Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ep 3

Scene 1: ADTEO. Josh, Alec, Luke are waiting. Silence for a few moments as they occasionally check their watches, look at the clock, etc.

Alec: You guys see the game last night?

Josh: No.

Luke: Yeah. Kind of disappointing.

Alec: Yeah. (Beat) Is this about Tallahassee?

Josh: Most likely.

Alec: I don’t want to go.

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: Seriously, I really don’t want to go.

Josh: I know.

Alec: I’m just saying in case it wasn’t clear, in case the topic of whether or not I wanted to go was somewhere in the gray area.

Josh: You know, it wasn’t; but thanks.

Luke: Why isn’t Ess here?

Josh: She took the week off.

Luke: She took the week off?

Josh: She did.

Alec: Can I do that?

Josh: No.

Alec: Why not?

Josh: I like her more than I like you.

Alec: What if I took a week off right now?

Josh: You can’t.

Alec: You let Ess.

Josh: I did.

Alec: But you won’t let me.

Josh: No.

Alec: Josh.

Josh: Alec.

Alec: I don’t want to go to Tallahassee.

Josh (mock surprise): Really?

Alec: Josh-

Josh: Yes?

Alec: Come on. You and Luke can handle it.

Luke: I’m not going if you’re not.

Josh: You’re both going.

Alec: It’s a swamp. A ghoul-infested swamp where the air is so warm that you can hardly breathe.

Josh: Lots of little bugs.

Alec: Yeah.

Josh: Sounds pretty bad.

Alec: It is bad. It‘s horrible.

Luke (checking his watch): Where is this guy?

Alec: I don’t know, but this is getting-

Quentin (off-screen): Getting what?

Reginald Quentin enters via hallway. He is in military dress, indicative of high rank.

Josh: Major.

Quentin (shakes Josh’s hand): Commander Moritz.

Josh (gestures to Alec and Luke): Lieutenant Wright and Sergeant Sorrason.

Quentin (shakes Alec and Luke’s hand, respectively): Gentlemen. Lieutenant Wright was saying something about where I was, I believe?

Josh: He was saying that it’s ridiculous that a man of your position would be so tardy.

Quentin (surprised by the candor): Respect the uniform, commander. (beat - Josh simply looks at him) I am here at the request of Commander Sully to brief you and supply you with orders.

Josh: Relay.

Quentin: Excuse me.

Josh: Relay orders.

Quentin (beat): Your team is to arrive at the airport at 2200. Your flight will be leaving for the Grant airbase near the Tallahassee combat zone as soon as you’re aboard. Once you arrive at the airbase, you will be escorted by ADF personnel to your weapons cache, where your team will combine with Whiskey. Moritz, you will from then on be in charge of the mission.

Josh: Which is?

Quentin: The ninth advancement compound lost all communication with HQ last night at 2338. Until that time, there was no warning or distress call. However, since that time, we have monitored no functionality at all. The compound has been completely shut down, and no one has activated the emergency power operative.

Josh: What is the normal lapse?

Quentin: Less than four minutes.

Josh: Is it a reserved position?

Quentin: Hardly. Any of the eight techs based there were versed in the activation sequence.

Josh: Whiskey has our techs?

Quentin (nods): Two. Get them in, reactivate the power, and wait for ADF. Of course, to do that we expect you will have to eliminate whatever is there that shut it down in the first place.

Josh: Yeah.

Quentin: That concludes the briefing. (beat) On a side matter, expect an official reprimand from ADF for your lack-

Josh: Quentin, let me just stop you there. (smiles) I know you probably worked a long time to reach that rank. I know it’s a matter of pride for you, and I have no desire to tear you down or in any way embarrass you in front on my men. (beat) But when it comes down to it, Sorrason here could put a bullet through your head and no one would spare two thoughts about it if he claimed you were impeding his job performance. (beat) We’re not your men, your soldiers, or your lackeys. And next time, you will be prompt for a briefing, or I will have you brigged. (beat) You’re dismissed.

Scene shift. Ess and Caelyn are in a mall, shopping. Evening.

