.

Luke: Different something.

Alec: You know, we don’t even know what theory to apply to our situation.

Ess: Situation?

Alec: Well, there’s the Murray theory, where time is repeating for one character while the rest of the ‘verse remains oblivious.

Josh: Or the Roddenberry theory.

Alec: Exactly; déjà vu.

Josh: Yeah.

Ess: You guys are such huge nerds.

Josh: I’ve been operating on the Roddenberry theory.

Alec: It is the more logical of the two.

Ess: More logical? This is like arguing which superhero-

Josh/Alec: The Phoenix/Superman.

Josh (to Alec): Be more mediocre.

Luke: They’re starting.

Cameras maintain view on the four of them looking down through the window. There is a flash, and loud sound, and they all jump. Josh shoots Luke a suspicious/shocked look.

Scene shift - Josh, Alec, Ess, and Luke are in an elevator. Ess looks distressed.

Luke: They’ll get it right.

Ess: Whatever.

Alec: I don’t think you get to do that. Shouldn’t the three guys you dragged up here to watch be the ones who are snappy?

Luke: How do we get out?

Josh: Wait for the door to open, Luke.

Luke: Of the time-loop.

Josh: Oh. Well, there are a plethora of theories, but normally it involves stopping something bad from happening.

Alec: The prototype.

Josh: Yeah.

Luke: What?

Alec: It’s obviously the prototype exploding that is causing us-

Ess: Shut up! (beat as they all stare at her) I can only take so much adolescent geek-speak and you guys have fulfilled your quotas, so can we please drop it?

Elevator bell dings, the door opens, and Ess marches out. The guys follow, grinning.

Alec: Josh, wait up.

Josh (stops): What?

Alec: I have to use the men’s room.

Josh (beat): I don’t understand, do you need help?

Alec: Just wait for me, okay?

Josh: Are you kidding me?

Ess: Josh, wait for him.

Josh (frowns): What-

Ess: We’ll meet at the office. (to Luke) I’m thinking pizza.

Luke: Pizza’s good.

They walk out the lobby exit. Josh stands there, confused. He shrugs slightly to himself, and waits.

Scene shift- Men’s Room: Alec is leaning against the wall, looking at his watch, and then nods to someone who gives him an odd look.

Alec: How you doing?

Alec waits some more.

Scene shift - City Street, sunset is approaching. Very few people are out. Luke and Ess are walking down the sidewalk.

Luke: Sorry about the thing… blowing up.

Ess (frowns, the laughs slightly): Thanks.

Luke: So how come you care so much?

Ess: About the AP-12?

Luke: Yeah.

Ess (beat): You ever hear of Mark Simmons?

Luke: Don’t think so.

Ess: He worked in the Research Department. Old guy, very sweet. He used to buy me chocolates, and I’d come watch him doodle with stuff. He’d get so excited about his work, and some of it passed off to me.

Luke: So now you’re a technology buff?

Ess: Not really. One time I mentioned to him… (beat) you know, I don’t even remember. (beat) Huh. Anyway, I said something regarding field work, and the next thing I know, he’s planning AP-12.

Luke: Ah.

Ess: Yes.

Luke: He… passed away?

Ess (nods/quietly): Yeah.

Luke: I understand now.

Ess: You think I’m psycho.

Luke: Yes, but I’ve thought that for some time now. (Ess smiles/beat) Do you trust me?

Ess: Yes.

Luke: You do?

Ess: Yes.

Luke: You should trust me.

Ess: I do trust you.

Luke: I’m trustworthy. (beat) Worthy of trust.

Ess: Luke-

Luke: Josh doesn’t trust me.

Ess: You don’t know that.

Luke: I do know that.

Ess: How would you know?

Luke: He told me.

Ess: Unlike you, Josh isn’t trustworthy.

Luke: This time, I think he is.

Ess: Here we part ways, for I say he is not.

Luke: Part ways?

Ess: Embark on divulging paths.

Luke: We’re still going to the office, right?

Ess: Don’t believe everything Josh says.

Luke: Why not?

Ess: He’s perfidious.

Luke: You’re perfidious.

Ess: Yes.

Luke: Ess?

Ess: What?

Luke: Does Josh trust me?

Ess: Not as far as he could throw you.

Luke: Ess!

