Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ep 6

Scene 1: Outside ceremony (sunny) - Hundreds of people seated around a platform. Ess and Josh are seated next to each other.

Ess: You have any gum?

Josh: No.

Ess: You should always have gum on you.

Josh: Do you have any gum?

Ess: No.

Josh: Then be quiet.

Ess: You’re a charmer, you know that?

Josh: It’s like one-hundred twenty degrees out here.

Ess: It’s a balmy eighty-four.

Josh: Balmy?

Ess: Yes.

Josh: That just means humid.

Ess: I thought it meant pleasant.

Josh: It doesn’t.

Ess: You sure?

Josh: Yeah.

Ess: ‘Cause the guys on TV always say it like it’s a good thing.

Josh: It’s not.

Ess: I think you could be wrong.

Josh: I’m not.

Ess: I think you could be.

Josh: It also means ‘insane,’ but I just assumed you didn’t.

Ess: And that was a wise assumption, though apparently I didn’t mean it in any of the ways in which it is supposed to be meant.

Josh: It’s like the sixth circle out here.

Ess (beat): I thought that was to be submerged in boiling blood.

Josh: That’s the seventh.

Ess: Six is being out in the sun?

Josh: In big crowds.

Ess: Ah.

Josh: Yes.

Ess: When it’s balmy?

Josh: Yes. Both definitions.

Ess: Really.

Josh: Yeah.

Ess: One wonders how we avoided the three lower levels.

Josh: I think they averaged my three and your nine, and we ended here.

Ess: Are you saying you’re more moral than I am?

Josh: Yes.

Ess: That I am somehow below you on the karmic scale?

Josh: Yes.

Ess: Well, that’s just ridiculous.

Josh: Your face is ridiculous.

Ess: You know, I’m this close to dropping us both into… what’s eight?

Josh: A Barry Manilow concert.

Ess (giggles): Right. (beat) Watch yourself, or we’ll spend eternity listening to Could It Be Magic.

Josh (beat): I really should have brought some gum.

Ess: That’s all I’m saying. (beat) There’s Gerrard.

Josh: Who? (Ess hits him)

Ess: He looks nervous.

Josh: What are you talking about?

Ess: Look at him.

Josh: He looks fine.

Ess: Fine, yes, and a little nervous.

Josh: Okay.

Ess: Women recognize these things better than you men.

Josh: What does that have to do with you?

Ess: See, I’m thinking it has to be you who’s pulling us down.

Josh: Yeah, you’re probably right.

Ess: Bet your booty I am.

Josh: What?

Ess: I said, ‘Bet your booty.’

Josh: Why?

Ess: I dance to a different beat.

Josh: What’s wrong with you?

Ess: I’m trying to be more-

Josh: Aberrant?

Ess: Delightful.

Josh: You know, you’re a very odd person.

Ess: Oddly delightful.

Josh: Just odd.

Ess: In a delightful way.

Josh (laughs): Okay.

Ess: Oh! Here they come.

Music begins to play, and everyone stands up. A long line of graduates, dressed in officer garb, comes down the isle. Caelyn smiles as she passes them, and just barely turns to look at them. Josh is making a face at her, and she struggles not to giggle. Ess elbows him.

Ess: She looks so pretty, doesn’t she?

Josh: You’re like a mother.

Ess: Doesn’t she?

Josh doesn’t answer, but keeps watching Caelyn with a small smile. The graduates file into the many front-row seats. Gerrard comes to the platform.

Gerrard: Please be seated. (everyone sits) Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to announce to you the next group of elites, chosen to serve our cause and the cause of humanity. (applause/cheering) Commander Addil has asked me to say a few words to the graduates before the ceremony commences.

Begin fadeout.

Gerrard: Days like these always give me a great sense of pride, as I look out at the numerous heroes who are giving of themselves to…

Fade out.

Scene shift- fade in to the ceremony resolution. People are gathered, talking, etc. Josh, Ess, Caelyn, and Gerrard are together.

Gerrard: Josh, I have something that we should probably talk about.

Josh: Is it about women on the PGA? Because I’ve been meaning to have words on that, too.

Gerrard: Get over yourself.

Josh: Okay.

Gerrard: We’ll be right back, ladies.

Ess: Are you going to talk about Caelyn?

Gerrard: Mind your own business.

Caelyn: Are you going to talk about me?

Gerrard: Yes.

