Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ep 7

Scene 1: ADTEO lobby area, party is going on; lots of people. Ess approaches Caelyn, who is cautiously watching people.

Ess: You won’t meet anybody standing back here by yourself.

Caelyn: I’ve already met two people.

Ess: Whatever. Go out there and start talking.

Caelyn: I’m really not comfortable at these kinds of things.

Ess: No kidding.

Caelyn: Just, you know, out of curiosity,… how long before it’s no longer rude for me to leave?

Ess: Sweetie, you should be having fun.

Caelyn: I should be sleeping. Or, at least, watching TV alone.

Ess: Yeah, that’s what you need. Look, Cae-

Caelyn: Who is that talking to Josh?

Ess: What?

Caelyn: Who is she?

Ess (looks): Amanda… Amanda… something. She works in Bravo, I think.

Caelyn: Is she flirting with him?

Ess: Looks like it. He is rather eligible.

Caelyn: I better go over there. (Ess gives her a look, and she grins) We made a deal. I’ll be right back.

Caelyn heads over to Josh. Ess watches and is approached by Alec.

Alec: Hey.

Ess: Hey.

Alec: Have I mentioned how much I hate these?

Ess: Everyone hates these, Alec.

Alec: Luke is hitting on three girls at once.

Ess: Everyone who is more mature than the average fourteen year-old.

Alec: Who comes up with these themes, anyway?

Ess: I don’t know.

Alec: I mean seriously, could there be more pastel decorations in this room?

Ess: I think you should focus on the pastels.

Alec: It’s either that or this food.

Ess (nods in concession): This really bites, doesn’t it?

Alec: Yeah.

Josh and Caelyn approach, arm-in-arm.

Ess: You two want to tell us something?

Josh: We’re together, for the duration of this cotillion.

Caelyn (as doting girlfriend): Isn’t he adorable? (Josh snickers)

Ess: Saved him from that icky Bravo?

Josh: She did, and with style, I might add.

Caelyn: I can do style like nobody’s business.

Josh: What are you guys doing?

Ess: Talking.

Alec: About pastels.

Josh (beat): Okay.

Caelyn: There are a lot of pastels in here, aren’t there?

Alec: There certainly are.

Long pause as they all kind of look around blankly.

Josh: Well… you guys are depressing.

Ess: We should start having fun.

Alec: Twister?

Ess: Grow up.

Caelyn: We could start a fire.

Alec: And get then all go apply for new jobs at the local McDonald’s.

Caelyn: I’m not saying it has to be a big fire.

Josh: Is that Luke?

Alec (nods): Apparently, he’s popular among the brainless twit crowd.

Ess (hits him): That’s extremely rude.

Alec: The good-looking brainless twit crowd.

Ess snickers.

Caelyn: Like, a small plant or something.

Josh: Like that one? (points)

Caelyn: Yeah.

Josh: Can you keep them all distracted?

Caelyn: No.

Josh: Then how-

Caelyn: You distract them, and I’ll be the pyro.

Ess: Are you all drunk?

Alec: I wish.

Josh (looking at Luke): Seriously, there’s like three of them hovering around him.

Caelyn (as annoyed): Should I go tell Amanda we broke up?

Josh: Sweetheart, you always take the things I say out of context. You know you’re my world.

Caelyn: Well, sometimes I just feel like you take me for granted.

Alec (stares at them for a beat, then to Ess): I’ll be over there, starting myself on fire.

End Scene 1.

Scene 2- Party.

Luke: I knew it was wrong, according to the rules. But you know, when it’s your friends who are at stake, you realize career doesn’t matter. There was only one thing I really could do.

Girl 1: Wow.

Girl 2: That’s so heroic.

Girl 1: Like, for real.

Luke (shakes head somberly): Not heroic. I only did what anyone in my situation would have done.

Girl 1: Run into a ghoul’s nest to try and save your friends? I know a lot of guys who wouldn’t have even considered it. I mean, that’s… really great.

Luke (shrugs): I don’t know. Maybe it was a little heroic.

Scene shift - Ess and Alec.

Alec: Maybe we should start dancing.

Ess: Dancing?

Alec: Yeah.

Ess: You don’t dance.

Alec: I dance.

Ess: I don’t dance.