Ess: You’re a Don John. A regular Bill Sykes.

Luke: You said you trust me.

Ess: Bill Sykes to Josh.

Luke: How do I not be a Bill Sykes?

Ess: By being trustworthy.

Luke: I am.

Ess: Not to Josh.

Luke: How do I get Josh to trust me?

Ess: Why are you asking me?

Luke: You know him better than I do.

Ess: I do.

Luke: Yes.

Ess: Yes.

Luke (beat): I need your help.

Ess: You need many things.

Luke: I need one thing.

Ess: You need one big thing.

Luke: I need one very small thing.

Ess: Yes.

Luke: Are you going to help me?

Ess: Why do I care?

Luke: Because you’re my friend.

Ess: In name.

Luke: In name?

Ess: I’m not making promises.

Luke: What do I say to Josh?

Ess: How about, ‘I’m so dull of wit that I had to get Ess to tell me what to say?’

Luke: Okay, but for the record, I don’t see that as being helpful.

Ess: Maybe something about Leo Tolstoy.

Luke: What?

Ess: Wait it out, Luke.

Luke: No.

Ess: Yes. Talking won’t help. Show him he can trust you, and that’s all you can do. (she smiles and punches his shoulder)

Scene shift - Alec and Josh are exiting the Research Building. Amy is waiting off to the side, the opposite way of which they start walking.

Amy: Hey, Josh.

Josh and Alec turn around. Alec glances back and forth between Amy and Josh, who stares for a moment.

Josh: Amy. (he begins walking again)

Amy: So that’s how it’s going to be from now on? (she begins walking after them)

Josh: (doesn’t turn): Decent-size city, Ames. With any luck, this won’t happen again.

Alec: Hey, Amy.

Amy: Hey there, Alec.

Josh (to Alec): What are you doing?

Alec: Being friendly.

Josh: Stop it.

Amy: Are you just going to ignore me?

Josh: That was my plan, but now that you’ve figured it out, I might have to move to out-running you.

Amy (desperate): Josh!

Josh stops, rolls his yes, and turns towards her.

Amy: Please?

Josh (sighs): What do you need?

Amy: Let me buy you some coffee?

Josh: I don’t need coffee.

Alec: I’ll see you at the office.

Josh (keeping eyes on Amy): You don’t have to go; this won’t take long.

Alec: Yeah, whatever. Be a gentleman for a few minutes, and go to coffee. Take it easy, Ames.

Alec leaves.

Josh (beat/annoyed): Okay then. Let’s go get some coffee.

Amy smiles a little apprehensively and nods. Fade out. End Scene 2.

Scene 3: Small coffee shop - Josh and Amy at a booth.

Amy: Why don’t you order something?

Josh: I don’t want anything.

Amy: Josh, what happened to you?

Josh (beat): What happened to me?

Amy: Do you hate me?

Long pause as Josh just stares at her.

Amy: I never wanted to hurt you.

Josh: Just a perk, I guess.

Amy (beat/ Amy is near tears): I-I felt like… like I was suffocating. Everything was happening all at once, and I couldn’t…-

Josh: You couldn’t-?

Amy: I didn’t want to make a mistake. Our marriage would have been a mistake.

Josh: How did you come to that, exactly? Wake up one morning, and it hits you - ‘Dear Diary, I guess I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with him!’

Amy (beat/ she is clearly hurt by that): I never wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry, Josh. I’m sorry it happened that way.

Josh (beat): Okay.

Amy (choking up): Part of me still loves you, Josh.

Josh: Part of me still wants to burn your house down. (beat) You learn to deal.

Amy (hurt): That was mean.

Josh: I think you’re still ahead on that end.

Amy (stares at him for a long moment): Are you… seeing anyone?

Josh (laughs in disbelief): Am I seeing anyone?

Amy: Stop… doing that.

Josh: Doing what?

Amy: Repeating the question back at me.

Josh: That bothers you?

Amy: A little bit, yeah.

Josh: Like, petty annoyance, or more along the lines of ‘throwing the ring back in my face’ bothersome?

Amy (hurt): I didn’t throw it at you.

Josh: No, you were much more subtle.

Amy (breaks down): I can’t do this. I can’t - (cries)

Josh (sighs/softens): What did you want to talk to me about, Ames?