Caelyn: Really?

Gerrard: No. (to Josh) Josh.

They move off to a less crowded area.

Gerrard: Listen-

Josh: You did well up there.

Gerrard: What?

Josh: The speech. You did well.

Gerrard: Why are you telling me that?

Josh: Ess said you were nervous, and I wanted you to know that it wasn’t very obvious.

Gerrard: I wasn’t nervous.

Josh: Ess said you were.

Gerrard: I wasn’t.

Josh: Okay.

Gerrard: Ess was wrong.

Josh: She usually is.

Gerrard: I don’t get nervous.

Josh: Okay.

Gerrard: I speak in front of crowds many times a year. It’s not like I’m-

Josh: You wanted to tell me something?

Gerrard (beat): Price offered ADF to me.

Josh (beat): Marshal?

Gerrard: Yeah.

Josh: To you?

Gerrard: Yeah.

Josh (beat/grins): Congratulations.

Gerrard: I didn’t take it.

Josh: What?

Gerrard: I didn’t take the job.

Josh: You didn’t take the job?

Gerrard: No.

Josh: I don’t.. were you drunk that day?

Gerrard: No.

Josh: It’s okay if you were; it’s not like I’m going to judge you.

Gerrard: Josh-

Josh: You said no?

Gerrard: I wasn’t willing to leave Sierra in the hands of some incompetent fool.

Josh: The incompetent fool being-?

Gerrard: No, not you. I wanted them to give it to you, but they said you were too young, and your talent was needed in the field. And, you know, I think they were right. Right now, you’re better where you’re at.

Josh: So you stayed.

Gerrard: Yeah.

Josh (beat): I’m not sure what to say.

Gerrard: Whatever you want.

Josh: Okay. It was a stupid choice.

Gerrard: Really?

Josh: Yeah.

Gerrard: That’s it?

Josh: ‘course not. It was stupid, and we’re all very glad you made it.

Gerrard (smiles slightly): Okay. Don’t tell any of them, all right?

Josh: Yeah. Why’d you tell me?

Gerrard: You might hear some things. Just wanted you to hear it from me first.

Josh (nods): Thanks.

Gerrard: Yeah. Let’s get back to the girls.

They walk back over to the women.

Ess: So what were you talking about?

Josh: Your hair.

Ess: My hair?

Josh: Gerrard said it looked like you just got out of bed.

Ess (horrified): What’s wrong with it?

Gerrard: We weren’t talking about your hair. Your hair is fine.

Ess: My hair is great.

Gerrard (beat): Okay.

Ess (to Josh): Mandy.

Josh (laughs): Sorry.

Gerrard (to Caelyn): So how do you feel now?

Caelyn: Relieved.

Gerrard: I bet.

Caelyn: Thank you, guys, for coming.

Josh: Don’t mention it.

Caelyn: Well, I know it was a long way to come for just a short ceremony-

Josh: You want to get out of here, don’t you?

Caelyn (desperately): I really, really do.

Josh (nods): Let’s go, then. We’ll grab some food or something. (to Gerrard) You in?

Gerrard: I have to stay a bit, talk to some people. You kids get out of here.

Ess: You sure?

Gerrard: Yeah. (hugs/kisses Caelyn) I’m so proud of you. (she smiles at him gratefully)

Josh: Alright. Now about that food: Caelyn?

Caelyn: Whatever you two want is fine.

Josh: No, no, no. Your day, you have to decide.

Caelyn (laughs a little): Okay. What about Chinese? Is that okay?

Ess: Love Chinese.

Josh: Their food's not bad either. (to Gerrard) We’ll just head home afterward.

Gerrard: Okay. I’ll see you all tomorrow.

Caelyn (kisses his cheek/quietly): Thank you.

Gerrard: Go have fun.

They separate. Fade out.

End Scene 1.

Scene 2 - ADTEO hallway: Alec and Luke are walking side by side.

Alec: I don’t understand.

Luke: You don’t?

Alec: No.

Luke: I’ll explain again.

Alec: Okay.

Luke: Josh leaving for two days does not make you my boss.

Alec: Hmm, it kind of does.

Luke: Not really.

Alec: I’m not following your logic.

Luke: It’s not logic, it’s common sense.

Alec: Your parlance leaves me confused.

Luke: I’m not getting you a hamburger.

Alec: With cheese.