Alec: I’ve seen you dance.

Ess: You’ve seen me?

Alec: Yeah, one time. It was…funny.

Ess: Shut up.

Alec: I think you fell down.

Ess: Think of something else.

Alec: Now I’m thinking of when you tried to get back up.

Ess: A different idea, Alec.

Alec: We could play pranks.

Ess: Keep going.

Alec: We could play pranks and then we could… you know, I think the pranks are enough.

Ess: Okay. What kind of pranks are we talking about here?

Alec: Dye in the punch.

Ess: But then I won’t get any more punch.

Alec: Yes.

Ess: The punch is the only thing this has going for it.

Alec: Well, now it has pranks going for it.

Ess: Okay.

Alec: I’ll go get some dye.

Ess: I’m going to get some punch.

Scene shift - Josh and Caelyn.

Caelyn: Couldn’t the five of us have just gone to dinner?

Josh: No.

Caelyn: Why?

Josh: Because then we wouldn’t have suffered.

Caelyn: Alec said there might be dancing.

Josh: Right.

Caelyn: You don’t dance?

Josh: I can tango.

Caelyn: Really?

Josh: No.

Caelyn: Can you waltz?

Josh: No.

Caelyn: The Twist?

Josh (laughs): As if you’d dance in front of people anyway.

Caelyn: I’d watch you and make scathing comments.

Josh: That’s entertainment.

Caelyn: I think so. (beat) What do you usually do?

Josh: Play RPGs on my PC.

Caelyn: I mean at these events.

Josh: List the reasons I have for not taking my own life.

Caelyn: You’re kind of a downer.

Josh: I need to level my ranger’s bow skills a few more times before entering the Blackwood Forest.

Caelyn (laughs disbelieving): Okay.

Josh: I decided to share that with you.

Caelyn: Yeah.

Josh: I don’t just tell that stuff to anyone.

Caelyn: No, ‘cause then they’d think you’re mad.

Josh: Yes.

Caelyn (giggles): I appreciate your faith in me.

Josh: You should.

Scene shift - Luke and Alec at punch bowl. Alec is carefully and stealthily trying to pour some dye into the punch.

Luke: What are you doing?

Alec: Making my own fun.

Luke (beat): Why is Ess planting cups all over the room?

Alec: She likes the punch.

Luke: I guess. So tell me, are Josh and Caelyn-

Alec: Together?

Luke: Yeah.

Alec: Sure looks like it.

Luke: Huh.

Alec (hands him a cup): Punch?

Scene shift - Gerrard, Caelyn, and Josh.

Gerrard: You can’t compare the two. They’re nothing alike. Incomparable.

Caelyn (beat): So you’re saying I shouldn’t compare-

Gerrard: She has quite a lip, this one.

Josh: Yes, sir.

Caelyn: I do not.

Josh: Little bit, yeah.

Caelyn: And you don’t?

Josh: No, I do too.

Caelyn: You’re telling me.

Josh (beat): Okay.

Gerrard: Look at that.

Josh (looks): Huh.

Caelyn: What is that?

Gerrard (chuckles): Someone dyed the punch.

Caelyn: Wow.

Josh pauses and looks down at the cup in his hand.

Scene shift - Alec and Luke in the hall, outside the restrooms.

Alec: You up for this?

Luke: Yeah, man.

Alec: Okay. (beat) If something goes wrong, you should know… I’ll give you up in a heartbeat.

Luke stares at him blankly.

Alec: Ready?

Luke nods. Alec looks around to make sure they are alone.

Alec: Go!

They quickly begin applying gobs of honey to the restroom door handles.

Scene shift - Ess and Josh.

Ess: I have an idea.

Josh: Okay.

Ess: You listening?

Josh: Yeah.

Ess: You seem distracted.

Josh: I’m not.

Ess: It seems like you are.

Josh: What’s your idea?

Ess (beat): This is your fault.

Josh: You forgot.

Ess: Because you were distracted, and I had to bring you out of it.

Josh: And then you forgot.

Ess: Yes, I did. I forgot.

Josh: You brought me to the door, and then failed to open it.

Ess: You really don’t have to supply metaphors for it.

Josh: Okay.

Ess: It was good, too.

Josh: What was?