Caelyn: Thanks for inviting me along.

Ess: Are you kidding? I haven’t had a girls’ day out in… ever. This is so much more fun than shopping alone.

Caelyn (giggles/beat): I have a question.

Ess: Sure.

Caelyn: It might seem weird.

Ess: That’s okay.

Caelyn: I feel weird asking it.

Ess (laughs): It’s okay.

Caelyn (beat): Josh has been great. I don’t think I could have made it through all… all of this. It’s just, I don’t know if he’s… is he-

Ess: Is he hitting on you?

Caelyn (uncomfortably): Is that a weird question?

Ess: Not at all.

Caelyn: It’s not that I’m not flattered, or not even that I’m not interested. He’s a great guy; it’s just that I’m not really ready-

Ess: He’s not.

Caelyn: He’s not?

Ess: He’s not. About three months ago, his fiancĂ©e broke up with him. He was a complete wreck for awhile. The whole ‘all women are evil‘ bit. (beat) He’s almost back to normal now, but he’s no where close to starting another relationship.

Caelyn: Oh.

Ess (teasing): That make you feel bad?

Caelyn: Yeah. (realizing) For him, I mean.

Ess: Right.

Caelyn: For him, Ess.

Ess: Of course.

Caelyn: So he’s just being my friend?

Ess: Yeah.

Caelyn: That makes me feel better.

Ess: So when does training start?

Caelyn: Next week.

Ess: Are you nervous?

Caelyn: Yeah.

Ess: Do you want it?

Caelyn: Do I want to be nervous?

Ess: Do you want the job?

Caelyn: Yeah, I do.

Ess: You have to want it. It’s not easy.

Caelyn: I want the job.

Ess: I remember waking up crying after about a month of it, ready to quit.

Caelyn (surprised): Why didn’t you?

Ess: Gerrard and I talked for a long time one day.

Caelyn: He convinced you to stay?

Ess: He convinced me I wanted it enough. (beat) You have to want it, Caelyn.

Caelyn (quietly): I do.

Ess (smiles): Then you’ll be fine. We won’t be able to do anything like this for a few months, but you have my number. You have Josh’s number. Don’t hesitate to call if you need to talk.

Caelyn (smiles): Thank you.

Ess: Now, you have to do me a favor.

Caelyn: Anything.

Ess (holds up two pairs of shoes): Which of these would make you most jealous if you saw them on someone else?

Fade out. End Scene 1.

Scene 2: Airplane - Josh, Alec, Luke.

Luke: I need help.

Josh: Yes.

Luke: I mean, I need a good deal of help.

Josh: Yes.

Alec: We agree.

Luke: I bring this up because I need to know whether or not you two are in my camp.

Josh: In your camp?

Luke: In my camp.

Josh: Are we in your camp?

Luke: Are you?

Alec: We are.

Luke: Good.

Josh: Because you need help.

Alec: That’s what we do, Luke. We help.

Josh: Professionally, sometimes.

Luke: I’m being serious about this.

Josh: Well… stop.

Alec: We’re going to help.

Luke: I need to woo her back.

Josh: Woo her back?

Luke: Yes.

Josh: You need to woo her back?

Luke: Yes.

Josh: I don’t think so.

Luke: I do think so.

Josh: Okay, but let me tell you why you’re wrong.

Luke: I’m not wrong.

Josh: Okay.

Luke: I’m not!

Josh: Okay.

Alec: We’re in, Luke.

Josh: Let me tell you why you’re wrong-

Luke: Are you going to back me up or not?

Alec: He is.

Luke: I’m losing to a librarian.

Alec: Quite substantially.

Luke: Yes.

Alec: That’s why you need help.

Luke: That’s why I came to you.

Alec: Well, it’s about time.

Josh (dryly): ‘Cause we know what we’re talking about.

Alec (to Josh): You want to get on board?

Josh: Not really.

Alec (to Luke): He’s on board.

Luke: She doesn’t return my calls.

Josh: Maybe she doesn’t want to be your girlfriend anymore.

Luke: Josh-

Josh: Maybe she realized that she doesn’t want to be your girlfriend, but would rather be dating a librarian.