Luke (beat): A cheeseburger?

Alec: One might conclude that, yes.

Luke: Get your own lunch.

They enter the main office area. Janie is there.

Alec: Janie, am I Luke’s boss while Josh is gone?

Janie: No.

Alec: Janie!

Luke: Thank you.

Alec: You totally messed that up.

Janie: Did I?

Alec: Yes, you did. You fumbled the ball.

Janie: I’m sorry.

Alec: I threw a lateral and you dropped it.

Janie: I’ll do better next time.

Alec: I don’t want to talk about it.

Luke: You know, I am so looking forward to not being the newbie around here anymore.

Alec: Passing of the mantle.

Luke: Yeah. The mantle of hazing.

Janie laughs.

Luke: What?

Janie: You think Josh is going to let you haze her?

Luke: Why not?

Janie: He’s smitten.

Alec: No, he’s not.

Janie: I think he is.

Luke: He’s smitten?

Alec: No.

Janie: Yes.

Alec: He’s not smitten.

Janie: Pretty smitten, yeah.

Luke: What does that mean, exactly?

Janie: Means you’re still the newbie.

Luke: What!?

Alec: He’s not smitten.

Luke: I’ve paid my dues, Alec!

Janie: And now you get to pay hers.

Alec: Oh, would you please!

Luke: Alec-

Alec: Don’t listen to her.

Luke: Alec, promise me Josh isn’t smitten.

Alec (looks at him blankly): Okay, don’t ever say anything like that to me again.

Luke: Yeah, okay.

Alec: He’s not smitten, he doesn’t have a crush, and he’s not twelve-years old. Josh is nothing if not professional when it comes to office politics.

Elevator opens: Josh, Caelyn, and Ess walk out. Caelyn is timid throughout this scene.

Josh: Pick any desk but mine.

Caelyn (laughs): Cool.

Luke gives Alec a look.

Josh: You guys remember Caelyn? (He walks to his office)

Alec: Yeah. Congratulations.

Caelyn: Thanks.

Janie: Was it a nice ceremony?

Caelyn: I didn’t really notice. I was trying not to faint. (beat) I get nervous.

Ess: It was very nice. Caelyn got an award.

Alec: You got an award?

Caelyn (embarrassed): Just a little one.

Alec: For what?

Ess: Top marksman of the class.

Caelyn: It’s more like a trinket, really.

Alec: That’s impressive.

Caelyn: Thanks. (beat) He was joking about the desk thing, right?

Janie: It’s being delivered today. We thought it’d be here by now.

Caelyn: Oh, no; that’s fine. I don’t really need one right now anyway. (notice Luke is staring at her blankly) Hey there, Ben.

Luke: Luke.

Caelyn: Luke, sorry.

Josh enters via Josh’s office.

Josh: You decided?

Caelyn: What?

Josh: Which desk you want.

Caelyn: They said it’s being delivered.

Josh: Ah. Nielen call?

Janie: Twice.

Josh: Anything I care about?

Janie: Maybe. Something is roaming around a mall in Denver.

Alec (laughs): Seriously?

Janie: Yeah.

Josh: Anything for the team? Caelyn needs some field experience.

Luke: Josh, you got a minute?

Josh: Uh, yeah, okay. My office.

The two of them exit to Josh’s office.

Caelyn: I called him Ben.

Ess (giggles): It’s okay.

Caelyn: Is there something I should be doing?

Ess: Kevin’s off today, so go ahead and sit at his station for now. Until Josh gives you orders, just be available.

Caelyn: Okay. (she sits down and looks uncomfortable. She picks up a pencil and begins to doodle)

Scene shift - inside Josh’s office.

Josh: What’s up?

Luke: Look, I know I’ve made some mistakes. I mean, I admit that. I’ve done some stupid things, but I don’t think that should take away from all the good things I’ve done here, too.

Josh: Luke.

Luke: Yeah?

Josh: Is this what you’re practicing to use on your girlfriend? Because you really need to give that up, man. I mean, does she even live around here anymore?

Luke: This has nothing to do with her. I’m over her. This- why would you think this about her?

Josh: I… honestly don’t know.

Luke: Janie thinks you’re smitten.

Josh: Janie thinks I’m smitten?

Luke: Yes, and I want to know-

Josh: What - what does that mean - ‘Janie thinks you’re smitten?’

Luke: I wasn’t sure at first, either.