Ess: The idea! The idea was a good one.

Josh: How do you know? You can’t remember it.

Ess: I remember it was good.

Josh: What was?

Ess: Funny.

Josh (beat): How long has it been?

Ess: Why?

Josh: I want to go home. Can we leave yet?

Ess: Have we heard the speech?

Josh (quietly): No.

Ess: Then, no.

Josh (beat): You forgot?

Ess (sighs): It was a good idea.

Scene shift - The six members of Sierra (Gerrard, Josh, Alec, Luke, Ess, Caelyn) are sitting around a small table. Many other tables are set up in front of a small podium where a man is speaking.

Caelyn (whispers to Josh): This is boring.

Josh: Builds character.

Caelyn (laughs quietly/beat): I have a druid.

Josh (beat): Like, in your closet?

Caelyn: No, on a game. I just thought you should know, since I kind of gave you a hard time about-

Josh: Kiven.

Caelyn: Kiven?

Josh (nods): My ranger. Kiven il’Thri.

Caelyn: Yeah, that. I have one, too. A character, I mean.

Josh (patronizingly): Cae…

Caelyn: What?

Josh: You went over to a friend’s house and they made you a character that you’ve never seen again, didn’t you?

Caelyn (laughs a little loudly, then stops, embarrassed, and looks around): Look what you made me do.

Josh: It was a nice try, though.

Alec (to Ess): He looks like an owl.

Ess: I’ve never seen an owl.

Alec: You don’t know what an owl looks like?

Ess: Of course I know what-

Alec: You said-

Ess: A live owl!

Alec (beat/quietly): Now everyone is looking at us.

Ess: It’s your fault.

Fade out on their table. End Scene 2.

Scene 3: ADTEO hallway - Josh and Alec.

Josh: You did what!?

Alec: I… I told her-

Josh: What were you thinking?

Alec: Don’t yell at me.

Josh: Oh, I think I will.

Alec: The night was going so well. I was, I was making her laugh, and then she spilled water on me.

Josh: Ah, now I see. ‘Cause that’s usually when I profess my undying love, too.

Alec: I didn’t-

Josh: What were you thinking?

Alec: You’re saying this could be bad.

Josh: There’s a chance, yeah.

Alec: Well, I don’t think you’re giving her enough credit.

Josh: Well, I think I’ve been giving you way too much.

Alec: What does that have to do with-

Josh: It doesn’t.

Alec: Look, she didn’t overreact. I think it is going to be okay.

Josh: That’s completely beside the point.

Alec: What?

Josh She might not be okay!

Alec: Don’t be paranoid.

Josh: I’m not. I’ve moved past paranoia into extreme phobia. Less talking to myself, but I have a hard time breathing in the presence of other people.

Josh begins walking down the hall. After a beat, Alec follows.

Alec: She’s fine.

Josh: Maybe, but you’re still an idiot.

Alec: Yeah, like ‘buy her a dog’ was the route to go.

Josh: Now we’ll never know.

They come in to the main office area. Janie is on the phone.

Janie: Yes, sir. I don’t think- (pause) Sir, I have no- (pause) I wasn’t trying to be flippant. (pause/ she covers the receiver end and talks to Josh) Commander Tolvard is pretty angry.

Josh: What?

Janie: Apparently, Gerrard sent a memo to the Council suggesting Cormele be retracted.

Josh (looks at her for a moment blankly): Give me the phone.

Janie looks surprised but does what he says.

Josh (into phone): Commander Tolvard, this is Field Commander Moritz. (pause) Yeah, um, don’t yell at my secretary over policy she has no business implementing. You have a problem, take it up- (pause). That wasn’t Commander Sully’s memo. It was mine. (pause) I wrote the memo. (pause) Because- (pause) I understand that- (pause) Sir- (pause/ Josh looks annoyed and briefly holds the phone away from his ear) I understand that, sir, but I did what I felt was best in the interest of my team. (pause) I had no intention of betraying your trust in any- (pause) Sir- (pause/sighs, looks at phone and hangs up). He hung up.

Alec: What was that about?

Josh (beat): Nothing. I’ll take care of it.

Janie: Josh, you shouldn’t-

Josh: I’ll take care of it.

Janie: Josh.

Josh: Leave it alone.