Amy: I don’t… I can’t know that you hate me. (pleading) Please don’t hate me, Josh.

Josh (quietly): I don’t hate you. (she looks at him questioningly) Anymore. I did for awhile.

Amy: Now you just really dislike me.

Josh: Amy, I do my best not think of you at all, because when I do, I become despondent. (beat) If this was all about assuaging some left-over guilt, then don’t worry about it. I’ll survive.

Amy: I lost my best friend when I lost you, Josh. (beat) This wasn’t about guilt. I missed you, and I was… concerned about you.

Josh: Okay.

Amy (grabs his hand across the table/trying not to cry): I wish things had gone differently. It’s my fault, and I’m sorry. (whispers) I’m sorry.

Josh (swallows visibly/quietly): Thank you. (beat) I wish - (he laughs to himself) I wish it had gone differently too.

Amy (beat): We can’t be friends, can we?

Josh: No. (beat) Not yet.

Amy (smiles a tiny bit): Maybe someday?

Josh: Maybe.

Amy (smiles/ releases his hand, and straightens up): Okay. (beat) How come you’re not seeing anybody, Josh?

Josh (laughs a little): I couldn’t even talk to Esther for a few days afterward. I think you gave me a complex or something. (smiles slightly)

Amy: (smiles slightly, and stands): I should go.

Josh: Are you seeing somebody?

Amy: No.

Josh: And why not?

Amy (shrugs a little): Still a little hard to breathe.

Josh (nods slowly): Okay.

Amy: Thank you for talking to me… and for not burning my house down.

Josh: Alec or Ess?

Amy: What?

Josh: Which one of them set this up for you?

Amy: Ess first, but Alec helped.

Josh: I keep meaning to transfer them to Alaska.

Amy: You’d be lost without them, Josh.

Josh: I’ve been lost before. I learned to get by.

Amy (beat): Yeah.

Josh: Take care of yourself.

Amy nods and walks out. Josh watches her without moving for a long moment, then breathes in deeply and leaves some money. He exit’s the area.

Scene shift - Training Camp, Caelyn and Marcie are walking through a wooded area, both have sniper rifles slung over their shoulders.

Marcie: I’m saying you could be rich.

Caelyn: No.

Marcie: Yeah, you really could.

Caelyn: I mean, no, I’m not going to do it.

Marcie: Come on, imagine how famous a duo of hot chick assassins would be. Everyone would want to hire us.

Caelyn: We’d be hunted down and shot like farm animals.

Marcie: They hunt down and shoot farm animals?

Caelyn (beat): No.

Marcie: Right.

Caelyn: Wild dogs.

Marcie: There you go.

Caelyn: When I’m operating on very little sleep, I tend to say silly things.

Marcie: Like ‘not on my clock?’

Caelyn: I didn’t say that.

Marcie: Oh yeah, that was me.

Caelyn: I already have an ADTE team waiting for me to graduate.

Marcie: ADTE? Cae, with your scores, you could be completely on contract for the ADF. I’m talking more money than you’ve ever seen before.

Caelyn: My dad worked in a bank. One time I went inside the vault with him.

Marcie (beat): ‘Cause that was the gist of my statement.

Caelyn: Just saying.

Marcie: Is ADTE a dream of yours, or something?

Caelyn: Not really.

Marcie: We can go contract. Work when we want to, make tons of money, live the good life.

Caelyn: My life isn’t all that bad as it is.

Marcie: You’re walking through a jungle with a gun that weighs half of what you do.

Caelyn: I’m not counting now. Now bites.

Marcie: Yeah. (beat) How much further?

Caelyn (looks at her watch and presses a button): About a mile.

Marcie: The bugs are eating me.

Caelyn: Yeah. I think they’re nesting in my hair.

Marcie: Which team?

Caelyn: What?

Marcie: Which ADTE team are you thinking? You could have your pick, you know.

Caelyn: Oh. Sierra.

Marcie: That’s one of the elite ones, right?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Marcie: I guess that would be pretty cool.

Caelyn: I’d double as their field tech.

Marcie: You’re kidding.

Caelyn: No. They’ve been missing one for awhile now.

Marcie: Cae, do you remember that time you put a bullet through the white ring?

Caelyn: That was yesterday.