Luke (to Alec): I thought you said he was on board.

Alec: Give him a few minutes to buckle down.

Luke: This is important to me.

Josh: For me too, only not.

Alec: But we’re going to make it important, because we’re your wingmen on this.

Josh: Yeah.

Alec: Here to help.

Scene 2 cont. Shift: Ess and Caelyn driving.

Ess: Getting him to be serious is like pulling teeth. And he’s so ridiculously conceited.

Caelyn: He seemed nice.

Ess: That doesn’t count. He was drunk.

Caelyn: No, he wasn’t.

Ess: He’s arrogant, and flashy.

Caelyn: Flashy?

Ess: Yeah.

Caelyn: He was wearing an oxford and khakis.

Ess: I mean, we get along, but I can’t imagine trying to date the man. He’s like an insecure…-

Caelyn: Guy?

Ess: Yeah.

Caelyn: It sounds like you have a crush on him.

Ess: I do not!

Caelyn: Okay.

Ess: I do not have a crush on him. Alec is far too immature and… and-

Caelyn: Flashy.

Ess: And flashy. He is so not my type.

Caelyn: That must make it hard for you, what with having a crush on him.

Ess: I don’t! I don’t have a crush on him.

Caelyn: Okay.

Ess: I don’t.

Caelyn: Yeah.

Ess: We don’t have that kind of relationship.

Caelyn: You’re platonic.

Ess: Yes.

Caelyn: Like siblings.

Ess: Exactly.

Caelyn: You think he’s hot.

Ess: Yeah. No! I don’t. Caelyn!

Caelyn: I misspoke. I meant to say that you think he’s not gorgeous.

Ess (beat): You’re supposed to back me up on this.

Caelyn: I’m not going to see you for the next three months. I’m rather un-tethered at the present.

Ess: I do not think he’s hot. Alec? Ew. Okay? Not hot.

Caelyn: Okay.

Ess: Okay!?

Caelyn: Sure.

Ess (mutters): Think he’s gorgeous… for a barracuda, maybe.

Caelyn: You’re a few colors short of a rainbow, aren’t you?

Ess: Whatever.

Caelyn: Ten cents short of a dollar.

Ess (beat, then she giggles): Shut up.

Scene 2 cont. Shift: Luke, Alec, Josh.

Alec: No.

Luke: Why not?

Alec: Just, no.

Luke: Come on, we’d be in complete control.

Alec: Josh, tell him no.

Josh: I think it might work.

Luke: See?

Josh: The best part is that once we’re in jail, we can put a hit on Luke’s life for a pack of cigarettes.

Luke (sighs/frustrated): ADTE officers don’t get arrested.

Josh: You’re an idiot.

Luke: We don’t!

Alec: Okay, but his point still stands.

Luke: You got a better idea?

Alec: Than turning a ghoul loose in his apartment? Yeah, how about not?

Luke: Only to scare him. Then I’d-

Alec: Stop talking. Seriously, you’re psychotic.

Luke: You guys are supposed to help.

Alec: We changed out minds.

Josh: I didn’t, but I was never planning to help.

Luke: I’m losing to-

Alec: Yeah, you‘ve already lost. When the only option left is to beat up the other team’s mascot, the game is over.

Luke (beat): That’s harsh.

Alec: There are other girls out there.

Josh: Lots of homely ones.

Alec: And some not so homely.

Josh: If you’re lucky.

Luke: You guys are really no help at all.

Josh: Tell me about it.

Alec shrugs. Fade out. End Scene 2.

Scene 3: Gerrard’s ADTE office. Gerrard on the phone.

Gerrard: No. (beat) I don’t like him, Price. (beat) I’ve told you why. In fact, I’ve told you why more than a few times. (beat) Yeah, this really isn’t working.

Caelyn opens door and looks in. Gerrard smiles and beckons her to come in.

Gerrard: Look, I have to go. Find someone else. (beat) Either of us. (hangs up) Hey.

Caelyn: Hey.

Gerrard: You ready?

Caelyn: Not really.