Josh: Luke-

Luke: Caelyn is supposed to be the newbie! I’ve paid my dues!

Josh: Ah.

Luke: Yes.

Josh: And Janie said Caelyn would get special treatment because I’m smitten?

Luke: Yes.

Josh: Well, she’s wrong.

Luke: She is?

Josh: Of course. Caelyn will be getting special treatment ‘cause she’s hot.

Luke: Josh!

Josh: You are such an idiot. Janie is playing you.

Luke (beat): You sure?

Josh: Yeah.

Luke: Okay. (beat) Okay. I was just… you know.

Josh (beat): Come on.

They exit into the main offices.

Josh: All right guys, listen up. We have a few announcements. First of all, congratulations to Caelyn as the newest member of our team. (they applaud, and Caelyn smiles/blushes) Also, kudos to Luke, who survived the unjustifiably-long months of hazing as our latest newbie. He now passes that mantle onto Caelyn, who is suddenly not as lucky as she thought. (they laugh) Janie, call Nielen and tell him we’ll take the job. (Janie immediately picks up the phone and begins dialing) You three, take Caelyn down to the armory and show her around. Pick up whatever you need. (he throws Alec some keys) That’s for the sniper-rifle cabinet. (to Caelyn) You know your weapons, right?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Josh: Okay, take whichever you want, but remember that we’ll be indoors, so operate from that. Chances are you won’t be using it anyway.

Caelyn: Okay.

Josh: Luke, grab me the H-Ks. (Luke nods) Meet back up here in half an hour, and we’ll do briefing.

He walks back into Gerrard’s office, and the others enter the elevator.

Scene shift, elevator.

Alec: This is going to be cool.

Ess: What is?

Alec: Hunting something in a mall? It’s like a holiday.

Ess (to Caelyn): Alec hit his head when he was young, and now he’s stupid.

Caelyn nods nervously.

Ess: You scared?

Caelyn: Little bit, yeah.

Ess: Don’t worry. This is a light mission, generally be a solo. We’ll take care of you.

Caelyn: Okay.

Luke: You’ll mostly just have to watch how we operate and stuff like that. You’ll be fine.

Caelyn: Thanks. (beat) Sorry about calling you Ben.

Luke (smiles): It’s cool.

Alec (beat): Obi-Wan?

Caelyn (embarrassed): I think so.

Alec laughs.

Ess: You’ll be fine.

Caelyn nods nervously.

Elevator opens to armory. Gun racks, demolitions, combat knives, etc.

Alec (mutters): He threw me a ring with twenty-three keys on it. (Ess laughs)

Ess (to Caelyn): Over here is where we keep side-arms. The guys usually take knives, ‘cause it makes them feel dangerous.

Luke (holds up a knife): Like Rambo.

Caelyn: What should I take?

Ess: Here. I usually go with a Glock. Luke likes Berettas, and Alec has this system that no one else understands. Josh either takes duo Heckler Koch, or these customized things he saw on some movie.

Alec (off-screen): She doesn’t know what she’s talking about!

Ess (yelling back): Shut up! (normal voice) Here, take a Glock.

Caelyn: Okay.

Alec (off screen): Got it.

Caelyn and Ess walk over to him at the large cabinet.

Alec: I’ve never seen the inside before. (They all stare at the weapons) Wow.

Ess: You can shoot all those things?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Ess: Without falling down?

Caelyn (smiling slightly): They’re made pretty well.

Ess (points): I’d be afraid to touch that one.

Caelyn (reaches in and grabs a smaller rifle): I’m still afraid. (she shrugs) They said that’s the way it goes.

Alec: You all set then?

Caelyn: Where are the rounds?

Alec: After we’re done here.

Caelyn: Okay. Yeah, I’m all set.

Luke comes over. He is wearing two guns in shoulder holsters, and has a shotgun on his back. He’s carrying a knife. Ess and Caelyn look at him oddly.

Alec: Nice! (he and Luke bump fists) I gotta get geared up.

Ess looks at Caelyn and shrugs.

Fade out. End Scene 2.

Scene 3 - The mall (empty, but lights are on): Night outside. Alec and Ess are patrolling together.

Ess: This is kind of pleasant.

Alec: What is?

Ess: The quiet. (beat) The fountain. (Alec laughs) Stuff.

Alec: I’ve been thinking-

Ess: Good for you.