Josh walks into his office and shuts the door. Alec and Janie exchange a look. Scene shift.

Ess and Luke are in a different hallway. Luke is reading a paper. Ess is preoccupied.

Luke: Rodgers scored the winning run in the bottom of the ninth. When asked to comment, he said, ‘I feel fortunate to be alive at a time where my particular talent is able to be properly respected and utilized.’ (beat) Well, first of all, there’s no way he said that. I mean, I’ve heard the man speak, and it’s a good day if only half of his words are actually guttural noises.

Ess: Yeah.

Luke: And then there’s the quote itself. Having already determined it was not Rodgers who said it, we have to conclude that some over-zealous reporter thinks you can win a Pulitzer by pontificating in the sports pages. ‘Fortunate to be alive at a time….’ Yes, because the last hundred years have been remarkably intolerant on those who play baseball, and even up until that time, there was no use for people who had strength and hand-eye coordination.

Ess: Yeah.

Luke: It’s not that it’s ridiculous so much as the fact as someone actually sat down and tried to sound smart by writing it. If the man had been capable of saying it, then, you know, I’d at least get it. But one Louis Antoine had to actually spend time fabricating it-

Ess: Uh-huh.

Luke: Ess.

Ess: What?

Luke: You okay?

Ess (beat): Yeah.

Luke: Normally you’d have contributed a little more, is all.

Ess: What?

Luke: To the conversation… that I was having with myself.

Ess (embarrassed laugh): Sorry.

Luke: What’s up?

Ess: Something… last night…(beat) I’m fine.

Luke (laughs): Yeah, you are.

Ess (smiles): Watch it, newbie.

They enter the main offices. Janie and Alec are there. Alec and Ess avoid eye-contact.

Luke: Alec, you seen today’s paper?

Alec: No.

Luke: If you get a chance, check out the Sports-

Ess: Alec, can I talk to you in private?

Alec: Sure.

They stand up and exit.

Luke: That’s okay. Not like I was talking or anything. Nope.

Janie: You talking to yourself?

Luke: Apparently.

Janie: Okay.

Scene shift - Alec and Ess in hallway. Both of them are nervous, Ess more than Alec.

Alec: Look, I-

Ess: Wait! Don’t-… let me start.

Alec: Okay.

Ess: Alec, I… you know I love you, right?

Alec: As a brother.

Ess: Yeah.

Alec: Yeah, I knew that.

Ess: Okay. Good. (beat) I- (suddenly horrified)… is that what you meant last night?

Alec: Um… yeah.

Ess: Really?

Alec: No.

Ess: Alec!

Alec (gets louder and more intense as he goes on): I meant that I like you a lot, and I’d love to take you out sometime, and that I think we have great chemistry, and that just because we work together doesn’t mean we can’t be mature about this, and that you shouldn’t write me off because of the times- okay, the many times I’ve been somewhat childish in your presence!

Ess (beat): You meant all that?

Alec: Ess-

Ess: I don’t know what to say, Alec. I never thought about you like that!

Alec: Never?

Ess: Well, unless you talk to Caelyn, who’s convinced I think you’re gorgeous.

Alec: You think I’m gorgeous?

Ess: No. Caelyn thinks I think your gorgeous.

Alec: Do you?

Ess: No!

Alec: Attractive?

Ess: Alec-

Alec: Down-right ugly?

Ess: Of course not.

Alec: So on the scales, I’m tipping toward the gorgeous end?

Ess: Alec, that is neither here nor there.

Alec: You brought it up.

Ess: I know, I know, and I shouldn’t have.

Alec: I’m glad you did.

Ess: Alec-

Alec: Does Caelyn think I’m gorgeous?

Ess: What!?

Alec: I’m just asking, because-

Ess (very excited): You can’t tell me you have feelings for me and then ask me about other women!

Alec: You said-

Ess: I said I had never considered it!

Alec: So you might?

Ess (beat): Maybe.

Alec (nods): Okay.

Ess: Okay?

Alec (smiles): Right now, I’m good with a ‘maybe.’

Ess (looks at him a long beat): Ask me out to dinner tomorrow.

Alec (smiles): Want to go out for dinner tomorrow?

Ess: I meant, ask me tomorrow.