Gerrard: You’re having doubts?

Caelyn: Just nerves, I think.

Gerrard: Because you don’t have to do this.

Caelyn: I know.

Gerrard (grins): I’ll still love you.

Caelyn (laughs slightly): I know.

Gerrard: Ah. Three months isn’t all that much. You’ll be out of there before you know it.

Caelyn: That’s what I keep telling myself.

Gerrard: Three months, and then you’re back here. After that, we can handle the rest on the field.

Caelyn (beat): Is it enough?

Gerrard: Is what enough?

Caelyn: Time. Is three months enough time so I… don’t shoot Josh again, or something?

Gerrard: You’re worried you won’t be ready?

Caelyn: Well… yeah, a little bit.

Gerrard: You’ll be ready. You won’t remember what sleep is all about, but you will be shooting straight. And at the right targets.

Caelyn (smiles): Good. I want to be ready, when I come back.

Gerrard: They make sure people in this line of work know what they’re doing. (beat) What happened with Echo… you guys never should have been there. People are losing their jobs over that.

Caelyn: Some people lost more.

Gerrard (quietly): Yeah.

Caelyn (beat): You think I can do it?

Gerrard: I wouldn’t have offered you the job if I didn’t.

Caelyn (nods): I think so too.

Gerrard: You won’t have a lot of free time, and what little you do get will probably be spent trying to recover from the day, but if you want to talk, I’m always here for you.

Caelyn (softly): Thank you.

Gerrard: You’ll be fine.

Caelyn (smiles and stands to go): The guys all left?

Gerrard: The guys?

Caelyn: Sierra’s guys.

Gerrard: Oh, yeah. An assignment in Tallahassee.

Caelyn: Tell them I said ‘thanks, for everything.’

Gerrard: Okay.

Caelyn: Don’t let mom worry about me.

Gerrard (laughs): I’ll do what I can.

Scene 3 cont. Shift to armored vehicle with Josh, Luke, and Alec (driving). It is dark outside, and void of plant life. Everything looks covered in ash.

Alec: I need to talk to you.

Josh: To me?

Alec: Yeah.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: Make him cover his ears.

Luke: Oh, come on!

Josh: Luke-

Luke: No! I’m tired of being left out of your little clique. You guys can trust me.

Alec: Can we trust him?

Josh (shrugs): Your call.

Alec (sighs): You breathe a word of this to anyone at the office, and Josh will send you off to Greenland.

Josh (impressed): Cool.

Luke: I’m not going to sing.

Josh (beat): Okay.

Luke (sighs): I meant-

Josh: Yeah, but it’s funnier the other way.

Alec: Not a word to anyone.

Luke: Not a word.

Alec: In fact, don’t even talk now. You can listen, but no interruptions. We don’t have a lot of time.

Luke: You really aren’t my boss, you know-

Alec: Josh, can I shoot him?

Josh: Yeah, okay. (beat) But then you have to file a report on it.

Alec: Well, forget that. (to Luke) Today you live.

Luke: I’m only going to listen.

Alec: Good.

Luke: Okay.

Alec: Keep it that way.

Luke: I will.

Alec: You better.

Josh: Can we please?

Alec: Okay. I don’t think I’m going to have a chance to save her life any time soon.

Josh: Whose life?

Alec (glancing at Luke): You know.

Josh (looks at Luke then back to Alec): I know it’s sometimes confusing, but he’s a dude.

Alec: Ess, you contemptible rat.

Josh: I thought we concluded you were wrecked on that front.

Alec: But you mentioned buying her a dog.

Josh: I did. I did mention that.

Alec: I’m worried it would be weird.

Josh: I would be worried about that, too.

Alec: I thought I could let it go.

Josh: You certainly gave it a valiant effort.

Alec: I’m going to ask her out.

Josh: Okay.

Alec: Should I ask her out?

Josh: You’re asking me?

Alec: No, Josh, I’m asking the mute in the backseat. (Luke rolls his eyes)

Josh: Yeah, ask her out.

Alec: Yeah?

Josh: You realize Amy dumped me?