Alec: Yeah.

Ess: Okay, okay, go ahead.

Alec: I’ve been thinking about my career.

Ess: What about it?

Alec: I think I could have my own team.

Ess (stops and looks at him): You’re leaving?

Alec: No.

Ess: You’re thinking of leaving!

Alec: No, I’m not.

Ess: Yes, you are!

Alec: Yes, I am, but it’s not serious.

Ess: Alec!

Alec: More like a passing fancy.

Ess: You’re leaving!?

Alec: I’m thinking of my career.

Ess: Is it my fault?

Alec: What?

Ess: Is it something I’m doing that’s driving you away?

Alec: No, of course not. What does that even mean?

Ess: Is it Josh’s fault?

Alec: Is it Josh’s fault?

Ess: Yes.

Alec: No.

Ess: Are you mad he got the unit?

Alec: No!

Ess: You’re not?

Alec: I’m not mad. It’s not… it’s not about someone’s fault. I’m just thinking ahead.

Ess: Thinking of leaving.

Alec: Thinking of possibly leaving.

Ess: Because Josh got the unit?

Alec: No! It has nothing to do with Josh, or you. I’m glad Josh got the unit. I like working here. I like you and Josh, and Gerrard, and… those other people.

Ess: Then why are you leaving?

Alec: I’m not.

Ess: You are.

Alec: Stop it.

Ess: Alec-

Alec: I just… I’m thinking, that’s all I’m doing. (beat) I shouldn’t have said anything.

Ess: Don’t leave.

Alec: I’m not leaving.

Ess: You will be.

Alec: Maybe.

Ess: Alec!

Alec: Listen, don’t say anything to Josh.

Ess: About how you’re abandoning us?

Alec: I’m not abandoning you.

Ess: You are.

Alec: I’m not. Don’t say anything.

Ess: I promise not to say anything if you promise never to leave.

Alec: Esther.

Ess: Alec.

Alec: I’m serious.

Ess: Me too.

Alec gives her a look but says nothing.

Scene shift. Josh and Caelyn (guns drawn, but not at ready) are walking in the mall.

Josh: Relax.

Caelyn: What?

Josh: Relax. Your knuckles are white.

Caelyn: Oh. (beat) This is-

Josh: Disquieting?

Caelyn: Yeah. Disquieting.

Josh: You’ll get used to it.

Caelyn: Being disquieted?

Josh: The overall atmosphere of these missions.

Caelyn: Okay.

Josh (beat): Your mom okay?

Caelyn: I’m sorry?

Josh: Your mom. She wasn’t at the graduation. She feeling all right?

Caelyn: Oh, yeah. She, um… she doesn’t really like the fact that I stayed in ADTE.

Josh: Ah.

Caelyn: We’re not on the outs with one another or anything. She just doesn’t want to feel like she’s encouraging me on this particular path.

Josh: I see.

Caelyn: She is rather upset with my dear uncle, though.

Josh (laughs): Yeah. Take your safety off.

Caelyn (removes safety/whispers): You see something?

Josh (ignores her): You glad you did?

Caelyn: Took the safety off?

Josh: Joined Sierra.

Caelyn (beat): Yeah.

Josh: It’s okay to be uncertain right now. My first mission, I convinced myself I was an idiot for ever signing up and that I would resign the moment we got back.

Caelyn (surprised): Really?

Josh: Oh yeah.

Caelyn: What was it?

Josh: Look around. (Caelyn obeys) Up north, we had to track a mob of four hostiles through the snow. It was dark, it was silent… it was disquieting. (stops walking/ beat) You see it?

There is a single ghoul at the top of the escalators.

Caelyn: Should I… do I shoot it?

Josh: It doesn’t know we’re here. (beat/grabs Caelyn’s handgun from her) Snipe it.

Caelyn nods and un-slings the rifle, quickly brings it up and immediately fires; the ghoul drops dead. Josh looks surprised.

Josh (staring at the corpse): Uh… wow.

Caelyn (worried): Did I mess up?

Josh: No. (turns to her and grins) Nice shot.

Caelyn (smiles): Thanks.

Josh: Let’s go look at it. (walks off towards the ghoul)

Caelyn: Look at it? (reluctantly follows)

Scene shift. Luke meets up with Alec and Ess as they are walking back toward the mall entrance.

Luke: You guys see anything?