Alec: Oh. (beat) Sorry.

Ess: Okay. I, uh… I have to get to work.

Alec: Yeah.

They both slowly head back to the office.

Scene shift: Lobby - Caelyn and Kevin are each having a bagel. Caelyn is laughing at Kevin’s story.

Kevin: Every sprinkler in the building came on. The speaker didn’t get more than four words of his speech out.

Caelyn: Wow. That is so much better than starting a fire.

Kevin: Well, a fire is the first step.

Caelyn: Did they find out it was you?

Kevin: Nope. In fact, you and my wife are the only two other people who know.

Caelyn (touched): Wow. I’m flattered.

Kevin: Well, it’s too late for them to do anything to me anyway. I wasn’t really taking a risk in sharing.

Caelyn: How’d you get around the security cameras?

Kevin: That’s a whole other story. Suffice to say, they weren’t working that evening.

Caelyn: You sabotaged the security system?

Kevin: That was someone who shall remain nameless.

Caelyn: Well, it was either you or your wife, and I’m leaning toward the person with ‘spy’ on their résumé.

Kevin (laughs): That’s ‘cause you haven’t met her. She’s sneaky.

Caelyn: I’m sure. (looks at watch) I better get to the office.

Kevin: Yeah, me too. Janie is probably filling my desk with sand right now.

They enter the elevator.

Caelyn: So how come you didn’t have to come last night?

Kevin: Years of practice and dumb luck.

Caelyn: it’s because you’re a secretary, isn’t it?

Kevin: Assistant to the Director.

Caelyn: Okay.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s why.

Scene shift - Offices

Luke: We’re going out tonight.

Alec: Which one was she?

Luke: The really blonde one.

Alec: I would have gone for the other one. (beat as Ess looks up at him questioningly) You know, if I were a cad.

Luke: Yeah, well, I’m seeing the other one tomorrow.

Long beat as the other three stare at him.

Luke (defensively): I wasn’t sure which one-

Ess: Shut up.

Luke: I’m not-

Janie: Shhh!

Luke: Alec, help me out.

Alec: Yeah right.

Elevator opens - Caelyn and Kevin exit.

Caelyn: Good morning.

Everyone returns the greeting.

Ess: I need to talk with you.

Caelyn: To me?

Ess: Yeah.

Alec: Why?

Ess: Excuse me?

Alec (quietly): Nothing.

Ess: That’s right. (To Caelyn) You have a minute?

Caelyn: Okay.

They exit to the hallway.

Luke: What is up with her today?

Alec: Hard to say.

Kevin: Esther?

Luke: Yeah.

Kevin: Something’s bothering her?

Luke (to Alec): What did she want to talk with you about?

Alec: Me?

Luke: Yeah.

Alec (beat): Floral… arrangements.

Luke: What?

Alec (beat): Yeah, I pretty much blew that one.

Kevin: I’ll say.

Alec looks at them both, then turns to his computer and begins typing without looking up.

End Scene 3.

Scene 4 -ADTEO hallway. Ess and Caelyn.

Caelyn: What’s up?

Ess: Alec… Okay, when I tell you this, I need you to be… (Stops talking)

Caelyn (beat): Ess?

Ess: I don’t want you to think… don’t act like it’s a good thing, okay?

Caelyn (puzzled): Okay?

Ess (beat): Alec told me that… he has… feelings.

Caelyn (excited): Oh, Ess! That’s great!

Ess: No! No, it’s not great. We, we don’t know what it is.

Caelyn: We don’t?

Ess: No.

Caelyn (beat): I’m so happy for you. (gives Ess a hug. Ess sighs and lightly pushes her back)

Ess: Would you cut it out?

Caelyn: Okay, sorry. Sorry. You’re just such a cute couple!

Ess: We’re not a-

Caelyn (hurriedly): In my mind.

Ess: I just… I don’t know what to do.

Caelyn: Marry him.

Ess: Caelyn!

Caelyn: I’m kidding. (beat, off Ess’ look) Really. Tell me what happened.

Ess: Last night at the party. We were having a good time, and then, out of no where, Alec looks at me and says he has strong feelings for me.

Caelyn: He said that?

Ess: Those were his exact words.

Caelyn: And then you told him you think he’s gorgeous.