Alec: Well, yeah, but-

Josh: You realize that I was engaged to this woman and she left me, and now you’re asking me for advice on women.

Alec: I do realize that.

Josh: And at no point do you wonder to yourself… how much of a loser am I?

Alec: So you’re saying I should stick with buying her a dog?

Luke (frustrated): Ah.

Alec: Excuse me?

Luke: I can’t believe I was actually asking you two for advice.

Josh: We couldn’t believe it either.

They pull up to a small bunker. Bryce Pellik is outside waiting for them. They park and exit the vehicle.

Bryce: Josh.

Josh (shakes Bryce’s hand): Bryce. This is Alec Wright and Luke Skywalker.

Luke: Sorrason.

Josh: Luke Sorrason.

Bryce: Nice. Come on inside and meet the team. We’ll move out as soon as you’re ready.

He leads them into the bunker. Fade out. End Scene 3.

Scene 4: ADTEO - Gerrard’s office. Gerrard is behind his desk, working. After a few moments, Ess knocks and comes in.

Gerrard: Hey, Ess, thanks for coming by.

Ess: It’s no problem. I’m not really doing anything. At all.

Gerrard (laughs): The dreariness of the mundane life?

Ess: No, I’m just bored. (they both grin)

Gerrard: I wanted to thank you for spending time with my niece yesterday.

Ess: I was happy to do it.

Gerrard: I know you were, and that makes me even more grateful.

Ess: I’m looking forward to her being part of the team.

Gerrard (nods): Well, anyway, Laura dragged me to the store yesterday, and I found this, and I thought it was too nice for anyone I know not to have it. (he hands her a small, wrapped box) Wait until you get home to open it.

Ess (touched): Gerrard, this is so sweet.

Gerrard: Try to have some fun this week, all right?

Ess (smiles and looks at the box): Yeah, okay.

Gerrard: I’ll see you on Monday.

Ess (stands to go, then turns around): Can I ask you a question?

Gerrard: Of course.

Ess: Okay.

Gerrard (after long beat): Ess?

Ess: Yeah? (Gerrard stares at her for a beat) Oh, yeah. Um, right. I was wondering… what would you think… (speaks very fast) do you think Alec would be freaked out if I asked him to dinner?

Gerrard (surprised): You and Alec?

Ess (quickly): No.

Gerrard: You want to ask him out?

Ess: What?

Gerrard: You just said-

Ess: No, I didn’t.

Gerrard: Ess, you just asked me-

Ess: What’d you get me?

Gerrard: I think he would be fine with it.

Ess: Who?

Gerrard: Ess.

Ess: You think he’d be fine with it?

Gerrard: I think he’d be pleased.

Ess (beat): Who?

Gerrard (sighs): Why don’t you just ask him?

Ess: I’m asking you.

Gerrard: And that’s a fine plan, except I really don’t know anything.

Ess (beat): I always thought of him more like a brother.

Gerrard: That could make the dating part weird.

Ess: Lately, though, it’s been different. He’s-

Gerrard: You know, I’m okay with my current level of ignorance here.

Ess: But I don’t want to ruin what we have if he’s not… where I am.

Gerrard: And where is that?

Ess (beat): I’m not really sure.

Gerrard: Might want to figure it out.

Ess: Yeah. (beat) Thanks for the gift.

Gerrard: You’re welcome.

Ess exit’s the office, then after a moment returns.

Ess: I’m sorry.

Gerrard: It’s not a problem.

Ess: I don’t want to seem pushy.

Gerrard: Really, I don’t mind.

Ess: I mean with Alec.

Gerrard: Oh.

Ess: I don’t want to seem forward.

Gerrard: No one thinks you’re like that.

Ess: Well, not yet.

Gerrard: Hadassah, listen: Alec adores you. No matter how he feels or how he responds, that isn’t going to change.

Ess: What if he feels differently about it than I do?

Gerrard (smiles sadly): Then you’re going to have to deal with it.

Ess (beat): That would bite.

Gerrard (chuckles): Yeah.

Ess: Okay. Okay, I’m off to do something fun.

Gerrard: Fun is good.