Alec: There was this fountain.

Luke: Take any pennies?

Alec: Ess did.

Ess: No, I didn’t.

Alec: She wanted to, but I stopped her.

Ess: No, he didn’t.

Luke: I rode the escalators for awhile.

Alec: The escalators were on?

Luke: I did some toggling.

Alec: Nice.

Luke: What’s with her?

Alec: Nothing.

Luke: You okay, Ess?

Ess: No.

Alec: She’s fine.

Luke: What’s wrong?

Alec: Nothing is wrong.

Ess: Alec is stupid and it makes me angry.

Luke: Alec.

Alec: I didn’t-

Luke: Stop making Ess angry.

Alec: I didn’t do anything.

Luke: Apparently you did.

Ess: He did.

Alec rolls his eyes. The three of them come up to Josh and Caelyn, standing near the exit/entrance.

Ess: Good job, Cae!

Caelyn: Thanks.

Alec: Just the one?

Josh: Looks like it. You guys didn’t see anything?

Alec: A fountain.

Josh: Take any money?

Alec: Ess did.

Josh (to Ess, who is glaring at Alec): Good on you, mate.

Ess turns her glare to Josh.

Josh: What’s with her?

Luke: Alec made her angry.

Josh (annoyed): Alec.

Alec: Shut up.

Josh: Ess, want me to fire him?

Ess: Yes.

Josh: Okay.

They all walk outside.

Caelyn (to Ess): What did he do?

Ess: He acted deplorable.

Caelyn: Men.

Ess (nods): Men.

Fade out.

Scene shift - next day, ADTEO, Josh’s office. Josh is working on his computer. Alec comes in and shuts the door.

Alec: Hey.

Josh: What’s up?

Alec: I don’t think it worked.

Josh: You don’t?

Alec: No.

Josh: A pity.

Alec: Yeah, man.

Josh (beat): What was it, again?

Alec (sighs): Telling Ess that I-

Josh: Oh yeah. That. She was actually in here a little while ago, scared to death you were going to leave us.

Alec: I made her pretty mad.

Josh: Yeah, but that’s good.

Alec: It’s good she’s mad?

Josh: It’s good that she cares.

Alec: I’m starting to think that maybe it wasn’t the best idea.

Josh: I told you that.

Alec: I know.

Josh: I distinctly remember telling you that it wasn’t the best idea.

Alec: Yes.

Josh: ‘Bad’ was the word I used.

Alec: I was there.

Josh: But you did it anyway.

Alec: Yes.

Josh: Well… now we have to look on the bright side.

Alec: There’s a bright side?

Josh: There is, and I’m on it. Join me on the bright side, Alec.

Alec: Shut up.

Josh: Tell her that you’re staying with Sierra because now you realize how much it means to her, and you could never do anything to cause her grief. (beat) Or not, since lying is never a good way to start a pretend relationship.

Alec: It’s not actually…a lie, lie. I mean, if it weren’t for her, and, you know…

Josh: Me.

Alec: Yeah, whatever. If it weren’t for you guys, I probably would leave.

Josh: Tell her that.

Alec: Tell her that?

Josh: Stress the ‘her’ part.

Alec: Yeah. Okay.

Josh (beat): It really wasn’t the best idea.

Alec: It might work.

Josh (shrugs): Still.

Alec: Yeah. (beat) Okay, thanks.

Alec exits, Josh does some more typing, and then Gerrard comes in.

Gerrard: You busy?

Josh: Words can’t express how much I’m not.

Gerrard (shuts door): So.

Josh (long beat): Sir?

Gerrard: How did she do?

Josh: She did very well.

Gerrard: Good.

Josh: Remarkable marksmanship. Base of the skull, dead center.

Gerrard: Good. (beat) Her mother doesn’t like me much.

Josh: Yes, sir.

Gerrard: I think she’ll get over it, eventually.

Josh: Yes, sir.

Gerrard: Listen, I don’t want you to show her any special treatment, okay?

Josh: The mother?

Gerrard: Josh.

Josh: Of course not.

Gerrard: Good. (beat) If something happens to her, it will be my fault.

Josh (beat): Nothing will happen to her.

Gerrard looks at him, stoic, for a moment.

Gerrard: Thank you, Josh.

Josh: Yes, sir.

Josh watches him with leave, then leans back in his chair and sighs. Fade Out.

End Scene 3.

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