Marcie: I know when it was. You put a bullet through the white ring, Cae.

Caelyn: I know. I think I was there.

Marcie: Double as a field tech?

Caelyn (beat): Shut up.

Marcie: Girl, you are a hot item right now. (beat) Field tech.

Caelyn: Shut up.

Marcie: Is that a snake?

Caelyn screams, and almost trips backwards as she backs up. Marcie laughs.

Marcie: Just messing with you.

Caelyn: That was mean.

Marcie: You’re so funny when you do that.

Caelyn: You’re mean. You’re mean, and malevolent, and have strong Cruella De Vil elements about you.

Marcie: And I’m going to be wealthier than you, too.

Caelyn: Whatever.

Marcie: Not sure how you’re going to make it in the field when you can’t handle snakes.

Caelyn: There are no snakes in ghoul-infested areas.

Marcie: K, see, you’re missing the point again.

Caelyn: The point being that you are evil? Like, Professor Moriaty evil.

Marcie: I don’t know who that is.

Caelyn: He was evil; much like, curiously enough, you.

Marcie: You almost fell down.

Caelyn: No, I didn’t.

Marcie: You almost fell down and I almost laughed.

Caelyn: You did laugh.

Marcie: I would have laughed harder.

Fade out. End Scene 3.

Scene 4: ADTEO - Main office area. Luke, Ess, Gerrard, Alec, Janie, Kevin.

Luke: Is he going to be mad?

Ess: Josh?

Luke: Yeah.

Ess: No.

Luke: I’d be mad.

Alec: You’d be thrilled.

Luke: I’ve gotten over her.

Alec: You really haven’t.

Kevin: I’d be mad.

Ess: No, you wouldn’t.

Kevin: Being set up with a woman who tore my heart out and stomped on it? I’d be mad.

Ess: It wasn’t like that.

Alec: Well, yeah, it was.

Ess: You know, you helped in this.

Alec: I’m regretting that.

Ess: We have to stand strong, together.

Alec: I’m going to beg his forgiveness when he walks in.

Ess: Shut up.

Janie: Maybe they got back together.

Gerrard/Ess/Alec: No.

Janie: Well, why not?

Alec: That’s not what she wanted.

Ess: Or what he wanted.

Gerrard: We really don’t need to be gossiping about Josh’s personal life, do we?

Janie: It’s not gossip; it’s caring.

Luke: I have too, gotten over her.

Gerrard: It’s gossip; leave it alone.

Luke: I have.

Alec: What kind of pizza did you order?

Janie: Green pepper and ham, a Supreme, and pepperoni/extra cheese.

Alec: You ordered three?

Janie: Ess told me to.

Ess: Gerrard said he was hungry.

Gerrard: I’m hungry.

Kevin: What if they did get back together?

Ess: What?

Kevin: We’ve kind of badmouthed her around here for awhile now.

Alec: It’d be like that Seinfeld where Kramer gets mad because-

Gerrard: We’re not discussing this.

Ess: She just wanted to talk. She felt bad about stuff.

Luke: Like leaving him at the altar?

Ess: They never got to the altar.

Alec: I was going to be best-man.

The elevator door dings, and everyone gets quiet. They all watch quietly as Josh steps out. He glances around, and then walks to his desk.

Janie: Hey, Josh.

Josh: Janie.

Alec: We ordered some pizza.

Josh: Yeah.

Gerrard (beat): Everything okay?

Josh: Yeah, everything is cool.

Alec: Josh-

Josh: Did Gerrard tell you guys about our new sniper?

Alec: We’re getting a sniper?

Josh: Assuming she takes the job.

Gerrard: She will.

Janie: Another woman?

Ess: We’re taking over.

Alec: We’re still getting Caelyn too?

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: That’s a big team.

Josh: Not especially.

Alec: For Sierra.

Gerrard: Caelyn is the sniper.

Alec (beat): She shot Josh in the leg.

Luke: She’s good?

Josh: You should see her scores.

Luke: What about our field tech?

Gerrard: Still working out some of the details.

Ess: You have her scores here?

Gerrard: Yeah, in my office.

Ess: Can I see them?

Gerrard (nods): Janie, they’re on the top of my desk, in a manila envelope.

Janie nods and exits to his office.

Alec: So this was a hidden talent?