Ess (beat): I have fun here.

Gerrard: Go enjoy your vacation.

Ess: Okay. (smiles and exits after a moment)

Fade out. End Scene 4.

Scene 5: 9th Advancement Compound - Alec in darkened hallway with only dim lights on the walls. He is dressed in field gear, with dark clothing, gloves, a drawn handgun, and night-vision visor. When he speaks, it is through his com.

Alec: Is there anyway to knock out these lights?

Lily (over com): Why?

Alec: Too dim to rely on, and a bit too distracting through my visor.

Lily: They’re activated automatically by light deprivation sensors. They operate on a whole separate network. Can you deal?

Alec: Yeah.

He walks down the hall, stops and listens for a few moments, then fires three times in front of him; the shots are immediately followed by high-pitch screams. He fires again, and then begins to backtrack.

Alec: We got banshees.

Josh (over com): How many?

Alec: More than a couple.

Josh: I’m coming to you.

He stops moving and waits for a long beat, then rolls forward spins 180 degrees on his knees and fires at a banshee corporealizing where he stood. It takes the hits in the torso and falls to the floor screaming. Alec stands over it and fires two shot into it’s skull, and it goes silent.

Alec: One hostile down.

Behind him appears a second banshee.

Scene shift- 9th Advancement Compound hallways: Bryce, Luke, and Lily (field tech)

Alec (over com - gunshots): Requesting backup! There’s a whole nest of these things down here.

Luke looks at Bryce.

Scene shift - 9th Advancement Compound hallways: Alec is thrown into view against a wall from a perpendicular hallway, where he slumps to the floor. He raises his gun and fires at the rapidly approaching banshee that charges into view, then is blown off camera to Alec’s right side by successive shots. Josh enters via opposite side.

Josh: You all right!?

Alec (looks up and nods, Josh helps him struggle to his feet): Thanks.

Alec holds his left elbow tightly against his left side in a hunched over position.

Josh: How many?

Alec (nodding toward corpse): That makes three.

Josh (lifts right glove, showing the fingers to be bloodied): Can you keep going?

Alec: Yeah, it’s not bad.

Josh: Okay. Try and keep up. (into com) This is Moritz. Agent Wright and I are securing the area.

They slowly begin back down the darkened hallway that the banshee came from.

Scene shift - Bryce, Luke, Lily arrive at power node. Lily immediately sets to work.

Juan (over com): Bad news, boss. The western station is blocked off. Looks like something detonated here.

Bryce: Lil is taking care of it here. Juan, pull your unit to our position, so Sorrason and I can get to Moritz.

Josh (over com): Negative. Hold your positions until power is restored, then commence with e-vac.

Bryce: Josh, don’t be-

Josh: Hold until power is back, and then get out of here.

Luke sighs in frustration and he and Bryce exchange a glance.

Scene shift- Josh and Alec side-by-side firing down the darkened hall. The screaming gets louder, then stops.

Josh: Go.

They move together until a banshee comes through the wall on Josh’s side. He immediately turns and shoots off its right arm, which was clawing toward him, at the shoulder. Alec fires a single shot through its eye-socket and the banshee collapses. Screams erupt from the darkness.

Alec (apprehensively): Josh?

Josh (mutters): Forget this.

They each arm and throw a grenade into the dark in front of them, then rush back out the way they came in. The grenades explode, for a brief moment illuminating dozens of banshees grouped together, being consumed in a torrent of fire.

Scene shift - Outside 9th Advancement Compound: Lily, Juan, 3 others. Josh and Alec exit the compound doors, Alec’s right arm draped around Josh’s neck. Josh puts Alec down, and Lily begins to check on his wound.

Josh: Where is Luke!?

Lily (apprehensively): He and Bryce went to find you.

Josh stares in angry disbelief for a short beat, then turns around and goes back inside.

Fade out. End Scene 5.

Scene 6: ADTEO - Kevin, Janie are working.

Janie: It’s so quiet. (beat where Kevin glances up, annoyed) I hate it when they all leave. It’s so… quiet.

Kevin: It was.