Ess: What?

Caelyn: In my mind, again.

Ess: Caelyn!

Caelyn: This is a good thing, Ess.

Ess: How do you know?

Caelyn: Because you’re such a cute couple. (beat) Trust me.

Ess: You think I should go for it?

Caelyn: Yes, I do.

Ess: But what if it doesn’t work out?

Caelyn: What kind of attitude is that?

Ess: I don’t want to lose my friend.

Caelyn: You won’t.

Ess: I might. (begins to panic) What if I lose Alec, and then Josh chooses to be his friend instead of mine? I’ll lose both of my friends. Caelyn, why is this happening?

Caelyn: Ess, you’re overreacting.

Ess: I don’t think I am!

Caelyn: All right, you need to breathe. (beat) First of all, I’m your friend too, okay? And have some faith in those guys. I’ve hardly known them compared to you, but it’s already clear to me they deserve more credit than that.

Ess (quietly): Yeah, they do.

Caelyn: Okay?

Ess: Yeah. (beat) He’s going to ask me out tomorrow.

Caelyn: That will be nice.

Ess: I don’t know what to say.

Caelyn: Say you think he’s hot, and smart, and funny, and you find him remarkably charming, and that you would love to go out with him.

Ess (beat/giggles): You are so ridiculous.

Caelyn: I know.

Scene shift - Offices.

Gerrard (off-screen): Josh!

Josh looks at Janie, then walks into Gerrard’s office. Shift to Gerrard’s office.

Gerrard: Did you tell Tolvard that you wrote the memo?

Josh: The memo?

Gerrard (sternly): Josh!

Josh: I may have.

Gerrard: What moronic, irrational part of your savior-complex made you do that!?

Josh (beat): Was that rhetorical?

Gerrard: I don’t need you taking shots for me!

Josh: Then stop giving them bullets.

Gerrard (taken-back): Excuse me?

Josh: No, not this time.

Gerrard: What-

Josh: You’re giving them the bullets!

Gerrard (beat): What I do is none of your business.

Josh: Since when?

Gerrard: I don’t want you taking hits.

Josh: Yeah, I really don’t like it either, but you can’t take many more, and you’re still throwing out challenges!

Gerrard: I have to do something.

Josh: I know.

Gerrard: You have to let me.

Josh: I can’t. (beat) Lay low for awhile, that’s all I’m asking.

Gerrard sighs and shakes his head in frustration.

Josh: The Council loves you, Gerrard. So much that you’ll be thrown three different parades after they force you to resign.

Gerrard: I have more influence than that.

Josh (shakes his head): You did. You’re using it all up taking shots at your peers.

Gerrard: They might need to be shot, Josh.

Josh: I’m not arguing motive.

Gerrard (beat): Why not?

Josh just looks at him.

Gerrard (sighs): Okay.

Josh: You’ll lay off for a few months, at least?

Gerrard: Okay.

Josh: Okay. (stands up and goes to the door, turns, pauses, and then leaves without speaking)

Gerrard stares out his window sadly.

Scene shift - Josh walks into his office and Ess and Caelyn are there.

Josh: Ladies.

Ess: Can we talk?

Josh: In my office?

Ess: Yeah.

Josh: Why?

Ess: ‘Cause this is where you are.

Josh: Can we talk?

Ess: Yeah.

Josh: Oh. Yeah. (to Caelyn) Why are you here?

Caelyn: Ess is my friend.

Josh: Okay.

Ess: Caelyn says I should talk to you.

Josh: Yeah, well, Caelyn’s your friend.

Caelyn: Yes, I am.

Josh: What do we need to talk about?

Ess: Alec.

Josh: No.

Caelyn: Josh.

Josh: Come on! I don’t want to talk about Alec. You go talk about Alec.

Ess: We did.

Josh: How’d that work out for you?

Caelyn: Listen, okay?

Ess: Caelyn said that if Alec and I were to break up-

Josh: You’re getting together?

Caelyn: Yes.

Ess: No!

Josh: You’re not?

Caelyn: They are.

Ess: I don’t know.

Josh: You don’t?

Ess: Maybe.

Josh: And yet, here you are.

Caelyn: Ask him.

Ess (beat/to Josh): Whose side would you be on?

Josh: The North.