Gerrard: Apparently.

Josh: She did shoot me in the leg.

Alec: That’s what I’m saying.

Ess: Very hidden.

Janie enters via Gerrard’s office and hands the envelope to Ess. No one speaks while Ess looks at the contents.

Ess (beat): She’s good.

Luke: Beginner’s luck?

Ess: She’s really, really good. (beat) She could go contract.

Alec: Let me see. (Ess hands him paper/beat) Huh.

Kevin: When we met, didn’t she seem so… non-lethal?

Josh: She shot me in the leg when we first met.

The intercom buzzes at Janie’s desk.

Intercom: Pizza is here for Sierra.

Janie: Whoo!

Janie enters elevator.

Kevin: Make sure there’s some left when you get back here.

Janie sticks her tongue out at him as the doors close.

Kevin: She’ll probably lick all the pieces.

Luke (beat): You two have the strangest relationship.

Alec: She could go contract.

Gerrard: She won’t.

Josh stands and begins to exit via hallway.

Josh: I’ll be back in a few. Save me some food.

Gerrard and Alec exchange a glance. Josh exits, and Alec follows.

Scene shift - ADTEO hallway, Josh and Alec.

Alec: Josh.

Josh: Yeah?

Alec: You alright?

Josh (beat/smiles): I think we broke the loop.

Alec (grins): Yeah?

Josh: Tell Ess you guys did a good thing.

Alec (teasing): You guys didn’t get back together, did you? (beat) Did you?

Josh: That would be awkward. Like on that one-

Alec: That Seinfeld.

Josh: Yeah. (beat) No, we didn’t get back together. Never will.

Alec: But you’re cool.

Josh: I’m cool.

Alec smiles slightly, nods, and walks back to the office. Josh lingers a moment, smiles to himself, and keeps walking the other way.

Scene shift - ADTEO main office. Alec enters from hallway as elevator door opens and Janie comes out with the pizza.

Ess: Hey.

Alec: He’s good.

Ess: Yeah?

Alec: Said we did a good thing.

Ess: Are you lying?

Alec: No.

Ess: He said that?

Alec: Yeah.

Ess (punches Kevin’s arm): Told you.

Kevin: Josh is weird.

Luke: That’s true.

Ess: You shouldn’t talk. About anything. Ever.

Luke: What-

Ess: Mr. Sykes.

Luke (beat): Thanks for the pizza, Janie.

Janie: Where’d Josh go?

Gerrard: Who cares; start handing that stuff out.

Janie: You owe me thirty-six dollars, by the way.

Gerrard: I do?

Janie: Yes.

Gerrard: Thirty-six dollars?

Janie: That’s actually a very good buy.

Gerrard: Like what, on the space station?

Janie: It costs more when they deliver.

Gerrard: How much more?

Janie: Just eat your food. I’ll take it from your wallet later. (Ess giggles)

Alec: Those scores were incredible.

Gerrard: They were, weren’t they?

Ess: Look at you, beaming like a proud papa.

Gerrard: I am, and I’m manly enough to admit it.

Janie: Anyone have any music?

Kevin: Would you be silent, woman?

Luke: I have some Weird Al Yankovic.

Janie: What?

Luke: Weird Al.

Janie: Is that a band?

Luke shoots an appalled glance at Alec who looks equally disgusted.

Alec: Seriously, be silent.

Janie: Hey! Gerrard.

Gerrard: Treat the women respectfully.

Alec: She dissed Weird Al!

Gerrard: You see how much I’m not caring?

Janie: You going to play it for us?

Luke: You aren’t deserving.

Janie: Can you believe these guys?

Ess: I’m just glad they’re off the time-loop thing.

Alec: She dissed Weird Al.

Gerrard: You see how much I’m not caring?

Janie: You going to play it for us?

Ess: Guys-

Luke: You aren’t deserving.

Ess (slightly panicked): Guys?

Janie: These guys are unbelievable.

Ess (beat): You messed up.

Alec: Ah. (He laughs)

Luke: We had you going.

Begin fade out.

Ess (quickly): No, you didn’t.

Gerrard (laughs): A little bit.

Ess: You should be ashamed of yourself. (to Janie) You, too.

Alec: Should have seen your face.

Ess: Shut up.

Fade out on laughter. End Scene 4.

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