Janie: Gerrard has been in there all day.

Kevin: It’s his office.

Janie: I know! Usually he comes out, and… talks… with us, or something.

Kevin: Or something.

Janie: Who do you think he’s talking to?

Kevin (pretends to ponder): Hmm. Probably Mr. None-Of-Your-Business.

Janie: What? Shut up.

Kevin: Gladly.

Janie: I think it’s Marshal Price.

Kevin: Is that from your deductive reasoning, or due to the fact you patched him through to Gerrard’s office three times already?

Janie: A little of both.

Kevin: Most people could have-

Janie: You’re old and your wife packs your lunches.

Kevin: And proud of it. (reaches for his phone)

Janie: Who you going to call?

Kevin: Ghost B-

Janie: Shut up. (Kevin chuckles)

Kevin (beat, speaks into phone): Follow up on item 48826. (beat) Has it been confirmed? (beat) Thank you. (hangs up)

Janie: I am so bored.

Kevin: I’m strangely okay with that.

Janie: This is like that time I made Mark watch Gone With The Wind.

Kevin: What?

Janie: We both hated it. I thought it was going to be romantic or something. Everyone died or was left alone.

Kevin: It’s a classic. What did you expect?

Janie: The worst part was how boring it was. So long, and… boring.

Kevin: Fortunately, you just saved me from asking a question I never would have asked anyway.

Janie: How come no one has called me today?

Kevin: Maybe they’re busy. Like, say, working?

Janie: Chumps.

Kevin (laughs): Why not take the rest of the day off? I’m sure Gerrard won’t mind. I can handle the office.

Janie: As if I’m going to leave you here alone. I’d come back and find the place burned to the ground or something equally disturbing.

Kevin: I was thinking sand in your desk drawers.

Janie: That’s amateur.

Kevin: For step one.

Janie: Right.

Kevin: Seriously, though, I don’t mind.

Janie: I’m- (phone rings, and she smiles haughtily at Kevin) ADTE Sierra, how may I direct- (beat) Alec? Alec, slow- (beat) Transferring you to Gerrard. (she pushes a button and then beckons to Kevin, who come over to listen from the speaker phone; the conversation between Alec and Gerrard)

Gerrard (over phone): Yes?

Alec (over phone, he is very excited): Gerrard, Luke is in critical condition! Josh and some of the others are riding with him in the med-transit. There was a nest in there! Banshees.

Gerrard: Alec, calm down. What happened? Is Luke stable?

Alec: I… I don’t know. The medics were working on him. Whiskey’s commander is down, too. They’re in bad shape, boss.

Gerrard: Alec, what happened in there? What went wrong?

Alec: There was a nest of them. I found them, and Josh and I burned it out, but there were too many. Josh told Bryce to take his guys out, but he and Luke came back for us. They were ambushed.

Gerrard: Pellik disobyed!? He disobeyed a direct-

Alec: Josh and some of the others went back in. We’re heading to Devlin Medical Center right now.

Scene shift to Gerrard in his office, talking on the speaker phone.

Gerrard (beat): Why not you, Alec?

Alec (beat, confused): What?

Gerrard: Why didn’t Josh take you back in?

Alec (long beat, sounds disoriented): I.. I’m kind of bleeding, and stuff.

Gerrard (runs a hand through his hair, and breathes deeply for a moment): Alec, are you-

Alec: I’m fine. It’s… I’m going to be fine. Luke is hurt.

Gerrard: Okay. Alec, listen-

Alec: We’re almost to the Center. They’re taking the phone, now.

Gerrard: Okay. Make sure Josh calls me-

Alec: He will call you when… I have to go now. Josh will call when he can.

Gerrard: Alec (beat as Gerrard steadies his breathing again)… make sure you let the doctors help you.

Alec: Okay. Okay, I have to go. I have to… (the phone clicks off on the other end).

Gerrard immediately leans back in his chair and lifts both hands to his face. There is a knock on his door and he drops his hands. Janie and Kevin look in, and he slowly beckons them inside.

Fade out. End Scene 6.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Just interested where you got the name 'Sorrasson' from.