Caelyn: Josh.

Josh: They’re not even dating.

Caelyn: They will be!

Ess: Maybe.

Josh (sighs): Ess, I’m not going to stop being your friend. Ever. Okay? It’s not going to happen. When you’re married and have a family, and I’m an out-of-work, failed author, it’s going to be your couch that I’m gonna end up on. Got it?

Ess (giggles slightly/touched): Okay.

Josh: Ess?

Ess: Yeah, okay.

Josh: You shouldn’t need Caelyn to convince you of that.

Ess (quietly): I know.

Josh: (to Caelyn): Thanks, though.

Caelyn: Aren’t they a cute couple?

Josh: Oh, yeah.

Ess: Shut up.

Josh: You guys staying tonight?

Ess: For what?

Josh: Masterpiece Theatre. (beat) It’s poker night, Ess.

Ess: Oh, Yeah, right. Yeah, I’m in. Cae?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Josh: You sure?

Caelyn: Excuse me?

Josh: You lost a lot of money last time.

Caelyn: I lost three dollars.

Josh: Which you’ll never get back.

Caelyn: You gave them back after we were done.

Josh: This time, maybe I won’t.

Caelyn (laughs): Okay.

Josh: You guys don’t have any work to do?

Ess: I’m supposed to be consulting.

Josh: You could always blow it off and hang out in my office.

Ess: You think Amy broke up with you because you’re so sarcastic?

Caelyn looks at her in surprise.

Josh: Amy broke up with me because she knew I was secretly in love with you.

Ess: Well, who isn’t?

Josh: That’s what I said. She didn’t buy it.

Ess snickers and leaves. Caelyn starts to follow then turns back to Josh.

Caelyn: So your break-up is fair-game now?

Josh: Why, you have some burners saved up?

Caelyn: Maybe.

Josh (grins): Go to work.

Caelyn smiles, exits, comes back in and shuts the door.

Josh (without looking up): Nice try, but I know you’re there.

Caelyn: Josh, is everything all right with my uncle?

Josh: Which one?

Caelyn: Josh.

Josh: Yeah, he’s fine.

Caelyn: Okay. (beat) You’d never lie to me, right?

Josh: I might.

Caelyn: Oh.

Josh: But if I do, I’ll let you know.

Caelyn (smiles slightly): Okay.

Josh: Nice work on the Alec/Ess situation.

Caelyn: I’m going to pretend to do work.

Josh: Okay.

Caelyn: I’m really going to be reading Richard Marton’s Know When to Hold ‘Em.

Josh: Guide to online-dating?

Caelyn: Funny.

Josh: I have to admire your willingness to tell your boss of your plans to not only avoid work, but also study on how to best take his money.

Caelyn: I’m bold that way.

Josh: Yeah.

Caelyn: Daring.

Josh: Uh-huh.

Caelyn: You might call me a firebrand.

Josh: Yeah, if you had red hair, and, you know, were Irish.

Caelyn: Yeah. See you.

Caelyn exits and Josh smiles.

Scene shift - Gerrard’s office. Kevin enters.

Kevin: Hey.

Gerrard: You here to tell me I was wrong?

Kevin: Do I ever?

Gerrard: No.

Kevin: No. You have any scotch?

Gerrard: I got rid of that stuff. It was killing my liver.

Kevin: My liver is fine.

Gerrard: Then get your own scotch.

Kevin: What did you say to Josh?

Gerrard: I told him to get out of the way.

Kevin: Heh. What did he say?

Gerrard (sighs): ‘No.’

Kevin (chuckles): Well, what do you expect? He’s your man, always will be.

Gerrard: He’s an idiot.

Kevin: Sometimes, yeah. But he’s your man.

Gerrard: He died.

Kevin: I know.

Gerrard: He died and Tolvard is still in power. Angril is still in power.

Kevin: People die in war. Doesn’t mean you fire the generals.

Gerrard (angrily): Don’t simplify it like that! Don’t group him like he’s a number. He’s not just… he’s not a number, Kev!

Kevin: No, he’s not. (beat) None of them are.

There is a long pause and then Gerrard nods.

Fade out. End Scene 4.

1 comment:

K. Schmidt said...

You never explain that section with Kevin and Gerrard at the end.